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ACI Worldwide Study Reveals Real-Time Payments To Boost Global GDP By $285.8 Billion, Create 167 Million New Bank Account Holders By 2028

ACI Worldwide Study Reveals Real-Time Payments To Boost Global GDP By 5.8 Billion, Create 167 Million New Bank Account Holders By 2028

ACI Worldwide’s study reveals that real-time payments are projected to generate $285.8 billion in additional global GDP growth and create over 167 million new bank account holders by 2028. The report, conducted in collaboration with The Centre for Economics and Business Research (Cebr), analyzes data from 40 countries and establishes a link between real-time payments and financial inclusion.

Key findings include:

  • Real-time payments boosted GDP by $164.0 billion in 2023
  • Forecast GDP contributions will reach $285.8 billion by 2028
  • Aggregated net savings for consumers and businesses: $116.9 billion in 2023, expected to grow to $245.8 billion by 2028
  • Financial inclusion uplift is particularly significant in Pakistan, India, Philippines, Nigeria, and China
  • Significant profit opportunities for banks in various regions

Lo studio di ACI Worldwide rivela che i pagamenti in tempo reale si prevede genereranno 285,8 miliardi di dollari in ulteriore crescita del PIL globale e creeranno oltre 167 milioni di nuovi titolari di conti bancari entro il 2028. Il rapporto, condotto in collaborazione con il Centro per l’Economia e la Ricerca Aziendale (Cebr), analizza i dati provenienti da 40 paesi e stabilisce un collegamento tra i pagamenti in tempo reale e l’inclusione finanziaria.

I principali risultati includono:

  • I pagamenti in tempo reale hanno aumentato il PIL di 164,0 miliardi di dollari nel 2023
  • Le previsioni sui contributi al PIL raggiungeranno 285,8 miliardi di dollari entro il 2028
  • Risparmi netti aggregati per consumatori e imprese: 116,9 miliardi di dollari nel 2023, previsti a crescere fino a 245,8 miliardi di dollari entro il 2028
  • L’inclusione finanziaria è particolarmente significativa in Pakistan, India, Filippine, Nigeria e Cina
  • Opportunità di profitto significative per le banche in varie regioni

El estudio de ACI Worldwide revela que los pagos en tiempo real tienen previsto generar 285.8 mil millones de dólares en crecimiento adicional del PIB global y crear más de 167 millones de nuevos titulares de cuentas bancarias para el 2028. El informe, realizado en colaboración con el Centro de Estudios Económicos y de Negocios (Cebr), analiza datos de 40 países y establece un vínculo entre los pagos en tiempo real y la inclusión financiera.

Los hallazgos clave incluyen:

  • Los pagos en tiempo real impulsaron el PIB en 164,0 mil millones de dólares en 2023
  • Se prevé que las contribuciones al PIB alcancen los 285,8 mil millones de dólares para 2028
  • Ahorros netos agregados para consumidores y empresas: 116,9 mil millones de dólares en 2023, se espera que crezcan hasta 245,8 mil millones de dólares para 2028
  • El aumento de la inclusión financiera es particularmente significativo en Pakistán, India, Filipinas, Nigeria y China
  • Oportunidades de beneficio significativas para los bancos en diversas regiones

ACI Worldwide의 연구에 따르면 실시간 결제는 2028년까지 2,858억 달러의 추가 글로벌 GDP 성장을 생성하고 1억 6,700만 명의 새로운 은행 계좌 보유자를 창출할 것으로 예상됩니다. 이 보고서는 경제 및 비즈니스 연구 센터(Cebr)와 협력하여 수행되었으며, 40개국의 데이터를 분석하고 실시간 결제와 금융 포함 간의 연관성을 확립합니다.

주요 결과에는 다음이 포함됩니다:

  • 실시간 결제가 2023년 GDP를 1,640억 달러 증가시켰습니다
  • 예상 GDP 기여는 2028년까지 2,858억 달러에 이를 것입니다
  • 소비자와 기업을 위한 총 순저축: 2023년 1,169억 달러, 2028년까지 2,458억 달러로 성장할 것으로 예상됩니다
  • 금융 포함 증가는 파키스탄, 인도, 필리핀, 나이지리아 및 중국에서 특히 중요합니다
  • 다양한 지역에서 은행을 위한 중대한 수익 기회

L’étude d’ACI Worldwide révèle que les paiements en temps réel devraient générer 285,8 milliards de dollars de croissance supplémentaire du PIB mondial et créer plus de 167 millions de nouveaux titulaires de comptes bancaires d’ici 2028. Le rapport, réalisé en collaboration avec le Centre d’économie et de recherche sur les affaires (Cebr), analyse les données de 40 pays et établit un lien entre les paiements en temps réel et l’inclusion financière.

