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The Live Oak Society celebrates donors to the College of Charleston

The Live Oak Society celebrates donors to the College of Charleston

Above (lr): Tap and Jean Johnson, Sibby Harvey, Charles and Judy Kaiser (photos by Reese Moore)

The College of Charleston Division of Institutional Advancement celebrated Live Oak Society members on Saturday, October 19, 2024 at Stono Preserve. More than 225 loyal CofC donors attended the family-friendly event, which included a Lowcountry boil and make-up. Your own candy apple station as well as fairy hair, face painting and embroidery.

This year, Live Oak Society members expanded to include donors who have given to the college for two years or more in a row. The highlight of the day, however, was the celebration of three donors who have given for 35 consecutive years or more.

Jean and Tap Johnson were celebrated for their 35 years of continuous support of the college. The Johnsons have had and continue to have a significant impact on the School of the Arts – particularly theater, dance and opera – men’s basketball and the 1967 Legacy Program. They have also donated to countless other areas of the college, including the Karen Burroughs Jones ’74 Alumni scholarship and the Cougar Club. In addition to being donors, the Johnsons have also donated time. Jean currently serves on the School of the Arts Advisory Board and the Board of Trustees. Tap is a former member of the Foundation Board and both Tap and Jean are former members of the Charleston Athletic Fund Board. The Johnsons were awarded honorary degrees in 2016 for their significant contributions to the college and its students.

Judy and Charles Kaiser were celebrated for 37 years of continuous giving to the college. As Professor Emeritus of Psychology, Charles Kaiser and his wife, Judy, are loyal supporters of the Psychology Department, including the Psychology Department Fund that houses the Kaiser Award. They also donate to programs across campus such as the Child Life Program and the Jewish Studies Program Annual Fund.

Sibby Harvey ’58 was celebrated for the monumental achievement of 41 consecutive years of giving. Harvey is one of the college’s most generous donors. She provides loyal support for everything from the Alumni Association to women’s basketball to Greek Life and Dean’s Funds. As a parent, grandparent and aunt of alumni, Harvey has made 506 gifts to the College of Charleston over the past 41 years. She was a member of the board of trustees; the Board of Directors of the Alumni Association, of which she was president; and the Board of Trustees, of which Emerita is Trustee. For her tireless commitment to the college, Harvey received the 2015 Alumni Award of Honor.

The College is forever grateful to its loyal donors. Your generosity allows the College to provide students with a more complete experience and take advantage of the College’s offerings.