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DVIDS – News – US Army Garrison Wiesbaden trains first responders – Makes the garrison safer!

DVIDS – News – US Army Garrison Wiesbaden trains first responders – Makes the garrison safer!

WIESBADEN, GERMANY – Last September, the U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden organized and conducted first aid training in collaboration with the Red Cross Wiesbaden. USAG Wiesbaden trains or refreshes the knowledge of around 200 first responders in around 17 courses every two years.

The German Occupational Safety and Health Act requires that 5% of the local workforce in administrative and commercial companies to which the US Army Garrison Wiesbaden is assigned must be certified as first responders.

“The first aid training consists of a first aid course,” says Hartwig Knorr, security specialist in the garrison security office. To remain a first responder, you must complete a refresher course at least every two years. The costs are even covered by German accident insurance.

The effort is worth it because these first responders are the ones who can provide first aid to accident victims before paramedics or emergency services arrive. Be it a hornet sting at the CDC, a gardener falling off a ladder while trimming trees, or a traffic accident.
How long does the training last and what does it include?

The training consists of a theoretical and a practical part. There are a total of nine teaching units, each lasting 45 minutes. In the practical part, participants learn, among other things:

• how to secure an accident scene
• how to properly make an emergency call
• How to carry out a rescue from a danger area
• Wounds and injuries are treated
• Immediate measures such as the recovery position and cardiopulmonary resuscitation
• How to deal with joint injuries, broken bones, hot and cold injuries, burns, chemical burns and poisoning

Overall, this training makes the garrison safer.

And you – do you know what information an emergency call must contain?
• Where – did something happen?
• What happened?
• How many people are involved?
• What – injuries?
• Wait – for any additional questions!

Date taken: October 21, 2024
Date of publication: Oct 21, 2024 10:08
Story ID: 483537

Web views: 2
Downloads: 0


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What’s new and what to watch for in the upcoming ACA enrollment period?

What’s new and what to watch for in the upcoming ACA enrollment period?

It’s that time of year again: The annual open enrollment season for health insurance under the Affordable Care Act is beginning in most states November 1st and lasts until January 15th.

Current participants who do not update their information or select an alternative will automatically be reinstated to their current plan or, if that plan is no longer available, to a plan with similar coverage.

Last year saw a record number of around 21 million people. This time, consumers will notice that some things have changed.

Don’t fall for advertising scams

While some health insurance companies offer small gift cards or other incentives to encourage participation in wellness activities, they would not offer cash cards worth thousands of dollars per month to help with groceries, gas or rent. Yet social media and online sites are awash with such promises.

Such advertisements are among the opportunities allegedly used by unscrupulous brokers who purchase or switch plans without consumers’ explicit consent. according to a lawsuit filed in Florida.

Also, be careful about the websites you use to search for insurance coverage.

Type “Obamacare” or “cheap health insurance” into a search engine, and private sector sponsored websites that are not affiliated with the official state or federal government marketplaces for ACA insurance often appear first.

Even though they try to look official, they are not. Many of these sites offer a variety of options, including non-ACA coverage with limited benefits. A 2023 Secret Shopper study found that such non-ACA coverage would not be eligible for federal subsidies to help consumers pay premiums.

The fine print on some websites states that consumers who provide personal information automatically consent to be contacted by sales representatives via telephone calls, emails, text messages or automated systems with pre-recorded messages.

When exploring plans, always start with the official federal marketplace website.

Even if you don’t live in one of these areas 29 states are served by the federal marketplace. On the website, you will find a link to your official registration page when you select your state or the District of Columbia from a drop-down list. Federal and state marketplaces also have call centers and other opportunities to receive enrollment assistance. For example, the Find Help Local link on allows consumers to find helpers or sales representatives in their area.

Is it real insurance?

Another cause for concern: Regulators are seeing an increase in consumer complaints about health insurance offerings that require consumers to join a limited liability company or otherwise certify that they work for a particular company. In fact, at least two states – Maryland And Maine — have warned that instead of comprehensive ACA coverage, it often involves non-ACA products that amount to, for example, a hodgepodge of discount cards or limited compensation plans. This type of plan pays a flat amount—for example, $50 for a doctor’s visit or $1,000 for a hospital stay—and is intended to support, not replace, more comprehensive coverage.

