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JD Vance plays attack dog for Trump, weathers scrutiny as VP nominee

JD Vance plays attack dog for Trump, weathers scrutiny as VP nominee

Lori Meibers remembers a young JD Vance who was curious about everything.

Meibers, his mother’s sister affectionately known as “Aunt Wee,” said Vance was a bright kid who always had his nose in a book. Even as a baby growing up in Middletown, she said, Vance’s Papaw nicknamed him “Fingers” because he wanted to touch and explore everything. That curiosity sparked ambition, a drive to propel himself to the Marines Corps, Yale Law School and eventually the U.S. Senate.

When Vance texted Meibers to announce he would be former President Donald Trump’s running mate, she wasn’t all that surprised.

“He’s young, he’s bright, he thinks outside the box,” she said. “He’s not one of these guys who will just follow suit because this is the way it’s been done for generations and generations.”