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Psycroptic. Electric Eye Heavy Fest, Freo.Social, 05.10.2024. Credit: Adrian Thomson

Electric Eye Heavy Fest made its debut in the Perth metal scene as a festival to be reckoned with, only last year in 2023. Presented by metal photographer and music lover JV Photo & Film, Electric Eye Heavy Fest was back again in 2024 to show the metal community that it is a festival worth keeping around.

Gracing the stage at Freo Social were to be 10 bands, with no clashes. This hook, that there would be no clashes, was enough to draw in music lovers of Perth even before the lineup was announced. This year the lineup carved out a range of incredible local heavy metal bands and interstate guests, as well as an album launch and a reunion show. Punters were in for a treat!

The day of Electric Eye Heavy Fest came and the weather in Fremantle was a perfectly warm and sunny 24 degrees. The early crowds were in good spirits as they poured into the venue to see some metal. My overall thoughts of the day are ‘holy fuck, what an insane lineup!’ and ‘well done Jess of JV Photo & Film for putting on such an awesome event!’

Banished Realm. Electric Eye Heavy Fest, Freo.Social, 05.10.2024 . Credit: Adrian Thomson

The first band to take to the stage and open the second Electric Eye Heavy Fest were local metal legends, Banished Realm, made up of Leigh Kapor shredding on guitar, Jared Thornton on bass, Shaun Borg smashing the drums and vocalist Shaun Griffiths, also shredding on guitar. For a band that has only been around since 2022, Banished Realm are no strangers to the festival stage. Having played Darker Craft Fest at Seasonal Brewing earlier in the year, Banished Realm are continuing to make waves in the metal scene with their atmospheric death-doom metal.

Watching these guys play on stage is a feast for the eyes and the ears. Its always a wicked experience seeing a band do what they love on stage and Banished Realm were no different! They use their instruments to create these dark lengthy atmospheric tracks, with so much depth to them. Their tracks are long, melodic death metal at its finest, taking listeners on an emotional journey mastered through complex layering of guitars, drums and growling vocals. And the tone, it (metaphorically) melted my face off, it was that good!

My first thoughts after hearing them play are reflected in the shorthand notes that I wrote next to their name – ‘so much tone!’ It is easy to see influences like Black Sabbath coming through in their tracks, especially the guitar work. They absolutely shredded on the stage, ripping out some heart-pounding metal for the crowd of early punters, showering them with merciless double kicks and drum licks. Griffiths’ growling and screaming vocals were impressive and transcending, he had an insane vocal range, not just deep and heavy. Even when they switched it up a bit and slowed it down to clean finger picking, the pace was soon picked back up as it slammed you back down to earth again only a second later, with a nice interlude of screaming vocals to wake you up. This was one hell of an opener!

Follow Banished Realm: @BanishedRealm | Facebook | Spotify

The Wedges. Electric Eye Heavy Fest, Freo.Social, 05.10.2024. Credit: Adrian Thomson

Following after Banished Realm would be difficult to do, but, The Wedges took to the stage next. The Wedges are Molly Corduroy, Sam Pursglove, Cameron Maclean, Michael de Klerk and Daniel Ross, sweating it out on stage. Formed in Perth in 2019, this band is one that has seen quite a few evolutions of their sound over the years, from initially an indie-rock group to a much more psychedelic fuzz-laden sludge groove metal nowadays. They are hard to define, so you are best off letting your ears experience The Wedges for yourself! My first experience seeing The Wedges was at Spliffs n Riffs earlier this year, and I was blown away. I loved them so much that I got a T-shirt.

Picture this, a five-piece band takes to the stage, the singer an unassuming chick in a dress with a bow in her hair. My first thought was indie rock / prog rock vibes. But then she unleashes these unholy death scream and growly vocals, overlaid with loads of distortion and warpy guitars and these thundering double kicks and super heavy bass notes bouncing around the band room. Once again, my mind was blown and I was instantly taken back to the first time I saw The Wedges, and how insanely good they were! The 3 guitars layered nicely together to create this atmospheric, almost psychedelic fuzzy metal sound, with the drummer hitting the toms with perfect timing. The bass sounded thick and luscious, the sound reverberating through your whole chest, right down to your bones. Special mention to their song, ‘Resin’ which is phenomenal on all levels.

The Wedges are a band that knows how to pick up the pace and roar with their instruments when they want to and by contrast, how to slow it right down to an almost dirty sludgey metal sound, switching the vocals between members and using the strengths of the band really well. They are a great band to watch live, as they just vibe off each other’s energy on stage, bouncing the beat around, heavy metal with a psychedelic, lounge-sludge groove to it, fused with jazzy elements. Listening to The Wedges was like listening to what a baby would sound like, if Led Zeppelin and The Dandy Warhols had a musical love child. Wicked juicy bouncing fuzz-ladenn distorted riffs, shredding solos, psychedelic, sludge-groove-metal punctuated by hard hitting drums taking you on a journey. Once again, I was blown away!

Follow The Wedges: @TheWedgesBand | Facebook | Spotify

The Furor. Electric Eye Heavy Fest, Freo.Social, 05.10.2024. Credit: Adrian Thomson

The Furor replaced Primrose Path on the lineup and while it was sad not getting to see Primrose Path take to the stage, holy shit did they replace them with someone equally as incredible! The Furor is Louis Rando, an absolutely ridiculously talented musical genius, and self-titled as a black metal / death metal assassin. I would say this is an accurate description from what I saw at Electric Eye Heavy Fest! I have seen The Furor pop up on a number of lineups around Perth and heard rumors from friends who had witnessed the insanity of The Furor about how good he was, but I was yet to see it for myself.

For context, The Furor has been around since 2002 and used to have 3 musicians in the band, however for various reasons, line up changes over the years have seen just one remain – drummer Rando, aka Dizazter. The Furor has been a one-man-band since 2012, with Rando writing, playing and recording all of the instruments himself. For his live shows, Rando writes and records all the instruments as backing tracks, and then drums and sings live over the top. Singing while drumming is no easy feat to achieve, yet somehow Rando makes it look like a walk in a park!