“Unlike large health insurance plans, some of these self-funded plans only cover preventative services such as an annual exam or annual health screening,” the Maine Bureau of Insurance alert said.

Premiums could be higher… and other new things

Some insurers will reduce premium rates for 2025, but many others will increase them.

Although the final numbers are still being determined, experts estimate an average increase in premiums of 7%. According to an analysis by KFF, a nonprofit health information organization that includes KFF Health News. Most people who get ACA insurance will be eligible for a subsidy to cover premiums, which likely offsets much of the increase, although the higher cost means the government will pay more for these subsidies.

Rising healthcare costs – including for hospital care and the new class of weight-loss drugs – are contributing to this increase.

Some other changes in this open season:

  • People often called “Dreamers” because they qualify for the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals — a federal program that provides some protections to people brought to the country as children without proper immigration documents — can Enroll in ACA insurance now and be eligible for subsidies.
  • Short-term plans that are not technically ACA coverage and are not subject to the benefit rules and pre-existing benefit protection rules may be issued coverage for a maximum of four months under a Biden administration action that went into effect with plans starting September 1. It rolls back a Trump administration rule that relaxed requirements to allow insurers to offer up to 364 days of coverage and gave insurers the option to extend policies for up to two additional years. This is not the case for existing plans and those issued before September 1st fall under the new rules. But consumers who have relied on the longer periods need to review the details of their plans and consider enrolling in an ACA plan instead to avoid having their short-term plan expire at the beginning or mid-year and potentially leaving them for will not be able to obtain any other insurance coverage for the remainder of the year.

The registration process may also take longer

Federal regulators have struggled with a growing number of complaints this year – 200,000 in the first six months alone – Consumers who were enrolled in or switched from ACA plans without their express permission by agents seeking commissions.

To thwart such efforts, they have introduced new rules.

What does this mean for most consumers? If you’re working with a new broker – one who isn’t already listed on your ACA plan – you’ll likely need to have a three-way conversation with the federal marketplace to confirm that you’re actually giving that broker permission to make changes to your policy for the coming year Year. Please allow for this to take additional time. No one knows how busy call lines will be during open enrollment.

You don’t have to use a broker to register. However, because it’s challenging to wade through the dozens of options on the market, most people actually seek help. Consumers must weigh not only the monthly premium cost, but also differences in deductibles and copays for things like doctor visits, hospital stays and medications.

Shop around

Experts say that when choosing a plan, you should also consider whether the network includes the doctors and hospitals you normally see and whether the formulary covers your prescription medications and how much they charge for them.

To make comparisons easier, rules took effect two years ago that require insurers to offer some “standardized plans” as options, all of which must have the same deductibles and costs for things like doctor’s visits, emergency room visits and other consumer cost-sharing.

Still, many people have dozens of options available to them, which can be daunting.

However, one piece of advice remains: whether you’re signing up for the first time or already have a plan, it’s always worth shopping around. Even if you don’t change your plan, you can make sure the plan you have is still your best option.

In most states, consumers must enroll by December 15th to receive coverage that begins January 1st. Note in Idaho, where open enrollment begins earlier – October 15th – but also ends earlier, ending December 15th. In California, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island and the District of Columbia residents have until January 31 to register.

This story was published on October 8, 2024 by KFF Health News. It is republished with permission.

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10 critical signs It’s time to outsource your IT management

10 critical signs It’s time to outsource your IT management

At some point, every company comes to a crossroads where management decides It is IT operations will too expensive, too complicated or too distracting from the core goals. Outsourcing IT management can be the most efficient way to maintain control of technology while accessing the expertise necessary to remain competitive. Identify the right time to take this step is crucial– before technical problems impact your operations or bottom line. Here are 10 Sign It is It’s time to act now.