Les principales conclusions comprennent :

  • Les paiements en temps réel ont boosté le PIB de 164,0 milliards de dollars en 2023
  • Les contributions prévues au PIB atteindront 285,8 milliards de dollars d’ici 2028
  • Économies nettes agrégées pour les consommateurs et les entreprises : 116,9 milliards de dollars en 2023, devant atteindre 245,8 milliards de dollars d’ici 2028
  • L’augmentation de l’inclusion financière est particulièrement significative au Pakistan, en Inde, aux Philippines, au Nigéria et en Chine
  • Opportunités de profit considérables pour les banques dans diverses régions

Die Studie von ACI Worldwide zeigt, dass Echtzeit-Zahlungen voraussichtlich 285,8 Milliarden Dollar zusätzliches globales BIP-Wachstum generieren und bis 2028 über 167 Millionen neue Bankkontoinhaber schaffen werden. Der Bericht, der in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Centrum für Wirtschaft und Geschäftsforschung (Cebr) durchgeführt wurde, analysiert Daten aus 40 Ländern und stellt eine Verbindung zwischen Echtzeit-Zahlungen und finanzieller Eingliederung her.

Wesentliche Ergebnisse umfassen:

  • Echtzeit-Zahlungen haben das BIP 2023 um 164,0 Milliarden Dollar gesteigert
  • Die prognostizierten BIP-Beiträge werden bis 2028 285,8 Milliarden Dollar erreichen
  • Aggregierte Nettogesparnisse für Verbraucher und Unternehmen: 116,9 Milliarden Dollar im Jahr 2023, erwartet auf 245,8 Milliarden Dollar bis 2028
  • Der Anstieg der finanziellen Eingliederung ist besonders signifikant in Pakistan, Indien, den Philippinen, Nigeria und China
  • Bedeutende Gewinnmöglichkeiten für Banken in verschiedenen Regionen


  • Projected $285.8 billion additional global GDP growth by 2028

  • Creation of over 167 million new bank account holders by 2028

  • $164.0 billion GDP boost in 2023, equivalent to 12 million workers’ labor

  • $116.9 billion in aggregated net savings for consumers and businesses in 2023

  • Significant financial inclusion uplift, especially in developing countries

  • Substantial profit opportunities for banks in various markets


The ACI Worldwide study reveals significant economic implications of real-time payments, projecting a $285.8 billion boost to global GDP by 2028. This represents a substantial 74.2% increase over five years, equivalent to the labor of 16.9 million workers. The study also forecasts the creation of 167 million new bank account holders, indicating a major expansion in financial inclusion.

Key financial impacts include:

  • Aggregated net savings for consumers and businesses expected to reach $245.8 billion by 2028
  • Significant profit opportunities for banks, with Pakistan leading at $173.0 billion
  • In the U.S., savings from real-time payments are projected to quadruple from $1.0 billion in 2023 to $4.4 billion by 2028

These projections suggest a transformative impact on the global financial landscape, potentially driving increased transaction volumes and revenue opportunities for payment technology providers like ACI Worldwide. The company’s position as an innovator in this space could translate to substantial growth prospects as markets increasingly adopt real-time payment systems.

The study’s findings highlight a paradigm shift in global payment systems, with real-time payments emerging as a key driver of economic growth and financial inclusion. This trend presents significant market opportunities across various regions:

  • Asia Pacific leads in GDP growth and financial inclusion, with India, China and emerging markets like Indonesia showing strong potential
  • Africa, particularly Nigeria, demonstrates substantial economic benefits and profit opportunities for banks
  • Europe’s mandated shift to instant payments is expected to unlock growth across the EU
  • The Middle East is identified as the world’s fastest-growing real-time payments market
  • Latin America shows promise, with Brazil and Mexico among the top beneficiaries

For ACI Worldwide, this global trend could translate into expanded market share and increased demand for its payment technologies. The company’s expertise in real-time payment solutions positions it favorably to capitalize on this growing market, potentially driving long-term revenue growth and market leadership in the evolving payments landscape.

