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Tax cuts are nice, but we have to consider the costs

Tax cuts are nice, but we have to consider the costs

A few days ago I received a campaign mailer from my local Republican state representative. Well, technically I didn’t receive it, it was addressed to my fiancée’s former name Bo, which legally no longer exists – and even when it did exist, it belonged to a registered Democrat. This initially upset me a bit, not to mention that the candidate is a complete look-alike for my late and beloved Grampy, a proud IBEW union member.

The candidate in question has a 0% legislative rating with the Maine AFL-CIO, which, while not unusual for conservatives, still annoys me. But what I found really ridiculous was the headline of the mailing, which proudly proclaimed: “A new direction!” (exclamation points and all!) and right below it: “Cut state income taxes.” I rolled my eyes so hard that I… got a headache.

A Republican who wants to cut taxes? Not exactly groundbreaking material. This is what they have been focused on for at least 40 years. It is the party’s answer to virtually all social ills and problems it encounters. The economy is doing well? Reduce taxes! The economy is doing badly? Cut more taxes! Tax cuts are good for what hurts you.

I get my paycheck every two weeks. I had a total of $329.83 in taxes deducted from my last paycheck. Of that total, $110.38 is Social Security/OASDI. This is a federal matter, so our state representatives can’t do much about it. What else should I do and ask the government to remove what in many cases is the only financial support for seniors? A total of $25.82 goes to Medicare. This is also a federal number. Additionally, 66 million Americans, mostly people over 65 or with disabilities, are covered by Medicare, without which they would be ripped apart financially by the for-profit health insurance market.

Then $130.63 is federal withholding tax. Here, too, our local representatives can’t do much about it. And finally, $63 is deducted for Maine state tax. This is certainly within the scope of our legislature’s ability to cut costs. And of course, it would be nice to have an extra $63 in my paycheck every two weeks. But what would have to be sacrificed for me to keep an extra $63? State funding for my local school system? Medicaid coverage and reimbursement? The state police? (OK, I would like to reduce this budget.)

I also pay $81.46 out of this paycheck for my health insurance. According to the plans, it’s not that bad; I’m sure a lot of people have a worse premium. But if my job ends, even if it’s through no fault of my own, my health insurance will also be lost at the end of the month. And that’s what gets me. The government could reduce all of my income taxes and refund me the full $164.91 per week, and none of that would matter if I lost my job or my health insurance and then had a medical emergency. The reality is that $164 doesn’t mean much on a $100,000 hospital bill. I would much rather we pool all our resources to create a stronger social safety net for every citizen than cut taxes on people who already have more than enough money.

If you are someone who has enough money to never have to worry about paying for living expenses (housing, healthcare), or someone who truly believes that hard work ensures your success in life, a tax cut would be mine In my opinion appropriately desirable. But like most millennials, I’ve only ever seen employment as incredibly precarious. I was laid off in a 20% corporate cutback because profit margins were at risk, and I was laid off because I had to take too many bathroom breaks after having a kidney removed.

Do you know what came to the rescue in the few months between jobs? MaineCare. I qualified for MaineCare and knew that if something terrible happened, I wouldn’t be alone and completely uninsured. I want this for everyone. Taking that away isn’t worth $63.

Some people I talk to seem to take taxes really personally. Like they’re offended by the concept or something – you know, people who feel like the government is stealing their money. I don’t really understand it. Sure, it’s annoying. Sure, I would like more money. But we’re trying to create a society here. We all have to do our part. In addition, at least in government I can vote on who represents me and what these funds are used for. The same does not apply to the checks that I send to pay my mortgage, my utility bill or any other of my claims and fees.