At Electric Eye, Rando as one-man-band The Furor, took to the stage in death metal makeup and equally impressive costume, flanked by two tall banners decorated with pentagram swords and chains, with silhouettes of people hanging from them and staked on spines. This set the scene for the absolutely fierce onslaught that was to come! There was no introduction, there was just ear-blasting, hard hitting, thunderous drums, played to slashing and shredding riffs while he sang and did death metal growling screams right from the get-go! The crowd were head banging, there was a circle pit going on, and there were going to be a lot of sore necks tomorrow. I grew up with drummers for brothers, so I have a deep appreciation for all the math and timing that goes into drumming. There was no slowing down for The Furor – he wasn’t here to mess around! He had a job to do, and god damn, he did it so fricken well. It was a constant onslaught of fast paced and intense drum licks and fills, double kick delights and screaming death growls to remind you that he is the epitome of black metal and death metal combined. The Furor is definitely an assassin – he came, he saw, and he slaughtered!

Follow The Furor: @TheFuror_Official | Facebook | Spotify

Dyscord. Electric Eye Heavy Fest, Freo.Social, 05.10.2024. Credit: Adrian Thomson

You don’t often hear of a reunion show happening at a metal festival, certainly not in Perth, but that was what was next on the card, as Perth metal band Dyscord took to the stage. They were reuniting as a band, coming together again after a years-long musical hiatus, to play the Electric Eye Heavy Fest. The crowd has well and truly filled out by now, with many fans from years ago keen to see Dyscord take to the stage once again and relive their glory days. It had definitely been a while between drinks for Dyscord, and their fans!

These energetic, powerful, heavy-hitters were made up of Raffa Houston on bass, Owen Thomas and Matthew Herbert on guitars, James Herbert on vocals and good mate Tim Stelter from Chaos Divine on the drums. Showing what they were made of, like no time at all had passed, Dyscord launched straight into wicked heavy riffs and shredding guitar solos. The crowd responded in kind, with some very heavy head banging and a raging mosh pit in full swing! It was great to see people of all ages had turned out for the Electric Eye Heavy Fest and to catch Dyscord’s set, including kids tagging along with their parents, getting a heavy music introduction, all the way through to people in their golden years enjoying the day. The energy was insane, as Dyscord divulged that they last played about 8 years ago and had reunited for this gig, to the cheers of the crowd. Their powerful presence and heavy riffs were felt by all present, from the front of the stage, all the way through to the back of the Freo Social band room. Dyscord were back, with a vengeance!

Suneater. Electric Eye Heavy Fest, Freo.Social, 05.10.2024. Credit: Adrian Thomson

Suneater has been kicking around the metal scene since 2017 and are a sludge metal band from Perth, a four piece of guitars, bass, drums and both screaming and clean vocals. The crowds packed out the band room at Freo Social when Suneater took to the stage, their guitars absolutely shredding with thick fuzzy tones droning over the crowd. Suneater rapidly launched into wicked climbing and heavy hitting riffs before announcing to the crowd ‘we are Suneater, and we play stupid heavy riffs’. They weren’t wrong!

Suneater. Electric Eye Heavy Fest, Freo.Social, 05.10.2024. Credit: Adrian Thomson

Suneater debuted a new track at Electric Eye Heavy Fest called Untitled, the title track of their last EP. It started with a slow melodic intro before climbing with fast chugging riffs and then descending into pure madness with super growling vocals and hard-hitting drums and fast fills. This was definitely some of Perth’s heaviest music, with a raging circle pit in front of the stage. The last song of their set featured aggressive and loud growling vocals, with head banging encouraged. Suneater are certainly soaring to heights in the Perth metal scene!

Follow Suneater: @SuneaterBand | Facebook | Spotify

Dyssidia. Electric Eye Heavy Fest, Freo.Social, 05.10.2024. Credit: Adrian Thomson

The crowd got heavy and frenzied as South Australian progressive metal legends Dyssidia took to the stage, returning to the West Coast after 6 long years. Dyssidia are Corey Davis (guitar), Neil Palmer (bass), Mitch Brackman (vocals) and Liam Weedall (drums). The crowd was full as everyone packed the front of the stage, and for good reason, as they knew what we were about to be in for. Dyssidia’s tracks had some high notes, and clean vocals, and then next minute it was death screams again. There was some seriously funky bass notes dropped by Palmer, a lover of jazz and contemporary bass himself and that was definitely shining through the tracks.  This was coupled nicely with some incredibly soaring vocals laid out by Brackman washing over the crowd on a wave of some insanely wicked guitar solos and overdriven heavy riffs. The guitar solos were glorious, it was like Christmas had come early.

The incredible talent being showcased by Dyssidia continued with some almost jazzy-esque vibes, before switching a second later to screaming death metal vocals, thrashing guitars and solos ziplining right through you. The band brought the energy in a big way on stage and the crowd was giving it right back. Brackman has an incredible vocal range, able to hit the high and low notes and easily switching between clean vocals and screaming lyrics as though its nothing at all. Dyssidia had excellent stage presence and showmanship throughout their entire set and really commanded the crowds attention right from the get go. This is a group of insanely talented musicians in their own right coming together in a perfect blend of progressive metal with these wicked jazz elements that makes you really appreciate how talented they are. Special mention to their phenomenal song Metamorphosis, which blew my mind.

Follow Dyssidia: @DyssidiaBand | Facebook | Spotify

Suldusk. Electric Eye Heavy Fest, Freo.Social, 05.10.2024. Credit: Adrian Thomson

Joining the Electric Eye lineup were 6-piece dark folk/black metal band Suldusk, from Melbourne. What started as an acoustic solo project in 2016 of vocalist and guitarist Emily Highfield soon spawned and evolved, growing organically into the current 6-piece band made up of heavy metal musicians. Creating these powerfully heavy tracks and joining Highfield on stage are Shane Mulholland (vocals and guitars), Daniel Green (bass), Josh Taylor (guitars), Hayley Anderson (violin) and Frankie Demuru (drums). Together they blended dark gaze, metal, and dark folk elements together to create these insanely haunting and beautiful atmospheric soundscapes, overlaid with Highfield’s driven vocals and occasional screams.

Highfield’s vocal range is intense – she is able to capture the deep low notes, rising through and soaring to high heights, then launching into these screaming banshee wails. The addition of Anderson on violin gives Suldusk an almost symphonic vibe. Suldusk are incredibly talented and mixed up their set by changing pace from the harsher heavy screaming vocals to clean soaring melodies washing over the crowd. Some songs slowed down the pace with the violin and drums supporting the acoustic guitars, and others took it back up several notches with crashing cymbals and screaming vocals. No matter where you stood in Freo Social, it sounded good! I have previously spoken with Emily and asked how she writes her songs and where that comes from. She was vulnerable and talked about having that creative outlet to express all the dark heavy shit that she had been through. This was so evident on stage, as she transformed, supported by the rest of the band, from a gothic angel into a death witch! Suldusk were a dark atmospheric reprieve from the heavier bands that had played earlier, but still carved their place as one not to forget on the Electric Eye lineup. With their overdriven guitars and thundering drums, giving visuals of undead armies marching through the night. Suldusk brought something deep, dark and different to the Electric Eye lineup, and damn, it was good!

