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Bob Ferguson throws a typical tantrum when he is called to account for a crime

Bob Ferguson throws a typical tantrum when he is called to account for a crime

Gubernatorial candidate Bob Ferguson threw another tantrum as he was pressed about Democrats’ dismal crime record in Washington state.

In a rare session, Ferguson was interviewed by Washington Association of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs (WASPC) executive director Steve Strachan. The law enforcement group spoke with both the attorney general and Republican gubernatorial candidate Dave Reichert to address Washington’s worsening crime crisis.

However, Ferguson lost his temper when Strachan pointed out that the state’s crime-reducing policies “came from the majority party, which happens to be your party.”

“Give me a break!” Ferguson whined in response.

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Why did Bob Ferguson throw another tantrum?

Before the tantrum, Bob Ferguson claimed during the interview that he was tough on crime, which is obviously a deviation from the truth. But he eventually lost his temper while talking about the retail crime task force, which he was happy to tout as a success even though he introduced it only after Democratic policy created a retail theft emergency.

Strachan said not many would be impressed with the task force as the crisis stemmed from soft-on-crime policies.

“Give me a break! I’m just being honest,” Ferguson replied. “Look, we have 39 district attorneys prosecuting these cases, right? Most of them are Republicans. I’m sorry, give me a break. You can’t lay that… no, no, no, no. I won’t let you blame this on the Democratic Party. This is unfair and inaccurate.”

Except that it is both fair and correct.

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Yes, Democratic policies are responsible for the crime crisis in Washington

Retail thefts rose because Democrats’ prison depopulation plan targeted criminal suspects from going to prison. The younger the criminal, sometimes regardless of the crime, the higher the chance he will stay out of prison.

At the same time, Democrats and Ferguson implemented a plan to release level three sex offenders to less secure residential facilities in neighborhoods near areas where children congregate without alerting the community. Recently, the Washington State Department of Corrections announced that convicted felon and sexually violent predator Damion Blevins had removed his ankle bracelet and left town. He was later arrested in Oregon.

Democrats passed a ban on police vehicle chases. It gave thieves the green light to drive stolen cars into storefronts, loot what they could, and then drive off in another stolen car. They knew they couldn’t be followed. Then Democrats passed a law banning police from questioning juvenile suspects without an attorney, even if the parent or guardian gives consent.

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Nobody should trust Bob Ferguson when it comes to crime

Throughout the interview, Ferguson chose his words as carefully as a lawyer dodging a perjury charge. He tried not to anger the progressive anti-cop group he is courting while avoiding an outright lie.

“I don’t care who you are, if you commit a violent crime there will be consequences. That’s always been my position,” Ferguson said.

It’s a shame that his party doesn’t share this position. And what about non-violent crimes? Ferguson, as he subtly suggests, is not interested in the consequences for these individuals. That’s why Washington is drowning in crime.

Bob Ferguson’s angry fit shows how thin-skinned and childish he notoriously is. It was on full display during the first gubernatorial debate. He complained to the moderators every time Reichert denounced his lies and distortions. But do not confuse his tantrums with a noble passion with which he wants to make everything clear. He’s the one running a truth campaign and lying his way to the governor’s mansion.

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