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The Gollum film timeline of The Lord of the Rings allows for guest appearances from all 9 Fellowship members

The Gollum film timeline of The Lord of the Rings allows for guest appearances from all 9 Fellowship members

A timeline for the new Gollum-based game has been confirmed The Lord of the Rings film, and it brings all nine fellowship members within range of the film. Use of working title The Lord of the Rings: The Hunt for GollumThe film will be directed by Gollum actor Andy Serkis and will star him as Gollum. Screenwriter by The Hunt for Gollum Film, Philippa Boyens, confirmed that the story “falls after Bilbo’s birthday party and before the mines of Moria“and is a”specific part of an… untold story” (Rich). Therefore, the Fellowship could appear in the upcoming film.

As is well known, the companions of the ring included the hobbits, Frodo Baggins, Samwise Gamgee, Merry Brandybuck and Pippin Took. Additionally, the elf Legolas and the dwarf Gimli joined the community, along with the wizard Gandalf and the humans Boromir and Aragorn. The adventures of this nine-person crew formed the basis The Fellowship of the Ringthe first part of JRR Tolkien’s groundbreaking novel, The Lord of the Ringswhich was published in three parts. The Hunt for Gollum will examine events that occurred during this book.

The Gollum film The Lord of the Rings will take place partially after the founding of the community

The timeline of the hunt for Gollum will not extend beyond Moria

The Hunt for Gollum will take place between Bilbo’s group and the Fellowship’s invasion of Khazad-dûm, so the Fellowship will be formed over the course of the film’s plot. Bilbo’s party took place in the year 3001 of the Third Age. That same year, Gandalf first began searching for news about Gollum and asked Aragorn for help. Sometime between 3009 and 3017, Sauron captured Gollum, tortured him, and then released him. Aragorn caught Gollum in 3017 and he escaped in June 3018. The community was founded almost 20 years after Bilbo’s partyon October 25, 3018.

The Hunt for Gollum Timeline (LotR Appendix B)




Bilbo’s birthday party




Gandalf looked for news about Gollum and asked Aragorn for help


Gandalf and Aragorn renewed their hunt for Gollum

3009 – 3017

Sauron captured Gollum and tortured him

3009 – 3017

Sauron let Gollum go


Aragorn has captured Gollum


Gollum escaped




All trace of Gollum was lost and Gollum believed he had entered Moria



Frodo left Bag End




Council of Elrond, Community Meeting




The community left Rivendell




The community reached the western gate of Moria




There was only about three months between the founding of the community and their arrival in Moria – they reached Moria on January 13, 3019. Hence The film will span 18 years, with the community only being together for the last three months of it, but the film might compress the timeline. During their time together, the Fellowship left Rivendell, passed through Hollin, and attempted to traverse Caradhras before deciding to head to Moria. The Hunt for Gollum can show the Fellowship entering Moria with Gollum watching them. You can also show what the individual fellowship members did before they met.

How the Gollum movie can realistically use the Lord of the Rings companion characters

All companion characters could appear briefly

Boyens confirmed that the story of The Hunt for Gollum is told from Gollum’s perspective The Fellowship can appear anywhere it interacts with Gollum between 3001 and 3019 of the Third Age. Boyens confirmed that the film will take place before the events of the Mines of Moria. So when the Fellowship appears in Moria, it will be a short appearance. However, there are other moments between 3001 and 3019 when Gollum may have encountered a member of the Fellowship. In 3017, Aragorn brought Gollum to Mirkwood.

Tolkienian age

Event that marks the beginning


Total length in solar years

Before time




Days ago days

The Ainur entered Eä

1 – 3,500 Valian years


Years before the first age of trees (YT)

Yavanna created the two trees

Year 1 – 1050


First Age (FA)

Elves awoke in Cuiviénen

YT 1050 – YT 1500, FA 1 – 590


Second Age (SA)

The War of Wrath ended

SA 1 – 3441


Third age (TA)

The Last Alliance defeated Sauron

TA 1 – 3021


Fourth Age (Fo.A)

Frodo, Bilbo, Gandalf, Elrond and Galadriel sailed to Valinor

Fo.A 1 – unknown


In particular, Aragorn brought Gollum to Thranduil, one of the oldest characters in The Lord of the Rings Films. Thranduil was King of the Silvan Elves and the father of Legolas, making Legolas Prince of the Woodland Empire of Mirkwood. The paths of Gollum, Aragorn and Legolas crossed during this important milestone in the hunt for Gollum. On June 20, 3018, Sauron’s forces attacked Thranduil in Mirkwood, facilitating Gollum’s escape. The Hunt for Gollum might find this action-friendly sequence compelling as source material.

Which companion characters could get more than just a cameo in The Lord of the Rings’ Gollum movie?

Certain characters deserve a slightly larger role

Gandalf rides Shadowfax alongside Aragorn and Legolas in The Two Towers

However, all nine fellowship members could make a cameo appearance The Hunt for GollumLegolas, Gandalf, Aragorn and Frodo could play larger roles than the others. Legolas would likely be home in Mirkwood at some point during Gollum’s stay, making his appearance entirely possible. But It is Gandalf and Aragorn who led the hunt for Gollum in the book, and at least Gandalf is all but confirmed for the film. Ian McKellen confirmed that he was asked to play Gandalf in the film and expressed his excitement (deadline).


Warner Bros.’ second new Lord of the Rings film is very confusing following Gandalf’s confirmation

The Lord of the Rings has confirmed that Gandalf is set to return in two new films, but the second one’s premise and narrative are quite confusing.

Meanwhile, Aragorn was the one who actually captured Gollum, so the film can hardly be made without him. If Viggo Mortensen is not interested in reprising his role, The Hunt for Gollum could face a dilemma. Naturally, The script can easily produce material to replace Aragorn’s role in the story, but an adaptation as faithful to the original as possible would be ideal. Mortensen confirmed his joining Hunt for GollumIf [he] was exactly the right age for it [he is] now and so on. [He] would only do it if [he] was just right for the character” (GQ).

Since Gandalf will play a role in the film, the film will likely diverge from Gollum’s perspective at some point, since Gandalf didn’t actually get Gollum.

Elijah Wood’s Frodo Baggins also comes into play in Gollum’s story between 3001 and 3019. The birthday party that Boyens cites as triggering the events in the film is actually Bilbo and Frodo’s – They shared a birthday. Additionally, Frodo was visited by Gandalf over the next few years while Gandalf searched for news about Gollum. Since Gandalf will play a role in the film, the film will likely diverge from Gollum’s perspective at some point, since Gandalf didn’t actually get Gollum. Therefore, Gandalf and Frodo could certainly interact in the future The Lord of the Rings Film.

Sources: Rich, deadline, GQ