Read my interview with Emily here.

Follow Suldusk: @Suldusk | Facebook | Spotify

Crypt Crawler. Electric Eye Heavy Fest, Freo.Social, 05.10.2024. Credit: Adrian Thomson

Soon it was time for one of the most heavily anticipated bands to hit the stage, fresh from their tour around Australia and launching their new album, The Immortal Realm. Crypt Crawler are a local Perth death metal band, headed by Marco Ieritano on vocals, Cameron Gillam on bass, Zach James and Dan Jackson shredding on guitars, and Lewis Oliver on drums. Crypt Crawler are an aggressive assault of the senses. Right from the get-go, Marco’s vocals ripped you right off your feet and slammed you back down to ground, again and again, carried by intense guitar riffs and thunderous drumming. They are fast paced, furious and intense! Screaming death metal vocals overlaid by screeching over driven guitars and hard hitting drums just absolutely soaring over the crowd. This was death metal at its finest!

Crypt Crawler worked through their set list amongst soaring screaming guitars and death vocals, the intensity climbing with every song. Guitarist Dan Jackson was ripping wicked solos and Marco was like a demon, raising hell on stage, it was phenomenal! I didn’t know it was possible to drum so fast or shred so fast, but Crypt Crawler  certainly pulled it off with ease. It is easy to see how Crypt Crawler have such a big following in Perth. If you haven’t seen Crypt Crawler play, do yourself a favour and get along to one of their shows, you will thank yourself later!

Read my interview with Marco here.

Follow Crypt Crawler: @CryptCrawlerMetal | Facebook | Spotify

Pathogen. Electric Eye Heavy Fest, Freo.Social, 05.10.2024. Credit: Adrian Thomson

Pathogen were hitting the stage at Electric Eye Heavy Fest, playing for the first time after an 18 month hiatus, in one of the most highly anticipated return to stages a Perth metal band has made. Pathogen has seen many lineups over the years before settling on this one. The metal veterans on stage have been making heavy hitting music in all different bands for over 20 years, bringing their wealth of talent to the Electric Eye Heavy Fest stage.  Pathogen rocked hard as they played and slayed the crowds, headbanging along with the audience.

Pathogen have truly refined playing their instruments to a fine art and this was heavy metal at its finest! There was a lot of metal hair flicking and head banging, from on stage and in the crowd as their soaring guitars took you on a journey over the hills and into faraway lands. There were wicked solos and juicy riffs that climbed into your head and ripped your soul out through your eyes, it felt like I was witnessing greatness! The double kick drums teamed with the screaming vocals and shredding riffs were all well-rehearsed and coordinated. The crowd were more than happy to singalong, as the band played guitars back to back on stage and the crowd ate up every bite! This was music to get lost in with the gravelly vocals and double kicks. The whole crowd was stomping and moshing and headbanging hard! There was a phenomenal solo to end a wicked set!

Follow Pathogen: Facebook | Spotify

Psycroptic. Electric Eye Heavy Fest, Freo.Social, 05.10.2024. Credit: Adrian Thomson

Headlining all the way from Tasmania were death metal legends, Psycroptic, playing in Perth for the first time in 6 years. Taking to the stage were vocalist Jason Peppiatt, Dave Haley and Joe Haley, guitarist/drummer brothers, Cameron Grant on bass, who just celebrated 20 years as a band together. It is probably the hardest and longest distance to travel domestically within Australia, which made the fact that they were headlining Electric Eye Heavy Fest all the more sweeter. If I had to describe Psycroptic, it would be ‘technical masterminds’.

Psycroptic. Electric Eye Heavy Fest, Freo.Social, 05.10.2024. Credit: Adrian Thomson

This was an aggressively fast paced, dynamic band with a fuck tonne of energy on stage, skilfully playing their instruments as though they are extensions of their own limbs. The circle pit and the mosh pit went absolutely off during Psycroptic’s set with screeching guitar solos and deep and heavy, juicy bass notes – everything Psycroptic gave the crowd was extremely well received! Their merch was also well received, being the only band there selling a hoodie – a sign they hail from a colder climate than Perth. As the cold night air crept in, the Psycroptic hoodie’s sold out, with even the toughest warm blooded metal heads opting for a Psycroptic hoodie to keep warm.

Psycroptic. Electric Eye Heavy Fest, Freo.Social, 05.10.2024. Credit: Adrian Thomson

Frontman Jason Peppiatt told the crowds that Psycroptic have been coming to Perth for 20 years now and they still have the same dudes coming to their shows, as the old guard. The crowds cheered with applause as Psycroptic dedicated the next song to them. Jason is an insanely talented frontman and vocalist, and Psycroptic as a band is a tight unit. For a four-piece Tasmanian death metal band, they knew how to bring it! Jason told the crowd that it has always been a good scene here in Perth and in Freo, in between heavy screaming vocals, double kick wet dreams surrounded by high speed fills and licks, and raging guitars. The circle pit was insane, there are going to be a lot of sore necks tomorrow!

Psycroptic. Electric Eye Heavy Fest, Freo.Social, 05.10.2024. Credit: Adrian Thomson

Read my interview with Jason here.

Follow Psycroptic: Facebook | Spotify

I hope that you enjoyed my review of Electric Eye Heavy Fest. For a festival only in its second year, its fast carving a name for itself in the Perth metal scene, and in the Perth music scene more broadly speaking. I would like to extend my gratitude to The Rockpit , Dysie from Cult Etiquette and Jess from Electric Eye Heavy Fest for the access and allowing me to attend this awesome event. I will definitely be back next year!

All Photo Credit: Adrian Thomson 

In the meantime, make sure you follow Electric Eye Heavy Fest and look out for 2025: @Electric.Eye.HeavyFest | Facebook

Crypt Crawler. Electric Eye Heavy Fest, Freo.Social, 05.10.2024. Credit: Adrian Thomson


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Week 7 2024 Fantasy Football Rankings: QB

Week 7 2024 Fantasy Football Rankings: QB

Josh Allen welcomes a new No. 1 recipient, Patrick Mahomes And Brock Purdy face the Super Bowl again, and Drake Maye fights for streamer status against the Jaguars.

Other positions: Run back | Recipient | Tight End/Kicker/Defense

Updated 10/20. at 12:20 a.m. ET. Will Levis removed.