Real-time payments drive economic growth and bring millions into the financial ecosystem, according to ACI Worldwide’s Real-Time Payments: Economic Impact and Financial Inclusion report


Real-time payments are forecast to generate $285.8 billion of additional global GDP growth and create more than 167 million new bank account holders by 2028, according to a new report published by ACI Worldwide (NASDAQ: ACIW), an original innovator in global payments technology, in collaboration with The Centre for Economics and Business Research (Cebr).

Infographic: Real-Time Payments: Economic Impact and Financial Inclusion, Report ACI Worldwide

ACI Worldwide’s second Real-Time Payments: Economic Impact and Financial Inclusion report leverages data from 40 countries and reveals—for the first time—an empirical link between real-time payments and financial inclusion.

The research indicates that by providing citizens with access to affordable financial services, real-time payments drive economic growth and could potentially help lift millions of people out of poverty. Additionally, the associated financial inclusion uplift experienced by many countries as a result of increasing real-time transactions presents significant new revenue opportunities for financial institutions.

“Real-time payments act as a powerful catalyst for economic growth and societal transformation in modern, digital economies. They improve the efficiency of financial systems and ​enable greater financial inclusion,” said Thomas Warsop, president and CEO, ACI Worldwide. “This research demonstrates how payments modernization presents a win-win proposition for everyone, including governments and banks.”

Key findings

Economic impact of real-time payments

Real-time payments improve overall market efficiencies in the economy by allowing for the transfer of money between consumers and businesses within seconds, rather than days. They reduce transaction costs and formalize segments of the cash-based “shadow economy,” thereby increasing revenue opportunities.

  • Across all 40 countries in the study, real-time payments boosted GDP by a total of $164.0 billion in 2023 – equivalent to the labor output of 12 million workers.
  • Forecast for 2028: GDP contributions from real-time payments will total $285.8 billion – a 74.2% increase over five years, equivalent to the labor of 16.9 million workers.
  • Aggregated net savings for consumers and businesses: $116.9 billion in 2023 – predicted to grow to $245.8 billion by 2028.

Financial inclusion

The research shows a “positive empirical link between instant payments and financial inclusion.” Real-time payments are boosting financial inclusion, especially among three demographic groups: younger people (aged 18-24 years); women; and people in lower income groups (40% of the population with the lowest incomes).

  • By 2028, 167.2 million previously excluded from the financial system across the 28 countries studied for financial inclusion could have bank accounts.
  • Top five countries for financial inclusion uplift (number of newly banked citizens): Pakistan – 63.5 million; India – 25.5 million; Philippines – 20.9 million; Nigeria – 13.8 million; China – 13.8 million.

Profit opportunities for financial institutions

The phenomenal growth of real-time payments and the resulting rise in financial inclusion present a significant profit opportunity for banks.

  • The top five markets for profit opportunity: Pakistan$173.0 billion; Nigeria$40.4 billion; Philippines$28.7 billion; India$24.6 billion; China$21.2 billion.

