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Week 5 of Prep Action – Boulder Daily Camera

Week 5 of Prep Action – Boulder Daily Camera

BoCoPreps 10&10: Week 5 of the preparation campaign

Each full week of the fall season, BoCoPreps highlights 10 teams and 10 athletes who have achieved exceptional achievements. Readers are invited to submit nominations to [email protected].

10 teams

Boulder cross country: The Panthers won the boys and girls races at the Northwest Open Space 5K PR Challenge in Northglenn on Friday. Toby Wong won the boys’ race in 16 minutes, 6.20 seconds for Boulder. Calia Vaughn (18:45.90) ​​was second in the girls division.

Boulder boys golf: The Panthers won the Rocky Mountain League invitational at Legacy Golf Course a week ago, beating second-place Mountain Range by 22 shots. Freshman Pierce Johnson won the event with an even-par 72.

Broomfield Softball: The Eagles picked up two more wins last week and are 19-0 on the season. Kiley Wheaton went 5 for 9 with a home run and three RBIs. In 10 Granite Peaks League games, they are averaging nearly 12 runs but allowing less than one per game.

Broomfield volleyball: The Eagles (9-2) have now won seven straight games after defeating Niwot and Frederick last week. Senior outside hitter Addie Dotson is averaging 3.7 kills per set with a .391 batting average.

Erie Softball: The Tigers (13-6) won two more games last week, extending their winning streak to 11 games. Lizzie Owens leads the team with 27 RBIs.

Softball: Erie flattens Longmont with deadly offense

Fairview Football: The Knights (5-0) posted their third straight shutout, defeating Smoky Hill 56-0. Jordan Rechel scored two goals on the floor.

Fairview Golf for Boys: The Knights won the Holy Family Bobblehead Invitational on Wednesday at Broadlands Golf Course. Freshman Ash Edwards was second with a 1-under-par 71 and junior Miles Kuhl was fourth with a 73.

Boys’ golf: Fairview’s Ash Edwards and Legacy’s Jensen Riederer shoot to the top at Broadlands

Met Football: The Mavericks (4-0) defeated Lewis-Palmer 31-0 behind two touchdowns from quarterback Christian Hiner. Austin Ott, meanwhile, had an interception and forced a fumble.

Met volleyball: The Mavericks (6-4) won twice last week and have outscored teams 12-0 in sets in their last four games.

Monarch Golf for Boys: The Coyotes teamed with Arapahoe to win the Taylor Invitational at Murphy Creek Golf Course on Wednesday. Senior Arjun Dhanoa led the way for Monarch, finishing fifth with a 4-over-par 76.

10 athletes

Tyler Anderson, Legacy Football: The senior rushed for 144 yards and two touchdowns on the ground as Legacy (2-3) defeated Horizon 47-43.

Sofie Donker, cross-country skiing for the Monarch girls: The senior won the Northwest Open Space 5K PR Challenge in 18 minutes, 36.30 seconds.

Gavin Ishmael, Frederick Football: The senior completed 10-for-11 passing for 297 yards and six touchdowns as the Golden Eagles (3-2) won their third straight game.

Mark Litwiler, Fairview boys soccer: The senior defenseman scored two goals in a 5-0 win over Niwot, the first multi-goal game of his three-year college career.

Boys soccer: Fairview’s Mark Litwiler scores two goals in a game for the first time in his career, helping send the Knights past Niwot

Charlie Martin, Dawson boys soccer: The senior scored another goal last week, extending his points lead in state to 56. He has 26 goals and four assists this season.

Om Mathur, Peak to Peak Golf for Boys: The senior won the Metro League invitational at Glenmoor Country Club on Tuesday with a shot of 5-over-par 76.

Gabriela Medina-Valdez, Skyline volleyball: The junior is in the top 20 nationally in kills with 164 this season. She had 14 points in a four-set loss to Longmont on Thursday.

Kaitlyn Murphey, Longmont softball: The senior had four hits and five RBIs as the Trojans beat Skyline and lost to Erie last week. She scored three of her four double goals this season.

Andre Parham, Boulder boys tennis: The No. 1 singles player won the Granite Peaks League championship, defeating Troy Gomez of Monarch in the final. Boulder’s No. 2 – Blake Curl – also won.