Week 7 quarterbacks

1 Lamar Jackson BAL in TB
2 Jayden Daniels WAS vs. CAR
3 Josh Allen BUF vs. TEN
4 Jalen hurts PHI at NYG
5 Jordan love GB vs HOU
6 Baker Mayfield TB vs BAL
7 CJ Stroud HOU at GB
8 Joe Burrow CIN at CLE
9 Sam Darnold MIN vs. DET
10 Brock Purdy SF against KC
11 Kirk Cousins ATL vs. SEA
12 Geno Smith SEA at ATL
13 Patrick Mahomes KC at SF
14 Kyler Murray ARI vs LAC
15 Jared Goff DET at MIN
16 Anthony Richardson IND vs. MIA
17 Drake Maye NE at JAC
18 Trevor Lawrence JAC vs NE
19 Daniel Jones NYG vs. PHI
20 Aaron Rodgers NYJ at PIT
21 Matthew Stafford LAR vs LV
22 Andy Dalton CAR at WHAT
23 Justin Herbert LAC at ARI
24 Bo Nix THE at no
25 Tyler Huntley MIA at IND
26 Mason Rudolph TEN at BUF
27 Russell Wilson PIT against NYJ
28 Deshaun Watson CLE vs CIN
29 Aidan O’Connell LV at LAR
30 Spencer Rattler NO vs. DEN

QB Notes: Lamar Jackson just accomplished something he hasn’t done in any of his MVP campaigns: Eclipse 300 yards passing in consecutive starts. Both wins too. (Aka passing to win, not just comeback game script.) With the Ravens’ defense struggling and Vegas setting the over/under for TB/BAL at 49.5, Jackson could easily make it third in a row on Monday Night Football. … Jayden Daniels has only finished outside the top 12 twice and outside the top 13 once. That’s remarkable consistency for a rookie signal-caller. The Panthers are almost as good as it gets for a matchup. …Prisoner of the moment etc., but getting a real receiver should go a long way towards supporting it Josh Allento improve the ground and make peak weeks easier to achieve. At least Amari Cooper is finally someone to freelance with in the field. The Titans play good defense, but we don’t pay much attention to Allen’s dual-threat matchups. … With his top two receivers healthy for the first time since Week 1, Jalen hurts had his first multi-score pass attempt since… Week 1. The Giants’ defense is surprisingly similar to the Browns unit, which Hurts just got for a QB10 completion.

Joe Burrow saved his Week 6 with a…47-yard rushing touchdown? It’s nice to know Burrow still has that in his repertoire, but the aforementioned Browns defense isn’t the best fit for his mostly monotone threat. With Cleveland ending the season, the Bengals could also become very run-heavy. … Jordan love In week 6 I finally put everything together. CJ Stroud hasn’t quite nailed it yet, but @GB ranks as his most pass-happy game plan of the season, even if the 47.5 total is still a bit disappointing. Despite the “establish it” ethos that runs deep within these two teams, it’s difficult to view Sunday as anything other than a high-end quarterback duel. … Baker Mayfield is at the top QB3 Status by average points. Insane and an incredible achievement for a player considering Mayfield’s career peaks and valleys. After averaging less than 7.4 yards per attempt in just one start and scoring multiple points in 4 of 6 appearances, Mayfield has proven that he’s likely to be on par with Lamar Jackson in one of this week’s games.

Sam Darnold‘s red-hot start is still producing “only” QB12 results by average fantasy points. He once achieved 20 degrees. He comes home with remarkable efficiency, including a ridiculous 8.3 touchdown percentage. The facade seemed to crumble a bit compared to the Jets’ stout defense in Week 5, while their Week 7 opponent Detroit was anything but a shootout defense. Other than that, Aidan Hutchinson is gone, the game is in Minnesota, and Vegas is projecting around 50 points. I trust Darnold as the QB1 coming off the bye. … With his TE/WR corps at full strength and the backfield in turmoil, Brock Purdy is likely slated for 35-40 attempts against the Chiefs’ stout pass defense. … They didn’t have to ask the Falcons to make tough runs twice. Seattle struggles to defend the pass or the run. Atlanta, the narrow home favorite, may be going for some #establishment, but there’s no reason to leave Kirk Cousins from the top 12 with a total number of games over 50 in a dome. That being said, I’m doing this despite: 1. The Falcons play strong defense. 2. Cousins ​​scoring multiple points in just 2 of 6 starts.

Patrick Mahomes vs. Kyler Murray They don’t expect there to be a debate about the QB1/2 limit. Fantasy’s two most disappointing quarterbacks “get there” in extremely different ways. Unlike Murray, Mahomes still plays elite ball in real life and led the Chiefs to a 5-0 record despite injuries to his receiver corps. Murray? He is 2-4 and may miss Marvin Harrison Jr. (concussion) for Monday Night Football. For all the wrangling over his slow fantasy start, Mahomes isn’t producing significantly different results than Murray. With the bye week to sort out their offense after Rashee Rice, I expect more engagement and downfield shots for Xavier Worthy. Mahomes remains a good bet on the field. Murray? The bottom has fallen out too many times with MHJ. I shudder to think of him being outside. … Geno Smith has taken another step backwards since its comeback in 2022. Luckily, this is the kind of regression that involves leading the league in passing. Volume is one of the best bets you can place in the QB2/Superflex ranks. … Jared GoffReal-life elite soccer doesn’t currently make the top 12 in fantasy. Because the Vikings play with leads, they allow a lot of passing yards, but their QB rating of 70.3 against them is a league low. Goff is always capable of a win, but that’s not the most likely outcome in Minnesota.

Anthony Richardson is the Colts’ starter “when healthy.” This may seem obvious to you, but the existence of a qualifier is always undesirable. The goal posts can also be moved “healthily” without any problems. It still appears this is the week Richardson returns. Let’s face it: There are no moral victories for those who picked Richardson as QB5/6. But…but…he’s at least considered an ideal QB2, as his dual-threat and big-play ability means he can win weeks much more easily than his streaming competition. … This includes Daniel Joneswhich simply has to happen too much to be really worthwhile for your streamer. He should at least have Malik Nabers back this Sunday. … Drake Maye The QB2 desperadoes will get their money’s worth here this weekend. It’s understandable. He was the QB5 overall in his debut and now has a soulless Jags defense allowing the most QB fantasy points. There’s only so high I can rank someone whose “top weapons” are Pop Douglas and…Hunter Henry? … Matthew Stafford is – hopefully – getting Cooper Kupp back. … There’s no need to get cute and say Davante Adams wouldn’t make much of a difference Aaron Rodgers. But on a short week against an elite Steelers defense with less than 40 total?