Regional highlights

  • Asia Pacific: Asia Pacific is home to some of the world’s largest real-time payments markets, including India, China and Thailand. Real-time payments boosted India’s GDP by $50 million in 2023, making it the world’s largest market in terms of GDP growth. In Indonesia, one of the world’s top 10 fastest-growing markets, real-time payments are forecast to contribute $3.6 billion of additional GDP to the economy by 2028, 0.21% of total GDP. The region also boasts the top three countries for financial inclusion uplift: Pakistan, India and the Philippines.
  • Africa: As Africa’s largest real-time payments market, Nigeria is reaping the biggest economic benefits. Real-time payments added $7.0 billion to the country’s GDP in 2023, equivalent to 1.4% of combined GDP. Nigeria is also the top market for bank profit opportunities in the region, followed by South Africa, with projected profit opportunities for banks of $40.4 billion and $899.1 million, respectively.
  • Europe: Europe’s shift to instant payments, mandated by the EU’s Instant Payments Regulation, is expected to unlock economic growth and improve financial inclusion across the 27 EU member states. The EU aims to replicate the success of other countries in the region, such as Turkey, which is expected to generate $5.1 billion of additional GDP by 2028 due to real-time payments, followed by the UK, with an expected additional GDP growth of $4.0 billion by 2028.
  • Middle East: The economic and financial inclusion benefits of real-time payments in the Middle East—the world’s fastest-growing real-time payments market—are most felt in Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and the UAE. Saudi Arabia’s GDP is expected to get a boost of $1.1 billion by 2028, while Bahrain is forecast to have additional GDP growth of $677.6 million by 2028.
  • Latin America: In Brazil, the largest economy in the region, real-time payments contributed $24.6 billion to the overall economy – equivalent to the labor of more than 1.3 million workers. Mexico is in the top five countries worldwide for economic benefits of real-time payments, with a GDP boost of $10.3 billion in 2023. Colombia is expected to experience the biggest financial inclusion uplift in the region, with 5.1 million new account holders projected by 2028.
  • North America: The impact from real-time payments is already clear in the U.S., where businesses and consumers reaped more than $1.0 billion in savings in 2023 – expected to quadruple to $4.4 billion by 2028. The U.S. is among the top 10 countries with the largest projected financial inclusion uplift from real-time payments: 4.9 million citizens previously excluded from the financial system could have bank accounts by 2028.

“The research for the first time identifies a positive empirical link between instant payments and financial inclusion. As economies increase adoption of instant payments, reduction in transaction costs, enhancements to user experience and wider behavioural factors are directed linked to increasing the share of the population engaging with financial institutions,” commented Owen Good, Head of Economic Advisory, Cebr. “Specifically, we find that real-time payments adoption is expected to create significant benefits for individuals, the financial sector itself and the wider economy. Put simply, we continue to see that moving money in seconds rather than days rewards everyone associated with the transaction.”

About ACI Worldwide

ACI Worldwide, an original innovator in global payments technology, delivers transformative software solutions that power intelligent payments orchestration in real time so banks, billers, and merchants can drive growth, while continuously modernizing their payment infrastructures, simply and securely. With nearly 50 years of trusted payments expertise, we combine our global footprint with a local presence to offer enhanced payment experiences to stay ahead of constantly changing payment challenges and opportunities.

About Cebr

For over 30 years the Centre for Economics and Business Research (Cebr) has supplied independent economic forecasting and analysis to hundreds of private firms and public organisations. Our Economic Advisory team is one of the UK’s strongest and has advised government departments, as well as FTSE and multinational firms on a range of topics. Cebr’s Forecasting and Thought Leadership team delivers award-winning forecasts of the UK and global economies, helping our clients stay ahead of the game in anticipating future economic developments. For further information about Cebr please visit

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ACI, ACI Worldwide, ACI Payments, Inc., ACI Pay, Speedpay, and all ACI product/solution names are trademarks or registered trademarks of ACI Worldwide, Inc., or one of its subsidiaries, in the United States, other countries, or both. Other parties’ trademarks referenced are the property of their respective owners.


Nick Karoglou | Head of Communications and Corporate Affairs | [email protected]

Katrin Boettger I Communications and Corporate Affairs Director, Americas/Europe I [email protected]

Source: ACI Worldwide


What is the projected global GDP growth from real-time payments by 2028 according to ACI Worldwide’s study?

According to ACI Worldwide’s study, real-time payments are projected to generate $285.8 billion in additional global GDP growth by 2028.

How many new bank account holders are expected to be created by real-time payments by 2028?

The study predicts that real-time payments will create more than 167 million new bank account holders by 2028.

What was the total GDP boost from real-time payments across the 40 countries studied in 2023?

Across all 40 countries in the study, real-time payments boosted GDP by a total of $164.0 billion in 2023.

Which demographic groups are benefiting most from the financial inclusion boost of real-time payments?

Real-time payments are boosting financial inclusion especially among younger people (aged 18-24 years), women, and people in lower income groups.

What are the top five countries for financial inclusion uplift according to the ACI Worldwide study?

The top five countries for financial inclusion uplift are Pakistan, India, Philippines, Nigeria, and China.