How rapid growth affects your IT management

As companies grow, they face several technical challenges that can hinder their growth trajectory:

  • Increased resource requirements: Rapid growth often leads to an increase in demand for IT resources, including servers, storage, and networking functions. Traditional on-premises solutions may not be able to keep up with this demand.
  • Complexity in infrastructure management: Managing a growing IT infrastructure can become increasingly complex. Organizations can face difficulties In Ensuring uptime, managing security and integrating new technologies.
  • Need for speed in implementation: The ability to implement The rapid deployment of new technologies is crucial to remain competitive. However, internal IT teams can become overwhelmed with existing responsibilities, leading to delays in delivery.

Many companies are faced with these challenges consider IT outsourcing as a viable solution. By working with external service providers, companies can effectively meet their growing IT needs without having to deal with the burden of internal administration. But how do you know if It is Is the right time to outsource?

10 characters It is It’s time to outsource your IT management

1. High IT spending

If your organization Is expenditure excessive If you want to maintain an in-house IT department, it may be time to explore outsourcing options. Outsourcing can often be more cost-effectiveThis means you only pay for the services you need, without the overhead costs associated with full-time employees.

With models like IT as a service (ITaaS) companies can Use on-demand IT resourceswhich helps avoid unnecessary expenses while ensuring they only pay for the services they use. This flexibility can significantly reduce operating costs Despite it Providing access to essential IT functions.

In 2020, 75%of companies relied on ITaaS for more than half of their IT Department Features.

2. Inability to keep up with growth

Rapid organizational growth can put a strain on existing IT resources. If your current If the team is struggling to cope with increasing demands or lacks the necessary skills, outsourcing can help Flexibility and expertise are required to scale effectively.

3. Distraction from core business goals

When IT management distracts from your primary business goals, It is a sign that outsourcing could ease this burden. By delegating IT tasks you can Refocus your internal resources in strategic core business initiatives.

4. Complex regulatory requirements

Companies facing complex compliance issues can benefit from outsourced IT services who specialize in compliance with legal regulations. These providers can guarantee this Your systems meet the required standards without overwhelming your internal team.

At least 20 countries (excluding EU member states) have introduced data protection laws that are very similar to the GDPR. Additionally, 60%from individuals Who are People who are aware of data protection laws perceive them positively.

5. Need for 24/7 support

If Your business needs 24/7 IT support, Outsourcing is often the most practical solution. Managed service providers can offer ongoing monitoring and support to ensure this that yours Systems are always ready for operation.

6. Access to the latest technology

Outsourcing makes it possible for companies Leverage cutting-edge technology without incurring high upfront costs. This access can provide a competitive advantage by keeping your systems current and efficient.

Additionally, the use of Data Center as a Service (DCaaS) enables companies to introduce advanced data management solutions without the need to invest with costly infrastructure upgrades. By outsourcing these services Your company can benefit from the latest technologies and innovationsto ensure its IT systems remain robust and competitive.

7. Frequent downtime

Regular system failures can significantly impact productivity and revenue. If your company experiences frequent downtime, it may be time to seek outside expertise that can Improve system reliability and performance.

13%of small and medium-sized companies not feel that their organization is prepared for unexpected downtime.

8. Overwhelmed internal IT staff

If your internal IT team is stretched thin and struggling to manage daily routines Also Outsourcing can help when planning future projects additional resources and expertise to relieve this pressure.

9. Recurring IT problems

If you are struggling with the same technical issues repeatedit may indicate this Your internal team lacks the necessary skills or resources to solve them effectively. Outsourced IT services can bring new perspectives and expertise to address persistent problems.

10. Increased security threats

Gardener predicts that by 2025, around 30% of organizations responsible for critical infrastructure will suffer a security breach.

As cyber threats continue to exist escalate, have A robust IT security strategy is essential. Outsource your IT management Improve your cybersecurity posture through access to advanced technologies and dedicated security experts Who are Stay up to date on the latest threats and defenses.

When should you use IT management outsourcing?

For companies with rapid growth and technology needs, knowing when to outsource IT management is critical. The signs described in this article highlight the need for timely measures to effectively address these challenges. By leveraging outsourcing solutions such as ITaaS and DCaaS, companies can make progress her Operational efficiency while ensuring robust cloud data security.