Don’t forget to get the latest information about the NFL Player news from Rotoworldor follow @Rotoworld_FB or @RotoPat on Twitter.

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Arrested for Exploitation of Minors

Arrested for Exploitation of Minors

PARIS, Tenn. – A cyber tip received by the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children has led to the arrest of a Paris man.

On October 18, TBI agents, along with investigators from the Department of Homeland Security, Henry County Sheriff’s Office and Paris Police, executed a search warrant at a residence in the 500 block of Harrison Lane in Paris, Tennessee.

According to the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation, several devices were seized. Brandon Gene Collier was taken into custody and charged with sexual exploitation of a minor. Collier is being held in the Henry County Jail on a $100,000 bond.

The allegations and allegations contained in this press release are merely allegations of criminal conduct and are not evidence. A defendant is presumed innocent unless proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt and convicted by due process of law.

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Sonic X Shadow Generations gameplay leaks online

Sonic X Shadow Generations gameplay leaks online




A YouTuber named Vexi managed to get an early ROM of the game and played it on the Switch emulator Yuzu. They then uploaded two separate six-minute videos of raw gameplay. However, they made sure not to include any story spoilers for the players.

READ MORE: Insomniac is reportedly preparing to show more of Wolverine

They also made it clear in the video description that they pre-ordered the game to support the developers.

“[I] I don’t normally upload stuff like this, but I thought people might want to see it since the ROM is out there now,” the description reads. “Don’t worry, I’ve already pre-ordered the game on Steam, but I was so excited to play it that I wanted to try it out as soon as possible.”

You can watch both gameplay videos for Sonic X Shadow Generations below. However, it should go without saying that there’s a good chance they’ll be shut down by Nintendo shortly. And let us know what you think of the gameplay in the Insider Gaming forums.

Sonic X Shadow Generations will be available on PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, PC and Nintendo Switch.

For more insider gaming, check out our preview of the upcoming action roguelike game The Lightless World. And don’t forget to sign up for our weekly newsletter.

Subscribe to our newsletter to receive the latest news and exclusive leaks every week! No spam.

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Taylor Swift Sings ‘White Horse’ Lyrics About Finding Someone ‘To Treat Me Well’ – Eras Tour Audience Goes Wild

Taylor Swift Sings ‘White Horse’ Lyrics About Finding Someone ‘To Treat Me Well’ – Eras Tour Audience Goes Wild

The singer performed the track in a new surprise song mashup performance with “Loml” at her second Eras Tour show in Miami on October 19

<p>John Shearer/TAS24/Getty</p>
<p> Taylor Swift” src=”–/YXBwaWQ9aGlnaGxhbmRlcjt3PTk2MDtoPTY0MA–/ 431667d7c8″/></p>
<p>John Shearer/TAS24/Getty</p>
<p> Taylor Swift” src=”–/YXBwaWQ9aGlnaGxhbmRlcjt3PTk2MDtoPTY0MA–/ 31667d7c8″ class= “caas-img”/><button class=

John Shearer/TAS24/Getty

Taylor Swift

Taylor Swift seems to let her lyrics – and her smile – do the talking!

During her second Eras Tour show at the Hard Rock Stadium in Miami on Saturday, October 19, Swift, 34, sang specific lyrics from her 2008 song “White Horse” in a new surprise song mashup performance paired with the title “Loml”. out of The Tortured Poets Department – sparked an excited reaction from concertgoers.

Swift played the piano and smiled broadly while singing the lyrics, “One day I’ll find someone who could actually treat me good,” causing the crowd to go wild. The moment was also captured in a TikTok video posted from the performance.

Swift has been dating Kansas City Chiefs player Travis Kelce for over a year after Swift first cheered on Kelce at his Chiefs game at Arrowhead Stadium in Kansas City, Miss. in September 2023. The couple confirmed their relationship a month later when they stepped out holding hands Saturday Night Live After party.

<p>CHANDAN KHANNA/AFP via Getty </p>
<p> Swift plays her Eras Tour at the Hard Rock Stadium in Miami on October 18th” src=”–/YXBwaWQ9aGlnaGxhbmRlcjt3PTk2MDtoPTY0MQ–/https://media″/></p>
<p>CHANDAN KHANNA/AFP via Getty </p>
<p> Swift plays her Eras Tour at the Hard Rock Stadium in Miami on October 18th” src=”–/YXBwaWQ9aGlnaGxhbmRlcjt3PTk2MDtoPTY0MQ–/https://media″ class=”caas-img”/><button class=


Swift plays her Eras Tour at the Hard Rock Stadium in Miami on October 18th

Related: Travis Kelce Says He and Taylor Swift ‘Like to Go Out and Eat Together’: ‘That’s What We Do’

Among the star-studded audience at Swift’s first Eras Tour show in Miami on Friday, October 18, were Travis’ mother Donna Kelce and brother Jason Kelce. They were joined by Jason’s wife Kylie and eldest daughters Wyatt, 5, and Elliotte, 3, at the girls’ first Swift concert.

Swift has resumed the final leg of the Eras Tour after taking a break following her August 20 show in London.

Before returning to the stage, the “Fortnight” singer spent time with her boyfriend Travis, 34, earlier this week as the two were spotted on a series of dates in New York City.

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<p>Gotham/GC Images</p>
<p> Swift and Travis Kelce have been together for over a year (pictured in September)” src=”–/YXBwaWQ9aGlnaGxhbmRlcjt3PTk2MDtoPTY0MQ–/https://media″/></p>
<p>Gotham/GC Images</p>
<p> Swift and Travis Kelce have been together for over a year (pictured in September)” src=”–/YXBwaWQ9aGlnaGxhbmRlcjt3PTk2MDtoPTY0MQ–/https://media″ class=”caas-img”/><button class=

Gotham/GC images

Swift and Travis Kelce have been together for over a year (pictured in September)

Related: Jason Kelce and his wife Kylie bring daughters Wyatt and Elliotte to the first Taylor Swift concert in Miami

On October 14, Swift and Travis were spotted going on a date at Yankees Stadium while watching the MLB American League Championship game between the New York Yankees and the Cleveland Guardians.

A few days earlier, on October 12, the couple was spotted heading to Torrisi Restaurant for another date night in New York. On October 11, the singer and NFL star also had a double dinner date with friends Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds at The Corner Store in New York’s Soho neighborhood.