Boys’ tennis: Boulder shines in Granite Peaks tournament

Xander Sevian, bouldering soccer: The senior had a hat trick as the Panthers defeated Fossil Ridge 3-0 on Tuesday.

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Krumme Polizisten, gestohlene Laptops und der Geist von UGNazi – Krebs über Sicherheit

Krumme Polizisten, gestohlene Laptops und der Geist von UGNazi – Krebs über Sicherheit

Ein Mann aus Kalifornien, dem vorgeworfen wird, Steuern auf Dutzende Millionen Dollar, die er angeblich durch Cyberkriminalität verdient hatte, nicht gezahlt zu haben, zahlte örtlichen Polizeibeamten Hunderttausende Dollar, um ihn dabei zu unterstützen, Rivalen und ehemalige Geschäftspartner zu erpressen, einzuschüchtern und zum Schweigen zu bringen, heißt es in einer neuen Anklageschrift. KrebsOnSecurity hat erfahren, dass viele der mutmaßlichen Ziele des Mannes Mitglieder von waren UGNazieine Hackergruppe, die im Jahr 2012 für mehrere aufsehenerregende Verstöße und Cyberangriffe verantwortlich war.

Ein von der Regierung veröffentlichtes Foto soll Iza zeigen, wie er mit mehreren LASD-Beamten auf seiner Gehaltsliste posiert.

In einer Anklageschrift (PDF), die letzte Woche entsiegelt wurde, heißt es Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) hat gegen einen Einwohner von Los Angeles ermittelt Adam Iza. Auch bekannt als „Assad Faiq“ Und “Der Pate„Iza ist der 30-jährige Gründer einer Kryptowährungs-Investitionsplattform namens Zort das die Fähigkeit bewarb, intelligente Geschäfte auf der Grundlage künstlicher Intelligenz zu tätigen.

Aber die Regierung sagt, dass die Investoren in Zort bald ihre Shorts verloren hatten, nachdem Iza und seine Freundin begonnen hatten, diese Investitionen für Lamborghinis, teuren Schmuck, Urlaube, ein 28-Millionen-Dollar-Haus in Bel Air und sogar Schönheitsoperationen zur Verlängerung seiner Beine auszugeben.

In der Anklageschrift heißt es, dass das FBI mit der Untersuchung von Iza begann, nachdem es mehrere Berichte erhalten hatte, dass auf seiner Gehaltsliste mehrere aktive Stellvertreter standen Sheriff-Abteilung von Los Angeles (LASD). Izas Anwalt reagierte nicht sofort auf Anfragen nach Kommentaren.

In der Beschwerde wird ein Brief eines Anwalts eines Opfers zitiert, in dem es nur heißt: „EZ„, der Hilfe im Zusammenhang mit einer angeblich von Iza begangenen Erpressung und einem Raubüberfall suchte. Nach Angaben der Regierung tauchten im März 2022 drei Männer bei EZ zu Hause auf und versuchten, seinen Laptop zu stehlen, um sich online Zugang zu den Kryptowährungsbeständen von EZ zu verschaffen. In einem Polizeibericht, auf den sich die Beschwerde bezieht, heißt es, dass drei Eindringlinge abgeschreckt wurden, als EZ mehrere Handfeuerwaffenschüsse in Richtung seiner Angreifer abfeuerte.

Das FBI erhielt später eine Kopie eines von LASD-Abgeordneten im Januar 2022 erlassenen Durchsuchungsbefehls für GPS-Standortinformationen auf einem Telefon von EZ, aus dem hervorgeht, dass ein LASD-Abgeordneter die Mobiltelefonnummer von EZ rechtswidrig zu einer Liste von Personen hinzugefügt hat, die mit einer nicht zusammenhängenden Schusswaffenermittlung in Verbindung stehen.

