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What are you reading this weekend? – October 18, 2024

What are you reading this weekend? – October 18, 2024

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My October TBR is out of control. All year long I’ve been putting holds on horror books that I thought would be perfect to read in October, and now they’ve all arrived at once. My dresser is overflowing with possible choices and I know more handles will be added soon. I plan on reading a batch of these during Dewey’s 24-hour readathon at the end of the month, but there’s no chance I’ll read through even 10% of my selections.

Well, there are worse problems than a lot of choice. I’m having a lot of fun choosing the titles I’m most excited about, and I’m reading more than ever to try to beat the times.

I’ll update you on what I’ve finished reading lately, but I want to hear from you! What did you read this week and what’s on your TBR for the weekend?

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