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Dear Abby: One of my friend’s ex-wives likes to stir things up

Dear Abby: One of my friend’s ex-wives likes to stir things up

DEAR ABBY: I’m dating an older man who has two ex-wives. I met both of them. I don’t mind. The last ex-wife and I get along. She usually calls me because he doesn’t answer the phone for her. The first ex-wife I don’t like at all (I always talked to her) because she lied to me about him.

One of the things this woman does is have her kids call and tell him to call her (which he sneaks around to do). She talks to him about two of her children (supposedly his) and has cheated on him several times. Whenever we see them, which is usually at one of the kids’ houses, he or she runs to hug the other one. I think this is very wrong and I said something to him twice.

Am I wrong? Am I jealous? He says they don’t want to be together, they are just friends, but I don’t trust her. I feel like she’s trying to cause trouble. (Not to mention that one of the kids remarked, “If mom wanted him back, she could take him back.”) I respect your opinion. Please help me. – Am I right or wrong?

LOVE TRUE OR FALSE: Many divorced couples try to work things out amicably for the sake of their children. Your twice-married boyfriend could be one of them. If you trust his words, his first ex-wife is unlikely to destroy your relationship unless your insecurities allow it. If you can’t trust this man’s word, you should no longer be together. What the boy said didn’t improve the situation. Please do not let this cause problems in your relationship with your father.