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Watch: Man blows playing card 33 feet in a single breath

Watch: Man blows playing card 33 feet in a single breath

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Oct. 21 (UPI) — The Idaho man who holds the most Guinness World Records titles at one time cemented his claim to the position by breaking the record for the furthest distance to destroy a playing card.

David Rush, whose number of concurrent Guinness World Records is approaching 200, said he believes it would be easy to break the previous record of 12 feet, considering he holds the record for the furthest distance by one Pea to blow broke at nearly 85 feet.

Rush said his mind changed when his first attempts at training failed to go beyond 6 feet, but he continued training until he approached the previous record.

He said the day of his official attempt began with several failures until he finally managed to blow the map 33 feet, 4.78 inches with a single breath, breaking the previous record by a factor of 269%.