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I bought an unlimited Venice ferry pass for the family which is not worth it at all

I bought an unlimited Venice ferry pass for the family which is not worth it at all

  • I seek advice from others when I travel to new cities, but in Venice I felt misled.
  • Everyone I spoke to, in addition to people online, said I should buy a ferry pass.
  • Unfortunately, I thought it was a waste of $120 and didn’t think it was necessary at all.

When I visit a new place, I like to seek advice from those who have visited before.

While I was planning a family trip to Venice, many sources online and people in real life said that getting an unlimited ferry pass was essential. Because Venice is built around a series of canals, ferries are the city’s main public transportation.

Now that I’ve wasted over $100, I can say the passes weren’t worth it for my family.