Act now to put your company on the road to success –Outsource your IT management today and focus on achieving your strategic goals without being burdened with technical problems.

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Save up to 79% on Hostinger web hosting and get 3 free months for a limited time

Save up to 79% on Hostinger web hosting and get 3 free months for a limited time

A website is a great way to expand your business and let people know about your services. However, hosting services can be expensive and designing a website can take some time. That’s why it’s a good idea to grab Hostinger’s limited-time Black Friday deals that can Save up to 79% about some of the company’s best plans and packages. Hostinger is also offering 3 free months on offer just in time for the holidays. There are some terms and conditions that apply to this, but we’ll explain all of them below so you can take advantage of these discounts.

Hostinger currently offers three discounted plans, each containing several tools to help you create and host a website. For these plans, you must purchase a 48-month term and book an additional 3 free months. The Premium plan is 79% off, offers the biggest discount and only costs $2.49 per month. It offers a free domain, 100GB storage, free email, weekly backups, and more. Once the plan renews, it will go back to $7.99. If you need a plan that offers more features, the Business plan offers daily backups, 200GB storage, basic WooCommerce, and free content delivery networks. The discount is currently 75%, meaning you only pay $3.49 and go back to $8.99 per month after renewal.

Hey, did you know? CNET Deals Texts are free, easy, and save you money.

Finally, Hostinger also offers its Cloud Startup plan for just $7.59 per month – a 70% discount. This plan offers all possible Hostinger services and also includes a dedicated IP address and priority support. This plan will revert to $19.99 upon renewal. All annual plans include a free domain and AI support to help you design your website. Plus, migrating your website to Hostinger is free. Hostinger also has a dashboard that allows you to view your statistics so you can better improve your market reach. There’s also a Cloud Professional plan, but that’s probably overkill for most small businesses and organizations.

To better utilize these services, read our articles on why you need web hosting and web hosting versus a domain name. We’re also keeping track of upcoming Black Friday and Cyber ​​Week deals so you can keep saving on everything you need.

CNET always reports on a wide range of offers on technical products and much more. Start with the hottest deals and discounts on the CNET Deals page and sign up for CNET Deals Text to receive daily deals straight to your phone. Add the free CNET Shopping extension to your browser for real-time price comparisons and cashback offers. And check out our gift guide, which includes a whole host of ideas for birthdays, anniversaries and more.

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How to live presently and in harmony with yourself

How to live presently and in harmony with yourself

This article was written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TX State Chapter.

College is supposed to be one of the best times of our lives. Then why does it feel so lonely? When I was growing up, the media I consumed—from TV shows and YouTube videos to music—painted a picture of a perfect era full of never-ending excitement, new opportunities, and friendships. But now that I’m here, the reality seems far from what I imagined. Ironically, all I want to do is relive the nostalgic moments I once so desperately wanted to live past. I’ve longed for years to be older and ready for the next stage of my life, and I have a lingering sense of disappointment that I haven’t valued the more youthful parts of my life. Now I’m learning that living in the present must start from within.

Every year as I get older, I realize that I’m still waiting for another time. I’m waiting for the end of the semester, the end of the year, or a future where I feel more secure through an active social life. I lived like that to long and don’t want any more – and I’m sure I’m not alone with this feeling. A big part of the problem is that college life doesn’t match the aesthetic I’ve craved since I was nine years old. The shows and movies made it seem like it would be non-stop fun, but the truth is, this stage of life can feel lonely and lackluster. It makes me dream of another lifetime in the near future where I am the same person but in a different timeline.

Although this may seem bleak, it is the reality for me and others in this area of ​​life. When reality doesn’t match our expectations or our wildest imaginations, it can feel like we’ve abandoned a part of our childhood self. I’ve learned the best way to deal with this feeling is to mindfully slow down the urge to rush through life. Sometimes the only way to feel present is to fall in love with being alone and learn to love the version of yourself that exists right now. If reality isn’t what you imagined, at least you can still love the person you’re becoming.

