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One of the best FPS games on Steam is better than Doom, you must play it – Features

One of the best FPS games on Steam is better than Doom, you must play it – Features

The latest AAA games are more than enough to occupy our time, but there’s no denying that Steam has some hidden gems hidden away if you’re willing to look for them.

One game that I don’t think gets enough credit is a lightning-fast first-person shooter that could rival Doom in its violence and movement. Ultra kill – a game where humanity is dead, blood is fuel, and hell is full.

Watch the trailer Ultra kill below.

Ultra kill is a game in which players storm the levels of Hell as a murderous robot that could probably give Doom Guy a run for its money.

The goal is simple: work your way through the levels while destroying demons, collecting new weapons and purchasing upgrades along the way to dish out more punishment. What’s not easy is the gameplay. Ultra kill is a game that requires skill, especially when reaching some of the later levels of the game And Stumble into the secret levels. Boss fights in particular are hell if you’re not prepared, and they quickly reach the level of a Soulslike because you have to attack the boss again so many times.

The real difficulty lies in the speed. Combat is fast and standing in one place can quickly lead to your unfortunate demise, so constant movement is a must for survival. Imagine the ground is lava and try to stay in the air as much as possible.

New Blood Interactive

Then there’s the gunplay, the best part of the game, because the weapons you find and their upgrade paths are silly and crazy, like any good take-apart-hell game should be. For example, there is a Magnum that allows you to throw a coin into the air. Shoot the coin while it’s in the air and throw it at the nearest enemy at high speed – and you can throw more than one for extra damage. There’s also a pump-action shotgun that explodes if you pump too hard, which is handy for venturing off the map in search of secrets… There are plenty of weapons to find along the way, and ammo is unlimited , so you can go crazy with as many or as few as you want.

However, the most entertaining part of the game is undoubtedly parrying. You can deflect basically every attack in the game, and there’s one particular boss where that’s basically all you should do, and it’s a real spectacle when it happens. Parrying a projectile sends it flying back at the enemy, and you can even parry some of them your own If you use the right weapon, you’ll parry attacks at the exact moment you shoot.

It’s one of the few games that focuses on skill without it feeling like a punishment, as the levels are quite short and there are frequent checkpoints along the way, including one outside the boss arenas. The gameplay is always addictive and fun, and for those who master it quickly, there are plenty of secrets and challenges to overcome to keep things fresh. The backstory is also incredible and features top notch voice acting for some of the bosses.


New Blood Interactive

There are hundreds of first-person shooter games you can play on Steam, so that’s a good thing Ultra kill is not a game, it is an experience. From start to finish, you’ll feel engaged with the gameplay throughout, and if you’re really good at it, you can start destroying it in fun and creative ways, like the aforementioned shotgun that will take you into an out-of-bounds ——————— Limits cannon.

Ultra kill is unfortunately exclusive to PC and there is no sign of an Xbox or PlayStation port anytime soon. Still, I would recommend it to anyone who uses Steam regularly, and it’s even verified for Steam Deck.