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Disney’s planned “Prince Charming” film could represent a new low for live-action IPs

Disney’s planned “Prince Charming” film could represent a new low for live-action IPs

Have we reached the peak of the Disney prequels? News of a Prince Charming movie might be a bit much!

Disney’s live-action adaptations of its animated classics have been hotly debated among Disney fans. Some enjoy them, and they were a real box office hit. However, many feel that they fail to capture the magic of the original animated classics, and some (The Lion King) come off just awful in an attempt to make these stories “realistic.”

Disney is only stepping it up with the upcoming Mufasa, a 2019 prequel to The Lion King that explores the future royal character’s unnecessary origins. This would have been difficult enough in an animated version, let alone in live action, as fans didn’t like the film’s “photorealistic” approach to the property.

Now we’re getting another unique twist, as Deadline reports that writer/director Paul King will be helming a new film based on Prince Charming,…