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Around the same time in October, a source told PEOPLE about Swift and Kelce’s relationship balance: “I think it’s beautiful. It’s all a work-life balance and everyone goes through different things. So just for them to acknowledge how hard it is to manage relationships and just take care of everything.”

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Read the original article on People.

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100-meter freestyle swimming against Rushmore Tsunami Coaches

100-meter freestyle swimming against Rushmore Tsunami Coaches

RAPID CITY, SD (KOTA) – In this week’s edition of the KOTA Sports Challenge, Andrew Lind tries his luck against Rushmore Tsunami Swim coach Dave Swank in the 100-meter freestyle swim. Coach Dave has been swimming for 40 years. Swank used his experience to destroy Andrew, who didn’t have a single chance. With the loss, Andrew moves to 1-2 all-time in athletic challenges. If you are interested in participating, please email: [email protected].

RELATED: KOTA Sports Challenge: Andrew Lind hits the putting green against SD Mines golf coach

MORE: KOTA Sports Challenge: Jack Caudill vs. Andrew Lind pickleball showdown

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The Jets’ fantasy football roster is absolutely dead

The Jets’ fantasy football roster is absolutely dead

PITTSBURGH – Momentum is such a precious thing in sports.

It must be handled with extreme caution because it is so elusive.

The Jets had the edge late in the first half against the Steelers on Sunday night. They were in control of the game. The Steelers were on the ropes.

Aaron Rodgers watches the Jets’ loss to the Steelers on October 20, 2024. Getty Images

The Jets were able to improve on their season, which had been unbalanced in the first six games and faltered at 2-4 to start the evening.

They were able to beat the Steelers on the road and then go to New England the next Sunday and take care of the weak Patriots and their record would be 4-4, back to .500. And then they would be on the “run” they talked about.

The Jets had the momentum and then they got careless with it.

Their most important and high-profile player, quarterback Aaron Rodgers, was the culprit in the abandonment.

And the end result was a disgusting, tasteless and potentially destructive 37-15 defeat at Acrisure Stadium.

That left the Jets and their fantasy football squad at 2-5 and in a four-game losing spiral.

Team owner Woody Johnson also seemed to no longer have the opportunity to call a friend.

Johnson has been known to tout the Jets’ current roster as the best collection of players he has had on his team in his 24 years as team owner.

He spent the last two weeks firing head coach Robert Saleh to “fire up” the team, then last week traded for high-profile receiver Davante Adams, who made a quiet Jets debut Sunday night.

What now?

DAvaante Adams looks at the Jets’ loss to the Steelers on October 20, 2024. AP

That was the Jets’ motto last season. Thanks to the gift Rodgers gave the Steelers in this game, it now takes on a completely different tone.

Leading 15-6, Rodgers threw a pass intended for receiver Garrett Wilson into traffic in the middle of the field that was intercepted by Pittsburgh cornerback Beanie Bishop Jr.

Bishop stepped in front of Wilson and plucked the ball out of the air with his left hand with 1:15 left in the half.

The killer turnover – Rodgers’ sixth INT in seven games this season – led directly to a freebie touchdown for Pittsburgh.

Four plays after the turnover, the Steelers cut the Jets’ lead to 15-13 on an 11-yard pass from Russell Wilson to George Pickens that the Jets simply couldn’t cover all night, regardless of which player was on him .

The Jets built a 15-6 lead thanks to the dynamic work of their top running back Breece Hall, who gave them a 7-3 lead with a 13-yard scoring run on their second possession.

Woody Johnson has made numerous moves lately to save the Jets’ season. Getty Images

And then, after the Steelers kicked a second field goal of the half to cut the lead to 7-6, Hall took a short pass from Rodgers over the middle and turned it into a 57-yard gain to the three- Pittsburgh yard line.

Three plays later, Rodgers connected with tight end Tyler Conklin for a 3-yard touchdown and two-point conversion to make it 15-6.

The rest of the night was unforgettable.

The Steelers took their first lead at 16-15 when Chris Boswell hit a 21-yard field goal on Pittsburgh’s first offensive possession in the third quarter.

Then things got very ugly.

On the Jets’ second play from scrimmage of the following series, Rodgers threw a dart to Garrett Wilson deep down the left sideline, and the ball bounced off Wilson’s chest and into Bishop’s arms.

This time, Bishop returned the pick 41 yards to the Jets’ 1-yard line with 7:22 left in the third quarter.

On the INT return, Steelers linebacker Patrick Queen leveled Jets right guard Xavier Newman with a block, whereupon Newman hit his head hard on the turf and suffered a neck injury.

The game was halted for several minutes while Newman, who came into the game in the first half to replace injured starter Alijah Vera-Tucker, was attended to by doctors and most of the team surrounded him on one knee.

Newman was strapped to a stretcher and taken away.

Jeff Ulbrich watches the Jets’ loss to the Steelers on October 20, 2024. AP

When play resumed, Russell Wilson scored on the Steelers’ first play of the game to give them a 23-15 lead.

The Jets’ next offensive possession stalled at the Pittsburgh 17-yard line, and then struggling kicker Greg Zuerlein knocked down a 35-yard field goal from Steelers defenseman Dean Lowry with 2:37 left in the third quarter.

Zuerlein missed field goals of 43 and 32 yards in last week’s three-point loss to Buffalo, and he missed a 50-yarder in the final seconds of the 10-9 loss to Denver. He’s a mess right now, just like the Jets season.

The Steelers made the Jets pay by taking over possession and turning it into a 30-15 lead with a four-yard pass from Russell Wilson to Van Jefferson with 12:09 to play.

The Jets now have no momentum and little hope for this season that started so promisingly.

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Ranking the top NBA trade candidates: Brandon Ingram, Jimmy Butler among stars most likely to move in 2024-25 season

Ranking the top NBA trade candidates: Brandon Ingram, Jimmy Butler among stars most likely to move in 2024-25 season

Intraseason trades are part of what makes the NBA such a fun league.

Almost every player’s name is thrown out at some point during the year. Some can be fired immediately. Others are more intriguing because they make sense for everyone involved.

When you look at the bigger picture of the NBA, including the cap, tax situation, team needs and the rumor mill, certain names stand out as strong trade candidates.

Here are the ones that make the most sense to move before the 2025 trade deadline, ranked in order of “most likely” to “least likely.”


Ranking the top NBA trade candidates for the 2024-25 season

1. Brandon Ingram

The Pelicans have not paid the luxury tax in their entire franchise history. They’re just $1.6 million over the tax line entering the season, meaning there’s a 99.9 percent chance of losing some money making a trade before February.