„Verdammt, mein Kerl hat tatsächlich den Haftbefehl eingereicht“, schrieb Iza angeblich jemandem eine SMS, nachdem der Haftbefehl für den Standort eingegeben worden war. „Das ist eine ziemliche Scheiße für jemanden, der eine 24-jährige Karriere riskiert. Ich zahle ihm 280.000 pro Monat für vollständige Ressourcen. Sie sind im aktiven Dienst.“

Das FBI behauptet, LASD-Beamte hätten bereits mehrfach versucht, EZ auf Izas Geheiß hin zu entführen und zu erpressen. Die Beschwerde bezieht sich auf einen Vorfall im November 2021, bei dem Iza und EZ zusammen in einem Auto saßen, als Iza darum bat, in einem Supermarkt anzuhalten und Snacks zu holen. Während sie noch neben dem Auto standen, tauchte ein Lieferwagen mit mehreren bewaffneten LASD-Beamten auf und versuchte, EZ zur Herausgabe seines Telefons zu zwingen. EZ kam unverletzt davon und alarmierte 911.

EZ scheint die Abkürzung für zu sein Enzo Zelocchiein selbsternannter „Schauspieler“, der etwa zur gleichen Zeit in einem ABC News-Artikel über einen Hauseinbruch in Los Angeles zu sehen war, in dem Zelocchi mit den Worten zitiert wird, mindestens zwei Männer hätten versucht, ihn mit vorgehaltener Waffe auszurauben (wir kommen noch einmal darauf zurück). Zelocchis Schauspiel-Credits gleich).

Eines von vielen Selbstporträts, die auf dem Instagram-Account von Enzo Zelocchi veröffentlicht wurden.

In der Anklage wird häufig auf einen Mitverschwörer von Iza („CC-1“) – seine damalige Freundin – Bezug genommen, der Iza angeblich dabei geholfen hat, seine Geschäfte zu führen und die von Zort-Investoren investierten Millionen auszugeben. Wir wissen, wofür EZ steht, denn Izas damalige Freundin war eine Frau namens „EZ“. Iris Auund im November 2022 verklagte sie Zelocchi wegen angeblichen Diebstahls von Izas Laptop.

Izas Anklageschrift besagt, dass er auch einen Mann belästigt hat, der nur als identifiziert wurde TW., und bezeichnet TW als einen von zwei Amerikanern, die derzeit wegen Mordes auf den Philippinen inhaftiert sind. Im Dezember 2018 ein damals 21-Jähriger Troy Woody Jr. wurde in Manilla festgenommen, nachdem man ihn beim Abladen der Leiche seiner toten Freundin gesehen hatte Tomi Masters in einen örtlichen Fluss.

Woody wird beschuldigt, Masters mit Hilfe seines damaligen besten Freundes und Mitbewohners ermordet zu haben: Mir Islamauch bekannt als „JoshTheGod„, in der Iza-Beschwerde als „MI“ bezeichnet, Islam und Woody waren beide Kernmitglieder von UGNazi, einem Hackerkollektiv, das 2012 gegründet wurde und für sich beanspruchte, eine Reihe hochkarätiger Websites gehackt und angegriffen zu haben.

Im Juni 2016 wurde Islam wegen einer beeindruckenden Reihe von Straftaten zu einem Jahr Gefängnis verurteilt, darunter Online-Stalking von Menschen und die Veröffentlichung ihrer persönlichen Daten im Internet. Islam bekannte sich außerdem schuldig, Dutzende gefälschter Bombendrohungen und vorgetäuschte Geiselnahmen in den Häusern von Prominenten und Beamten gemeldet zu haben (Islam beteiligte sich 2013 an einem Schlaganfall gegen diesen Autor).

Troy Woody Jr. (links) und Mir Islam sitzen derzeit wegen Mordes auf den Philippinen im Gefängnis.

Im Dezember 2022 verklagte Troy Woody Jr. Iza, Zelocchi und Zort mit der Behauptung (PDF), Iza und Zelocchi seien an einer Hausinvasion in seinem Haus im Jahr 2018 beteiligt gewesen, bei der Woody behauptete, seine Angreifer hätten Laptops und Telefone mit Inhalten gestohlen mehr als 200 Millionen US-Dollar in Kryptowährungen.

In Woodys Beschwerde heißt es, dass Masters ebenso wie ein weiteres Kernmitglied der UGNazi bei seiner Hausinvasion 2018 anwesend war: Eric „CosmoTheGod“ Taylor. CosmoTheGod erlangte im Jahr 2013 im Internet große Berühmtheit, als er und eine Reihe anderer Hacker die Website offenlegten[dot]su, das die Adresse, Sozialversicherungsnummern und andere persönliche Informationen von Persönlichkeiten des öffentlichen Lebens, einschließlich ersterer, veröffentlichte First Lady Michelle Obamader damalige Direktor des FBI und des US-Generalstaatsanwalts. Die Gruppe schlug auch viele der Leute, die sie gedopt hatte.

