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Letter to the Editor: Our government cannot continue to print and give away money

Letter to the Editor: Our government cannot continue to print and give away money

One last important question before the election: Is your checkbook balanced?

If so, you may be a conversationalist, or at least more than you claim. The definition of a conservative is someone who tends to save or conserve their money, is careful with their money and saves it for a rainy day.

A liberal is more careless with his money, spending it or giving it away whether he can afford it or not.

This is the main thing that separates the left from the right.

If you don’t pay close attention to your account balance, you’re most likely spending more than you make. You will run out of money for the important things. You have bad credit and may end up going bankrupt and losing your home or not being able to buy one at all.

Our government cannot continue to print money just to give it away to those who shouldn’t have it. Our deficit is higher than ever before (which means we have less in our federal bank than we spend). Think seriously about this problem: if it were your household, wouldn’t you do better? And try to remember how much better our economy was four years ago.

Memories help us see what once was, if you’re willing to admit it.

Greg Isaacson
