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Live: Palestinians burn to death after Israeli attack on Gaza hospital sets tents on fire

Live: Palestinians burn to death after Israeli attack on Gaza hospital sets tents on fire

Israeli attacks on the United Nations peacekeeping mission in Lebanon, known as Unifil, are “unacceptable” and violate UN rules, Spain’s Foreign Minister Jose Manuel Albares said on Monday.

“It goes against what we expect from every member state of the United Nations, which is ultimately an organization that protects world peace,” he told reporters before a meeting of EU foreign ministers in Luxembourg.

EU countries led by Italy, France and Spain have deployed thousands of troops to the 10,000-strong peacekeeping mission in southern Lebanon, which they say has been repeatedly attacked by Israeli forces in recent days. Israel has called on the UN to withdraw troops from the combat zone.

Albares said only the UN could order Unifil’s withdrawal.

Reporting by Reuters