Be kind to yourself

It starts with treating yourself grace. When life doesn’t manifest itself the way you dreamed, it’s easy to become dissatisfied with life. Studying during this time also brings with it an added layer of grief, especially when you see others who seem to be living in a different reality than you imagined. Don’t beat yourself up because you’re not where you wanted to be or because this isn’t the experience you imagined. Speak kind words to yourself. You cannot achieve a positive and present attitude by talking down to yourself.

Romanticize life

What does it even mean to live in the present? There is no set definition, but for Meit’s about living through moments fully rather than trying to get to the end. Romanticizing everything about your current life and position is a great way to live presently. Experience the walk to class or the library and enjoy the scenery or the way the air feels. Try a new recipe that you have saved for a “better” time. Look for beauty bags even in the most everyday items. This has been really helpful for me and makes me feel like I value my time and myself in whatever current life I’m living.

Nurture your inner child

For me, nostalgia is a silent killer. I long to experience even a single day of my childhood life. I feel like I need to go back and experience a day on a conscious level where I understand that the past never comes back. But I don’t have a time machine, so the best way I can combat this is by doing things I loved as a child – like watching an old Disney series (my favorite show). Hannah Montana) or a film that shaped your childhood. Listen to old music – this is the strongest feeling of relief or nostalgia because music can take you back to another time, like when you heard the song for the first time or when you heard it for the 100th time. There are a million ways to do something at your age that will bring out the kid in you and make life a lot easier.

Sit in the uncomfortable silence

One of the hardest things about growing up and going to college is facing the quiet moments when it’s just you and your thoughts – alone. Life’s worries feel heightened and your mind is racing, but to live in the present it’s important to learn to sit with yourself and value your time. It’s uncomfortable I knowbut this is the only way you can build a relationship with yourself that makes you happy to be the person you are right now.

Feel your feelings, look for the beauty in everything and get to know yourself. The past is gone and the future is not yet here, but what you have is yourself – and the ability to live in this moment. Goodbye.

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Fethullah Gülen’in öldüğü açıklandı – BBC News Türkiye

Fethullah Gülen’in öldüğü açıklandı – BBC News Türkiye

Kaynak, Getty Images

Türkiye’nin 15 Temmuz darbe girişiminin sorumlusu olduğu gerekçesiyle ABD’s iadesini istediği Fethullah Gülen 83 yaşında öldü.

Gülen has dealt with the question of whether Kemal Gülen and Ebuseleme Gülen have dealt with the times.

Due to the fact that the Türkiye’nin Gülen is in öldüğünü doğruladığını açıkladı.

In 1999, Gülen’s speech was delivered by ABD on September 15, 2016.

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Chinese woman pleads not guilty to British money laundering charges

Chinese woman pleads not guilty to British money laundering charges

Zhimin Qian, also known as Yadi Zhang, has pleaded not guilty to Bitcoin laundering in a London court.

According to Bloomberg, Qian, a Chinese citizen, was arrested in April and charged with two counts of money laundering. British law enforcement alleges that Qian possessed and transferred illegal cryptocurrency before April 23 as part of a larger operation.

Zhimin Qian and Jian Wen

Authorities allege that Qian hired Jian Wen, who was sentenced to more than six years in prison for her role in the money laundering conspiracy. During a police raid in 2018, Wen was found to have 61,000 Bitcoin (BTC), now worth over 3 billion pounds ($4 billion), in her apartment.

Wen’s arrest reportedly led investigators to Qian, who has been dubbed the “crypto queen.” She is accused of defrauding 130,000 Chinese investors of $5.6 billion between 2014 and 2017. Despite these allegations, Qian denies any criminal behavior and plans to contest the allegations.

The trial is due to begin in September 2025 at Southwark Crown Court, where a co-defendant, Seng Hok Ling, also pleaded not guilty to related charges.

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As expected, Nintendo is having trouble containing Switch online playtest leaks

As expected, Nintendo is having trouble containing Switch online playtest leaks

Image: Nintendo Life

When Nintendo opened the gates to its upcoming Nintendo Switch Online play test to successful participants, it didn’t take long for the secret content to be spread all over social media.

Currently, if you search any terms related to the playtest on social media, you will immediately be greeted with information and screenshots that provide crucial context about the upcoming playtest. Of course, we won’t publish such content here on Nintendo Life, but if it’s something you really want to know, you won’t have a particularly hard time finding important information.

