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Avoid this visa mistake that almost ruined my trip, warns travelers

Avoid this visa mistake that almost ruined my trip, warns travelers

  • I travel often, but my last trip to Vietnam was the first time I had problems entering a country.
  • I was refused entry because my middle name wasn’t listed on my visa, but it was on my passport.
  • I was able to purchase an emergency visa because I had cash on hand.

After spending 33 hours traveling from Phoenix to Dallas to Tokyo to Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, I was exhausted but also excited to finally reach my destination.

It had been six months since I last visited Vietnam and I was looking forward to exploring new cities in the beautiful country.

After disembarking, I went to the passport control area with my passport and a printout of the visa I had applied for and received about six weeks earlier.

When I arrived at the front, I handed over my two documents and waited for the inevitable stamp of approval. Instead, the employee gave it back to me and said, “Rejected.”

I was so confused – I have traveled to 46 countries and have never had a problem entering any of them before.

After bouncing around the airport and waiting in line, I found an agent who checked my documents to tell me what the problem was.

It turned out that the two documents didn’t match: my middle name was on my passport but not on my visa.

I couldn’t believe that such a small mistake would cost me

A view of the skyline of Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.

When the author landed in Ho Chi Minh City, she was unable to leave the airport.

Prasit Rodphan / Shutterstock

Visa applications can be rejected if your name doesn’t match the one on your passport, and this discrepancy was lost on me.

The agent told me I had two options: I could fly back to Japan, where I had just arrived, or I could pay for a “very, very expensive” emergency visa.

I knew that flying back to Japan wasn’t an option since I would be taking a river cruise from Vietnam in less than 12 hours. So I chose the latter.

I breathed a sigh of relief when I learned that my new visa would cost $130 – I was expecting it to cost much more. But I panicked again when I pulled out my credit card and the employee told me they only accepted cash.

I found a few $20 bills in my pocket. After a stressful wait, I received my new visa and was able to set off.

I learned two valuable travel lessons that I will never forget

I still don’t understand how my visa application was even approved – I had to submit a photo of my passport to get it – but now I know I have to be extra vigilant.

Later I also realized why I had forgotten to give my middle name: there was no special place marked for it on the electronic visa application.

The form says “first name” and “last name”. I didn’t think to put my middle name in the same place as my first name because I’m used to seeing a separate place for it on applications.

However, from now on I will remember that the names in the passport and the visa must match perfectly, down to the smallest detail – even if the application does not ask for it in the way you would expect.

I’m glad I was able to continue my trip and will never travel again without money for emergencies. Cash is still the be-all and end-all in most places, and I’m lucky that this mistake only cost me a few bills and a few hours.