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Abyss of Time – Colosseo Purgatorio Walkthrough – Persona 3 Reload Guide

Abyss of Time – Colosseo Purgatorio Walkthrough – Persona 3 Reload Guide

Colosseo Battle #2: Junpei and Koromaru

To begin the next battle, take the stairs from the dorm back to the Desert of Doors and go through the glowing door to re-enter the Colosseum. Junpei and Koromaru are waiting for you and are just as determined as Akihiko and Ken. They can’t be talked out of, so your strategy is the same: use buffs/debuffs liberally and hit them hard with your strongest physical and magical abilities.

It doesn’t matter which of the two you target for this fight, but Koromaru will try to instill fear into your party and follow up with instakill attacks, so it’s a good idea to take him out first. Both have a high counterattack that has a 20% chance of reflecting your physical abilities. So be careful if this causes you to suffer massive damage.

Junpei Iori

Junpei’s determination is as fiery as ever and he will hit hard with powerful fire spells and physical abilities. He also has the passive skill High Counter, which has a good chance of returning physical blows to you. Junpei has no weaknesses, blocks fire magic, and resists slashing damage.

Junpei can cast Marakukaja to boost his and Koromaru’s defenses, but otherwise sticks to Tempest Slash (multiple physical hits on multiple targets) and strong fire spells (Agidyne and Maragidyne). If he takes enough damage, he will also use one of his tough theurgies, so be prepared for that.


Koromaru is as impressive as he is still cute in this fight. He is arguably the more dangerous of the duo, as his combination of Evil Smile (causes fear) and Ghastly Wail/Mudoon has a good chance of instantly killing one or both of your party members on one hit. Having some homunculus in your inventory can help.

Koromaru has no weaknesses and blocks fire and darkness spells. Like Junpei, he also has a high counterattack that has a good chance of blocking any physical attacks you throw at him. Koromaru primarily goes on the offensive, using powerful fire and darkness magic (Agidyne/Maragidyne) as well as the Blade of Wrath, which deals multiple physical hits to multiple targets. When he starts taking significant damage, Koromaru drops Agidyne in favor of Inferno to deal even more damage.

Colosseo Battle #3: Mitsuru and Yukari

When you are ready for the third and final battle at Colosseo Purgatorio, go down the dormitory stairs and through the door to the Colosseum. Yukari and Mitsuru are the last two waiting for your arrival and are just as ready to fight as your previous challengers.

Yukari is the one you should focus on first in this fight as, like Ken, she can significantly heal herself or Mitsuru with Diarahan. Both are adept at using their abilities that cause problems for your party, such as confusion or second-guessing.

Mitsuru Kirijo