There are numerous posts revealing explicit playtest details, but Nintendo is clearly trying to crack down on those sharing screenshots online. Take @Ethan_ThisGuy’s post above for example: Every image included in the post has been hit with a copyright strike from Nintendo.

But did Nintendo really believe that this could contain all the details about the upcoming playtest mystery? Hasn’t he heard of the Internet? Even before information was provided to successful applicants, many assumed the details would be shared online within minutes, if not seconds. Of course, that’s exactly what happened.

At least it’s an indication of how much more will be revealed once playtesting actually begins. We expect lots of videos, pictures and information to hit the internet once everything gets going November 24thSo if you didn’t get in, you probably at least have a good idea of ​​what’s going on.

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Play and leisure increase the emotional health of children of trauma-exposed mothers

Play and leisure increase the emotional health of children of trauma-exposed mothers

Dr. Amiya Waldman-Levi, clinical associate professor in the Katz School’s OT doctoral program, is senior author of the article and an expert on parent-child relationships.

By Dave DeFusco

A Katz School study has found that while a mother’s traumatic experiences can hinder her child’s psychological development, strong family relationships and participation in play and leisure activities can help mitigate these negative effects.

Published in Journal of Child and Family Studies, the study“Children’s Play and Leisure Enjoyment: The Impact of Maternal Traumatic Events” illuminates the complicated relationships between trauma, family dynamics, and the role of children’s play in buffering the negative effects of parenting following maternal trauma.

“Responsive and empathetic parenting has long been recognized as a protective factor for children and adolescents, promoting psychological well-being and healthy emotional regulation,” said Dr. Amiya Waldman-Levi, senior author of the article and clinical associate professor at the Katz School Doctorate in Occupational Therapy.

According to the results, children whose mothers reported trauma and poor family relationships showed fewer emotional and social difficulties when they were actively involved in play and leisure activities. This suggests that play gives children the mental space to process negative emotions and develop social skills, even when their home environment may be emotionally challenging.

“Family relationships are fundamental to a child’s psychological adjustment, with attentive and caring care promoting safety and well-being,” said Dr. Ricky Finzi-Dottan, co-author of the study and professor at the Bar-Ilan University School of Social Work. “Our study found that negative parenting practices, such as maternal rejection, are strongly associated with poorer emotional outcomes in children, particularly in families affected by trauma.”

While family dynamics are crucial, the study found that family relationships had no influence on the relationship between maternal rejection and children’s psychological adjustment. Instead, it was children’s participation in play and leisure activities that acted as a buffer against the negative effects of maternal rejection.

Trauma limits the emotional resources needed for effective stress management and parenting and can potentially lead to maladaptive parenting behaviors such as unresponsiveness or child rejection. Mothers exposed to trauma often have difficulty interacting positively with their children and may misinterpret or perceive more negatively their children’s behavior, which directly impacts their parenting practices. This study, which involved 99 mothers and their children ages 6 to 12, highlights that these effects are most pronounced during the transition from early to middle childhood, a critical period in a child’s psychological development.

While the detrimental effects of maternal trauma on children’s emotional health are well documented, the study goes further to suggest that participation in play and leisure activities such as sports or social interactions may help reduce the negative effects of poor parenting due to trauma to balance.

The timing of the study, conducted during the COVID-19 pandemic, may have influenced the nature of children’s play and leisure activities. Social distancing and other pandemic-related restrictions led to children spending more time on individual or indoor activities such as video games or board games. This shift may have given children the opportunity to regulate their emotions through imaginative or symbolic play, despite limitations in social interactions.

“This study provides important insights into the complex interplay of trauma, parenting and child development and highlights the need for holistic approaches to supporting parents and children in the face of adversity,” said Dr. Sara Chiara Haden, co-author of the study paper and associate professor of psychology at Long Island University.

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Die Begeisterung der Sportmedien für Wetten versetzt Hochschulsportler in Aufruhr

Die Begeisterung der Sportmedien für Wetten versetzt Hochschulsportler in Aufruhr