Exposed wurde mit Hilfe von Identitätsinformationen erstellt, die von ssndob dot ru erhalten und/oder gestohlen wurden.

Im Jahr 2017 wurde Taylor zu drei Jahren Bewährung verurteilt, weil er an mehreren Swatting-Angriffen beteiligt war, darunter auch an dem gegen mein Haus im Jahr 2013.

Izas Anklageschrift besagt, dass das FBI Woody in Manilla interviewt hat, wo er derzeit inhaftiert ist, und erfahren hat, dass Iza ihn wegen Passwörtern belästigt hat, die den Zugang zu Kryptowährungen freischalten würden. Die Beschwerde des FBI lässt die Frage offen, wie Woody und Islam überhaupt an die Telefone gekommen sind, aber die Schlussfolgerung ist, dass Iza die Belästigung möglicherweise angestiftet hat, indem er Mobiltelefone an die Gefangenen schmuggeln ließ.

Die Regierung geht davon aus, dass ihr Verfahren gegen Iza zum Teil dadurch möglich wurde, dass Iza dazu neigte, Leute abzuzocken, die für ihn arbeiteten. In der Anklageschrift werden Informationen eines Privatdetektivs zitiert, der nur als „KC“ identifiziert wurde und der sagte, Iza habe ihn angeheuert, um Zelocchi zu überwachen, sich aber letztendlich geweigert, ihm einen Großteil der Arbeit zu bezahlen.

KC steht für Kenneth Childsder im Jahr 2022 Iris Au und Zort (PDF) wegen Diebstahls durch Täuschung und kommerzieller Herabwürdigung verklagte, nachdem klar wurde, dass seine Privatdetektivdienste im Rahmen eines Plans der Zort-Gründer genutzt wurden, um andere einzuschüchtern und zu erpressen. In der Beschwerde von Childs heißt es, dass Iza letztendlich Zehntausende Dollar an Zahlungen zurückgefordert habe, die er zuvor im Rahmen ihres Vertrags geleistet hatte.

Die Regierung fügte auch Beweise hinzu, die von einem Mitarbeiter von Iza – nur „RC“ genannt – vorgelegt wurden, der angeheuert wurde, um in Izas Haus eine Party zu veranstalten. Nach Angaben der Bundesbehörden zahlte Iza dem Mitarbeiter 50.000 US-Dollar, um die Veranstaltung nach seinen Wünschen zu gestalten, doch am Tag der Party sagte Iza angeblich zu RC, dass er mit der Veranstaltung unzufrieden sei und forderte die Hälfte seines Geldes zurück.

Als RC sich weigerte, umzingelte Iza den Mann angeblich mit bewaffneten LASD-Beamten, die dann die Zahlung durch Beschlagnahme seines Telefons erpressten. In der Anklage wird behauptet, Iza habe RCs Telefon behalten und den Rest seines Bankguthabens ausgegeben.

Ein Foto, das Iza angeblich unmittelbar nach Heinrichs Verhaftung wegen unbegründeter Drogenvorwürfe an Tassilo Heinrich geschickt hat.

Das FBI sagte, dass Iza nach dem Vorfall auf der Party seine bestochenen Sheriff-Stellvertreter beauftragt habe, RC anzuhalten und ihn wegen falscher Drogenbeschuldigungen zu verhaften. Die Beschwerde enthält ein Foto, auf dem zu sehen ist, wie RC von der Polizei mit Handschellen gefesselt wird. Nach Angaben der Behörden habe Iza dieses Foto an RC geschickt, um ihn noch mehr einzuschüchtern. Die Drogenbeschuldigungen wurden später mangels Beweisen abgewiesen.

