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The Path to My First Voice: Finding My Voice as a First Generation Immigrant

The Path to My First Voice: Finding My Voice as a First Generation Immigrant

I am accept civic engagement as a first-time voter.

This essay is part of one Women & Democracy Multimedia package focused on Generation Z and student voters. The future that young leaders envision is bright – one based on reproductive rights, bodily autonomy, sustainability, nonviolence and economic opportunity. Discover essays, a brand new podcast, videos, and more from some of your favorite (or upcoming!) influencers and authors, presented by MS., Do somethingthe nonprofit organization that helps make volunteering “cool,” and The Anthem Awardsthe social impact arm of The Webbys.

I am one of the 8 million young people who are now old enough to vote in 2024.

Having been unable to vote for most of my life, participating in an election and casting my vote feels like a foreign concept.

When I was growing up, this new right seemed distant to me. I hadn’t given it much thought in my younger years. As a first-generation immigrant, politics or elections were never a table discussion. I remember my dad voting, but we never talked about why or how important it was.

It wasn’t until I noticed the inequalities around me that I realized the potential my voice could have on the ballot. Growing up in New York City, one problem I recognized was the unequal distribution of wealth across neighborhoods. I attended a high school that was located on a multi-lane highway, surrounded by gas stations and auto repair shops, and saw the impact of urban planning on the lives of residents. When high-income neighborhoods have more green space, parks, or better access to public transportation compared to low-income neighborhoods, this not only affects quality of life, but also health, leading to higher temperatures and poorer air quality.

Seeing the uneven investment in neighborhoods while many politicians touted laws and reforms as ways to bolster support for their campaigns rather than make a difference made me realize the importance of fighting for change. This is where my journey to voting began.

I’m also thinking about the issue of climate change, and while I know I can do my part to reduce my carbon footprint, it’s more important for politicians and the government to get involved. Most experts agree that governments, not just individuals or companies, have an important role to play in the fight against climate change. Therefore, investing in public transport, especially for a greener and fairer future, is essential.

Successful ballot measures were passed to expand funding for public transit – proof that our voice has power. In Kansas City, Missouri, an initiative was passed to continue funding for public buses, and in Boulder, Colorado, funding was secured to support broader access to public transit. This all shows us how important policy change is and that elections are about more than just who is at the top of the list of candidates.

Inspired to use my voice to change these issues, I registered online through my state’s DMV. You can also register in person, by mail, or in some states at your local polling place on the same day of your choice. Online registration may be the fastest and most convenient option for the states that support it. Here at, we have an easy-to-use online voter registration tool powered by TurboVote. I signed up and am now receiving text message updates to stay informed about election deadlines and early voting.

I also wanted to do more than just register and vote. I wanted to learn what causes candidates are committed to or who they support so I can support issues that are important to me. There are a variety of resources that I have used, from content creators to podcasts, TikTok and more. All of this made me feel like I was going to my local polling station for the first time and making a meaningful decision.

Empowering young women *and* young men is critical to restoring U.S. democracy. If you agree, Sign up for our daily or weekly emails to hear from (and join!) the intergenerational feminists shaping the future. Or Go back to the essay collection.