Ingram could be the guy who moved.

There are rumors that the Pelicans would acquire him, but there isn’t much interest as he’s looking for a max contract once he hits free agency after this season. His $36 million salary this year also makes him difficult to trade.

The Pelicans desperately need help at center, so some sort of trade will likely happen at some point where they gain big man depth and lose a tiny bit of salary.

2. Zach LaVine

LaVine is another great scorer who was recruited without much interest around the league. The Bulls don’t seem willing to invest an asset to move him, so he’ll have to prove he can stay healthy and is worth the $43 million he’ll make this season.

LaVine makes little sense on a Bulls team that should be trying to retain their top-10 protected pick this year. He could be moved to a contender in need of more 3-point shooting and shot creation for an equivalent salary.

MORE: Why Zach LaVine is a better trade candidate than portrayed

3. D’Angelo Russell | 4. Rui Hachimura

The Lakers didn’t have much of an opportunity to do much this offseason, in part because Russell unexpectedly picked up his $18.7 million player option. His departure represents the easiest opportunity for them to upgrade their team. Hachimura’s $35.3 million over the next two seasons is another option that could be combined with Russell to land a big name.

One or both will need to be moved as Anthony Davis and LeBron James proved they still have plenty of gas in the tank at the Olympics. This current roster isn’t good enough to be considered a real contender, and these two stars need help.

Rui Hachimura Los Angeles Lakers

NBA Entertainment

MORE: Here’s LA’s path to landing Donovan Mitchell, Trae Young and Zach LaVine

5. Robert Williams III | 6. Deandre Ayton

The Blazers have a crowded center rotation after drafting Donovan Clingan with the No. 7 pick in the 2024 NBA Draft. One of Williams or Ayton could be moved, with Williams being the more likely, according to ESPN’s Brian Windhorst.

Williams is making just $12.4 million this season, making him an easy fit for many teams. Ayton is a tougher match given his $34.0 million salary and his inconsistent play.

The Blazers are believed to be one of the worst teams in the league and are therefore looking for young players or picks as part of a trade back. Both the Pelicans and Grizzlies need a deep center. They could be potential trading partners.

7. Bruce Brown Jr.

The Raptors know they won’t be a great team this year. Jakob Pöltl said that at the team’s media day.

So Brown’s presence on the roster appears to be primarily for trade policy purposes.

The 28-year-old guard showed he could be a key rotation player for a championship team with the Nuggets in 2023. He is a versatile defender who can do a little bit of everything on offense with his plays, cuts and shots. He has an expiring $23 million contract and could add depth to a playoff rotation.

8. Dorian Finney Smith | 9. Cameron Johnson

The Nets signaled they were taking a step back when they traded Mikal Bridges over the summer and reacquired their own 2025 first-round pick, making tanking a more attractive option this season. They still have some good veterans who can help other teams, most notably Finney-Smith and Johnson.

Wingers are in short supply across the league and both have shown they can be rotation players for contending teams.

Finney-Smith’s shooting numbers have dropped since leaving Luka Doncic and the Mavs, but he is still a good defender, having shot 35.5 percent from deep in his career. Johnson was overwhelmed in Brooklyn but could be a great backup as a high-volume knockdown shooter.

James Harden LA Clippers

10.James Harden

Harden’s new contract with the Clippers was somewhat of a surprise after they opted to let Paul George leave in free agency. He must now carry the load for them, especially given Kawhi Leonard’s ongoing knee problems.

If he’s unable to get them into the playoffs in a brutal Western Conference, Harden has previously shown he’s quite willing to request a trade.

Harden has a built-in veto on any trade because of the structure of his contract — $33.7 million guaranteed this season and a player option for $36.3 million next season. He could control where he goes if the Clippers falter and want to get younger.

11. Nikola Vucevic

According to Joe Cowley of the Sun Times, Vucevic’s remaining $41.5 million over the next two seasons hasn’t drawn any interest in the trade market.

The two-time All-Star still posts decent scoring and rebounding averages, but his shooting has fallen off a cliff and he is one of the worst rim-protecting bigs in the league. He also makes no sense in a rebuilding Bulls team.

If any team needed some low post scoring and rebounding, look no further than Vucevic. The Bulls wouldn’t ask much to terminate his deal early.

12. Jonas Valanciunas

Valanciunas is a huge body who can grab rebounds and deliver balls into the post with the best of them on offense. His slow feet on defense make him difficult to finish games with, but he can get a lot of minutes during the regular season.

The Wizards signed Valanciunas to a reasonable three-year, $30.3 million contract in the offseason. It was assumed throughout the league that he could be traded immediately due to his low salary.

LeBron James was reportedly willing to take a pay cut if the Lakers could sign Valanciunas in the summer. Los Angeles could be a long-term destination for him, considering James’ interest and Davis’ unwillingness to play center full-time.

Walker Kessler


13. John Collins | 14. Walker Kessler

Collins and Kessler are both good players, but they didn’t work well together at all. One of them has to go.

Collins’ 3-point touch returned last season after he fully recovered from a hand injury. He is still a good finisher who averaged 15.1 points per game in the 2023-24 season due to his good efficiency. He’s not as bad a relief defender as his reputation suggests, and his $26.6 million salary this season doesn’t look as high as it did a few seasons ago when the Hawks were struggling to get rid of him.

Kessler was bought out, but the asking price was reportedly outrageously high. According to Ian Begley of SNY, the Jazz rejected a Knicks offer for two first-round picks over the summer.

Kessler is a great rim protector who needs to work on getting better results and being a more offensive threat.

15. Moses Moody

Moody was expected to play a lot more for the Warriors, but he never found a lasting niche in Steve Kerr’s rotation. The two sides were also unable to agree on an extension.

If the separation between them continues, interest in the all-round shooting guard will be high. The Warriors play better when he is on the field because he finds so many ways to contribute.

Moody and Jonathan Kuminga are the two obvious trade candidates if the Warriors decide to make one final run with Stephen Curry. They have two first-round picks they could move to get more win-now help.

MORE: Why Brandon Ingram and James Harden are ideal Warriors targets

16. Jimmy Butler

Butler and the Heat were unable to agree on an offseason extension, which has caused trade rumors to intensify.

According to NBA reporter Nick Friedell, Butler’s name came up in conversations with the Warriors early in the offseason. ESPN’s Tim MacMahon said that “at least some eyes are on Butler” as the next big star to be traded.