Die Regierung behauptet, dass Iza und Au die LASD-Beamten mit Zelle-Überweisungen von Konten bezahlt haben, die mit zwei verschiedenen Unternehmen verbunden sind, die von einem oder beiden von ihnen gegründet wurden: Traumagentur Und Aufstiegsagentur. In der Beschwerde wird außerdem behauptet, dass diese beiden Unternehmen die Nutznießer eines Unternehmens waren, das gehackte und Phishing-Angriffe verkaufte Facebook Werbekonten und bestach Facebook-Mitarbeiter, um Anzeigen zu entsperren, die gegen die Nutzungsbedingungen verstießen.

In der Beschwerde heißt es, dass Iza dieses Geschäft mit einer anderen Person geführt hat, die nur als „TH„Und dass TH irgendwann persönliche Probleme hatte und sich in die Reha einweisen ließ. TH teilte dem FBI mit, dass Iza daraufhin seinen Laptop gestohlen und seinen Mitarbeiter der Regierung übergeben habe.

KrebsOnSecurity hat erfahren, dass TH in diesem Fall der Fall ist Tassilo Heinrichein Mann, der 2022 wegen Hackings in die E-Commerce-Plattform angeklagt wurde Shopifyund die Benutzerdatenbank durchsickern lassen Hauptbuchein Unternehmen, das Hardware-Wallets zur Speicherung von Kryptowährungen herstellt.

Heinrich bekannte sich 2022 schuldig und wurde zu einer Haftstrafe, drei Jahren Freilassung unter Aufsicht und zur Zahlung einer Entschädigung an Shopify verurteilt. Nach seiner Entlassung aus der Haft teilte Heinrich dem FBI mit, dass Iza immer noch sein Konto beim öffentlichen Screenshot-Dienst Gyazo nutzte, um Mitteilungen über seine angebliche Bestechung von LASD-Beamten zu dokumentieren.

Die Staatsanwälte sagen, Iza und Au hätten sich als glamouröse und wohlhabende Persönlichkeiten dargestellt, die erfolgreiche Social-Media-Influencer seien, das meiste davon sei jedoch eine sorgfältig gestaltete Fassade gewesen, die darauf abzielte, Investitionen von Kryptowährungsbegeisterten anzuziehen. Unterdessen berichteten die britischen Boulevardzeitungen diesen Sommer, dass Au mit ihm zusammen sei Davide Sanclimentider Co-Gewinner 2022 der Dating-Reality-Show Love Island.

Au war im Juli 2024 auf dem Cover von „Womenpreneur Middle East“ zu sehen.

Denken Sie daran, dass wir versprochen haben, Herrn Zelocchis beanspruchte Schauspielrolle noch einmal zu prüfen. Obwohl es kurz auf der aufgeführt ist Internet-Filmdatenbank ( Als meistausgezeichneter Science-Fiction-Schauspieler aller Zeiten ist nicht klar, ob Herr Zelocchi in echten Filmen mitgespielt hat.

Anfang dieses Jahres ergab eine Internet-Detektivarbeit auf Youtube, dass Zelocchi, obwohl er mit seinem IMDB-Profil mehr Auszeichnungen als die meisten anderen Schauspieler auf der Plattform erhalten hat (hier erhält er einen YouTube-Preis für die höchste Zuschauerzahl), wahrscheinlich besser als Regisseur des Films bekannt ist Der Film wurde einmal auf IMDB als der absolut schlechteste Science-Fiction-Film bewertet: Ein Werk aus dem Jahr 2015 mit dem Titel „Angel’s Apocalypse“. Die meisten Video-Shorts auf Zelocchis Instagram-Seite scheinen kurze Clips zu sein, von denen einige eher wie ein Werbespot für Herrenparfüm aussehen als wie ein Ausschnitt aus einem echten Film.

Ein Reddit-Beitrag von vor einem Jahr, der darauf aufmerksam machte, dass Zelocchis Science-Fiction-Film Angel’s Apocalypse irgendwie mehr Zuschauerstimmen erhielt als jeder andere Film desselben Genres.

In vielerlei Hinsicht würden die in dieser Anklageschrift beschriebenen Verbrechen und die verschiedenen damit verbundenen Zivilklagen einen beunruhigenden neuen Trend innerhalb der englischsprachigen Cyberkriminalitätsgemeinschaften vorwegnehmen, der in den letzten Jahren aufgetaucht ist: Das Aufkommen von „Gewalt als Dienstleistung“. Angebote, die es Cyberkriminellen ermöglichen, ihre Konkurrenten anonym zu erpressen und einzuschüchtern.

