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Movie Review – “Super/Man: The Christopher Reeve Story” stays with you long after the credits roll

Movie Review – “Super/Man: The Christopher Reeve Story” stays with you long after the credits roll

By Steve Younis

Powerful. Emotionally. Heartbreaking. Inspiring.

These are the words that come to mind when I think of Super/Man: The Christopher Reeve Story. I had the privilege of watching this documentary with my mother on Saturday morning and I can honestly say it was one of the most profound cinematic experiences I’ve had in a long time.

The documentary chronicling the life of Christopher Reeve is more than just a tribute to the actor who played Superman. It’s a raw, deeply personal look into his life, both before and after the tragic accident that left him paralyzed. Reeve’s portrayal of Superman had already made him an icon, but the film goes beyond the cape and delves into the man himself – the man who faced unimaginable challenges with the same strength and determination that his character embodied.

Christopher ReeveChristopher Reeve

Although the room was far from full, I could hear the audible gasps and emotional reactions of other guests who didn’t know Chris’s life story as well as I did. I doubt there was a dry eye in the room, and as I sat next to my mother, I know it left an indelible impression on both of us. From Reeve’s early life and career achievements to the heartbreaking moments after his accident, the film captures the highs and lows in a way that feels incredibly human. The footage of his advocacy for spinal cord injury research and the grace with which he dealt with his condition is beyond inspiring. His struggle to not only survive but thrive despite his condition leaves one in awe of his spirit. It’s impossible to watch without feeling a great deal of respect for the man behind the Superman suit.

However, the film doesn’t portray him as some kind of saint. I was impressed by the fact that they didn’t shy away from his mistakes and failures. The interviews with his three children, Gae Exton (the mother of his two eldest children), as well as friends and colleagues (such as Glenn Close, Whoopi Goldberg, Susan Sarandon and many others) were instrumental in giving us an unbiased view of the world provide who Chris was to different people and what relationships he had with them, both before and after his accident.

Christopher Reeve's childrenChristopher Reeve's children

There were moments when I wiped away tears, especially when I saw the impact Reeve had on those around him – his family, his friends and the countless people he inspired through his activism. The relationship between Chris and Robin Williams was particularly heartbreaking. Watching the documentary with my mother made it even more emotional, especially considering I witnessed my own father’s death less than five years ago.

The film doesn’t shy away from the harsh truths, and that’s what makes it so effective. Reeves’ life after the accident was anything but easy and the documentary doesn’t sugarcoat the reality of his struggles. But it is this honesty that makes his story so inspiring. It is a testament to the strength of the human spirit and the power of hope, even in the face of the darkest circumstances.

Christopher ReeveChristopher Reeve

After the credits rolled, we sat in silence, taking in the weight of the film. It’s one of those films that stays with you long after you leave the cinema. It’s not just the biography of an actor – it’s a story of perseverance, courage and the enduring belief that we are all capable of extraordinary things, no matter what obstacles life throws at us. Especially when we have the love of family and friends to get us through it all.

The documentary is also a loving tribute to Dana Reeve, Christopher’s wife and mother of his youngest son, Will. If there is a true heroine in this story, it is Dana. After meeting her briefly at a spinal cord injury forum in Sydney, Australia, in early 2003, I had no small admiration for Dana and the love and devotion she showed not only to her husband, but to all three children. She was an amazing woman and her death, 18 months after Chris’s death, is dealt with in a truly touching way.

Dana and Christopher ReeveDana and Christopher Reeve

Whether you’re a fan of Superman: The Movie or Christopher Reeve himself, Super/Man: The Christopher Reeve Story is a must-watch. But even if you’re unfamiliar with his work, this film will resonate with anyone who’s ever faced adversity. It is a powerful reminder that true strength is not just about physical strength, but also about the strength of heart and mind.

This documentary left an indelible impression on me, and I am sure it will leave a lasting impression on everyone who sees it. Christopher Reeve will forever be remembered as Superman, not only for his role in the films, but also for the heroic life he led off-screen.