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You have the money, we have the numbers – OpEd – Eurasia Review

You have the money, we have the numbers – OpEd – Eurasia Review

Authoritarianism has returned across the West – from Europe to the Biden-Harris censorship regime that would fit perfectly in Communist China.

I think many of us were surprised during the Corona crisis when we realized what the supposedly liberal West had become: essentially the Soviet Union, but with better uniforms – well, better video games anyway.

Of course, it took decades to develop – Covid simply showed its hand.

The question, as always, is: what’s next?

Whether good or bad, authoritarianism has occurred many times in history – it is a type of human standard. The original condition.

Humanity has a lot of experience with authoritarianism.

How did people protect themselves last time?

Evading Tyranny in the 1940s

An elegant example of this is the 1940s, when virtually the entire world became authoritarian socialist and then, as always, went to war.

And the correct answer depended heavily on where you were.

If you were in New York, you adjusted your stock portfolio.

FDR’s 52nd birthday party dressed as Caesar. The fasces at the bottom right is unintentionally fitting.

If you were in the UK you moved to the countryside and stocked up on canning.

If you were in Switzerland, you packed your travel bag in case the German army decided to fill out the map.

And of course, when you were in Germany, the only plan was to get out.

The problem is when to pull each trigger: When do you adjust the portfolio? Buy canned goods? Pack your travel bag? When are you finally coming out?

Each of these preparations involves costs. And the more successful you are – the more you have built or achieved – the higher these costs are. Moving your family, moving your business, changing your career to work remotely where you can support your family.

People wonder why people didn’t leave Berlin before it was too late, and these costs are the reason.

The good news is that the vast majority of us will stay and fight.

I mean, true patriots will always stay and fight. But these rising costs mean that even non-political people will struggle.

You will fight in proportion to the risk – because this also increases the costs. And they will fight in proportion to what they have built.

That is, the people who have the most to lose – the natural elite – are the most likely to stay.

In every election since George W., we have faced Hollywood liberals threatening to leave the country. You don’t hear influential people on the other side say that.

We stay.

The bleaker it gets, the better our chances are

And we should stay. Because I know I’ve made this point repeatedly in videos, but we will win.

Why? Partly tactical. They started their takeover too early. Because Covid fell into their laps and they were still a generation away from the brainwashing that would be necessary for a totalitarian takeover.

Instead, the people rejected it. Of course, the Covid state left behind dangerous remnants that will become malignant if not removed.

Still, it is astonishing – perhaps unprecedented – the extent to which a totalitarian regime, once installed, was almost completely removed. And the reason is encouraging: Because the polls were terrible – you may remember that Democrats came together as one shortly after Biden took office.

In other words, despite our shoddy electoral infrastructure, they are still afraid of the people.

What remains after Corona is an institutionalized left that has lost credibility with the majority. It’s overwhelmed, it’s completely lost touch with the people.

This loss of legitimacy means they are far weaker than they were pre-Covid.

And democracy is coming for them.

The moment of freedom

We are already seeing the backlash with Trump surging in the polls, Canada leading next year and European countries electing populists.

Even more encouraging is that rarely in history has freedom had so many benefits. Thanks to the Internet – with great support from Elon.

Of course, freedom begins with the advantage that man is not a slave by nature. Slavery is an unstable equilibrium. It’s fragile. I’m just waiting for the right push.

But that goes against authoritarianism’s natural advantage – it has the money. And money buys weapons.

It has the money because it seizes half of your earnings, uses it against you, and then prints out whatever else it needs at the central bank. It then uses that money to control the levers of society, from education to media to finance.

We have the numbers, they have the money.

The confidence in the collapse of the government of both parties.

What’s next?

When it comes to numbers vs. money, our numbers are growing quickly. Furthermore, the more they push, the more we grow magnificently.

This means that they only have two options: retreat and hold on with all their strength against the blow. Or keep pushing and they run out of power. It’s just a matter of time.

In the 1970s, the great economist Murray Rothbard noted that the entire freedom movement could be housed in a New York living room.

There are literally a billion of us now.

Forget a living room, we don’t fit into a state.

Meanwhile, their advantage – money – is collapsing before our eyes. Falling into crippling debt, jittery financial markets, the limits of inflationary printing and the moribund stagflation that always accompanies it.

In short: we are getting stronger. They become weaker. And the longer it takes, the more spectacular our victory will be.