The Heat are an expensive team whose trade proposals are limited. They couldn’t add a player making more than Butler’s salary of $48.8 million. If they were to actually move on from him, it would likely be a sign that they would take a step back and add some younger players to their system.

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What Two-Face could have looked like as the main Dark Knight villain in the epic Batman film

What Two-Face could have looked like as the main Dark Knight villain in the epic Batman film

A fan-made Batman film has imagined what DC’s Two-Face might have looked like if he had been the main villain The Dark Knight. Harvey Dent made a few live-action appearances throughout his film career, first debuting in Batman in his non-villainous form before Aaron Eckhart delivered one of the best Two-Faces of all time in 2008 The Dark Knight. This was a faithful adaptation of Two-Face’s origins, charting Dent’s descent into his villainous persona in a heartbreaking story that was secondary to that of Joker.

Now a talented Batman fan, Stephen Trumble Animation, has has depicted what Harvey Dent’s appearance at the center of a fan-made animated film might have looked like justified Batman: Broken Promises posted via YouTube. The film also features Ventriloquist/Scarface, who is said to be cooperating with a mysterious third party in a drug operation that could leave thousands dead. The film was exceptionally well received by fellow fans, racking up nearly 2 million views, as it convincingly adapts some of DC Comics’ most compelling characters.

What Batman: Broken Promise means for DC

Batman: Broken Promises Should Be Inspiration

Batman: Broken Promises begins with a disclaimer It is not affiliated with DC Comics or Warner Bros. and that it is available to watch for free. With that in mind, it’s unlikely that the fan-made film will have much influence in future installments of the DC Universe, where Batman and his legendary rogues’ gallery outside of DC or Warner Bros. poach those involved in the production. However, it shows how big the appetite is for similar stories in DC’s official productions, with comments praising the writing, choreography and animation style.


New Batman Movie: The Brave & The Bold Story, Cast and Everything We Know

DC Studios will introduce a major new version of Batman with The Brave and the Bold. Here’s everything we know about the upcoming DC Universe film.

Fortunately, DC Studios is already producing some incredibly exciting shows and films that strike a similar tone, such as: Batman: Caped Crusader which shows a more mature portrayal of the titular hero. The penguin is also an incredibly grounded live-action series that explores Gotham’s criminal underworld and Oz Cobb’s rise to power. The DC Universe’s main film, meanwhile, could opt for a different route to differentiate itself from the darker tones of recent DC productions.

Our take on Batman: Broken Promise

The fan-made film is truly impressive

That goes without saying Batman: Broken Promise does a fantastic job with Two-FaceHe explores his obsession with duality and his crippling attachment to his fateful coin. The film shows a deep understanding of the Batman story, with some superbly written and delivered lines that wouldn’t be out of place in an official DC production. I hope for DC’s sake that it caught the attention of Warner Bros., as its popularity shows what fans expect from Batman products.

Harvey Dent last appeared in
Joker: Folie a Deux.

It’s also great to see lesser-known DC villains like Ventriloquist included. As it stands, it looks like the DCU will embrace the more obscure characters of the DC mythos when it comes to the cast Superman and surrounding projects are everything you can imagine. Still, it’s great to see that Batman can still inspire talented fans to create masterpieces like Batman: Broken Promise to preserve the magic of films The Dark Knight lively.

Upcoming DC film releases

Source: Stephen Trumble Animation/YouTube

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Here’s how to watch today’s Champions League match Al-Ain vs Al Hilal AFC: live stream, TV channel and start time

Here’s how to watch today’s Champions League match Al-Ain vs Al Hilal AFC: live stream, TV channel and start time

Here’s how to watch the AFC Champions League Elite match between Al-Ain and Al Hilal, as well as kick-off time and team news.

The main game on the third matchday of the 2024-25 season AFC Champions League Elite will go into the pit Al Ain against Al Hilal this Tuesday evening at the Hazza Bin Zayed Stadium.

Before this clash, the reigning AFC Champions League holders had struggled to find their footing at the start of the season. He is currently in sixth place in the UAE Pro League, already eight points behind leaders Sharjah and tenth in his group after being picked from the first two games just one point ahead.

On the other hand, the visitors are in pole position, can boast of a flawless start to the season and will be looking forward to this game as an attempt at revenge as it was Al-Ain who fulfilled their Champions League ambitions destroyed in the semi-finals. Final last season.

Here, GOAL gives you everything you need to know about watching TV, including TV channel, streaming details and more.

How to watch Al Ain vs Al Hilal online – TV channels and live streams

The game will be broadcast live Paramount+ in the USA. Live updates can be found here GOAL.

This is how you can watch TV anywhere with VPN

If you’re abroad, you may need to use a virtual private network (VPN) to watch games on your usual streaming service. A VPN, such as NordVPNallows you to establish a secure online connection while streaming. If you’re not sure which VPN to use, take a look here GOALis the guide to the best VPNs for streaming sports.

Kick-off time for Al-Ain vs Al Hilal

The AFC Champions League match between Al-Ahli and Al-Hilal will be played at the Hazza bin Zayed Stadium in Al Ain, United Arab Emirates.

Here we go 12:00 p.m. ET/ 9:00 a.m. PT To Monday, October 21, 2024in the US.

Team news and rosters

Al Ain team news

Kaku Last week, Al-Ain were forced to sit out the President’s Cup triumph over Hatta as he had just returned from international duty with Paraguay just hours before the game. However, he is expected to be back in the starting lineup for this week’s game.

In his absence Matias Segovia improved and delivered an outstanding performance in midfield. The 21-year-old scored a spectacular long-range goal and will be keen to keep his place in the starting eleven after this impressive performance.

Al-Ain possible XI: Eisa, Al-Ahbabi, Cardoso, Autonne, Erik; Park, Traore; Sanabria, Palacios, Romero; Rahimi

Al Hilal team news

For Al-Hilal, the big storyline revolves around the possible return of the Brazilian star Neymarwho was out of action last year due to a cruciate ligament injury.

In the meantime, Aleksandar Mitrovic was a firework display for the Blue Waves, scoring nine goals in just seven league games and a goal and an assist in two AFC Champions League games.

Yassine Bounouwho sustained an injury while on international duty for Morocco, missed the win against Al Fayha at the weekend. If he continues to be left out, Mohammed Al Rubaie is expected to continue as goalkeeper for the visitors.

Al-Hilal possible XI: Al Rubaie, Cancelo, Koulibaly, Al Bulaihi, Lodi; Neves, Milinkovic-Savic; Malcolm, Leonardo, Al Dawsari; Mitrovic

Head-to-head record

Useful links