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Top 5 travel trends for 2025 according to vacation booking experts

Top 5 travel trends for 2025 according to vacation booking experts

Buzzwords and neologisms have increasingly dominated travel trends in recent years, and 2025 looks to be no different. Holiday booking website’s annual travel forecasts have been released, revealing several new travel styles that will dominate travel next year.

This includes rejecting the norms of expected travel based on age, gender or other stereotypes and using individual travel to encourage and encourage personal growth. Here are the predictions for the biggest travel trends in 2025 and where to try them in Europe.

Night Tourism: Celestial Events, Cooler Climates and Midnight Magic

As space tourism moves ever closer to reality, travelers will focus on building connections with the universe as they turn to more attainable astro-ventures in 2025. Over half of respondents are considering visiting darker-sky destinations, ditching the daylight crowds in favor of midnight magic. Star bathing experiences, star guides, once-in-a-lifetime cosmic events and constellation gazing are at the top of the list of star adventures.

Concerns about climate change have also influenced this shift: half of respondents plan to increase their nighttime activities to avoid rising daytime temperatures, and a third prefer to vacation in cooler places. The best places in Europe to try this trend include Iceland, Norway and Sweden for Northern Lights sightings, snow and low light pollution.

The Gate Escape: Airports become a destination and not just a stop along the way

Gone are the days of arriving “just in time” to avoid lingering in crowded lounges after security, as travelers reimagine their vacation start in 2025 to usher in a new era of airport entertainment. More than a quarter express interest in visiting a location because of its airport, with 57% curious about airports that offer more unique experiences or facilities.

But it’s Generation Z and Millennials who are likely to drive this trend. Of the two, 53% are interested in considering travel destinations based on their airport, rejecting stressed-out clichés in favor of indulgent experiences. Look for sleep pods in London Gatwick and Frankfurt, spas in London Heathrow and Helsinki, and a Michelin-star restaurant in Stuttgart.

Passport to Longevity: Travel experiences that contribute to a longer, healthier life

More than half of American travelers said they would pay for a vacation whose sole purpose was to extend their lifespan and well-being. Deep revitalization is a top priority, from body vibration and red light therapies to cryotherapy and stem cell treatment.

More than half are looking for new wellness activities to incorporate into their daily lives as they get back to a more balanced version of themselves, including learning timed coffee consumption and IV therapy. Europe’s top wellness destinations for 2025 include Austria and Switzerland for world-class spas and treatments.

Vintage Travel: Travelers opt for unique, used souvenirs

The vacation wardrobe will get a makeover in 2025 as trendy travelers become vintage travelers and hit thrift stores while on vacation to put together a more sustainable suitcase. More than a third of travelers said they would be interested in purchasing their vacation wardrobe during the trip rather than before. That’s 59% of Generation Z, while 55% would visit thrift stores on vacation and almost three-quarters have already shopped at vintage or thrift stores. Hand products abroad.

Undoubtedly influenced by both cost and climate consciousness; This shift isn’t just about style, it’s about staying smart. With 58% of travelers intending to be more frugal on their trips and 67% tightening their budgeting to maximize their experience, finding bargains and hidden gems at thrift stores will be a crucial part of the adventure in 2025 . To do this, travel to Paris to visit the extensive flea market in Saint-Ouen and Bilbao with its countless vintage shops.

SKI trips: Baby boomers spend money, not save money

Booking predicts that baby boomers will not go into a relaxing retirement, but will instead show the rest of the generations what living a “best life” is all about. “SKI” trips will increase – but not on the slopes – as parents and grandparents reverse their priorities by spending children’s inheritance (SKI) rather than squandering their savings. Two-fifths of parents surveyed would rather spend money on the trip of a lifetime in 2025 than leave an inheritance to their children.

There is also an altruistic side to this trend, as older relatives seek to distribute the money among their families and help younger generations through the cost of living crisis by financing their next vacation. While the majority of respondents admitted that their parents had already paid for their vacation or part of it since they were adults, baby boomers are expected to make an increase, with 77% willing to pay for their children and 81% who are They would also be happy to pay for their grandchildren when booking their next trip.