Auf bestimmten Telegram-Kanälen finden sich Ausschreibungen für IRL- oder „In-Real-Life“-Jobs, bei denen sich Menschen verdingen, die bereit sind, in ihrem lokalen geografischen Gebiet verschiedene körperliche Angriffe zu verüben, wie etwa das Aufschlitzen von Reifen, den Brandanschlag auf ein Haus oder das Werfen eines Ziegelsteins durch jemandes Fenster.

Viele der Cyberkriminellen in dieser Community haben Kryptowährungen im Wert von mehreren zehn Millionen Dollar gestohlen und können es sich problemlos leisten, Polizeibeamte zu bestechen. KrebsOnSecurity geht davon aus, dass es in Zukunft noch mehr davon geben wird, da junge, kryptowährungsreiche Cyberkriminelle versuchen, Autoritätspersonen zu ihrem Vorteil zu korrumpieren.

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Wayfair celebrates Way Day. Here’s what you should know:

Wayfair celebrates Way Day. Here’s what you should know:

Uh yeah, I want to make sure you get the most bang for your buck. If you sign up for all of these subscriptions, you will have. Let’s start with Amazon Prime. Did you know it also includes free access to Grubhub? It also gives you free delivery and reduces service fees for grocery orders. Just because I’m a fucking Prime member. Cancel Grubhub Plus. If you already have Prime, you pay double. As a ***Prime member, you can also get free, unlimited photo storage through the Amazon Photos app. Next up: If you’re a Walmart Plus member, did you know you get 25% off Burger King? Yes, you can also score gas savings of up to 10 cents per gallon at thousands of locations across the country. Finally, when you use Target Circle 360, the Target rewards program, you also get free access to the shipping marketplace, which offers same-day delivery to more than 100 retailers nationwide. I will share more about these programs in my Rawson Reports newsletter. Easy sign-up for bonus content and exclusive offers. It’s free and the link to sign up is Rawson

Wayfair is bringing Way Day back for the holidays, promising over 1 million items on sale

Another major retailer is joining the fray of October sales events to get people shopping earlier for the holiday season. Online furniture retail giant Wayfair announced it will host its second Way Day of the year. The sales event begins on Saturday, October 5th at midnight ET and lasts 72 hours. “The return of the three-day sales event offers Wayfair customers the perfect opportunity to get ahead of holiday shopping with discounts on over a million items and free shipping sitewide,” Wayfair officials said in a press release. “Way Day runs online and in-store at Wayfair’s specialty retail brands AllModern, Birch Lane and Joss & Main, with additional Pro-exclusive offers for Wayfair Professional members.” Related video above: Rossen Reports: Hidden Benefits of Amazon Prime Executives at , Target and Walmart+Wayfair say popular brands like Sealy, Shark, iRobot and Martha Stewart will see “incredible savings” over the three days. Additionally, new flash deals are released every 24 hours. “As the holidays approach, we know our customers value creating a warm and inviting atmosphere for gatherings with family and friends,” said Jon Blotner, Wayfair’s chief commercial officer. “Whether you’re looking to refresh your living room, stock up on kitchen essentials or add some festive touches, we’ve got unbeatable savings on top-selling items for every room in your home.” So how can Wayfair customers save? “Way Day?” Officials said these will be some of the following options: Deals of the Day: Daily deals not to be missed will be rolled out ahead of Way Day on September 30th. App-Exclusive Savings: Download the Wayfair app to take advantage of 24-hour pre-order Access the sale and get an additional 20% off eligible products at 4.24-hour Flash Deals October: Thousands of 24-hour deals launch across all three days of Way Day. Don’t wait too long or these offers will be sold out. Door Opener: These standout Way Day deals offer stunning savings on everything you need to get your home ready for the holiday season. Free and Easy Delivery: Wayfair Offers Free Shipping All three days of Way Day, many items are available sitewide – fully assembled and delivered to the room of your choice. Since the “Deals of the Day” have already begun, here’s what we’ve found so far and when Browse Wayfair’s digital shelves.

Another major retailer is joining the fray of October sales events to get people shopping earlier for the holiday season.

Online furniture retail giant Wayfair announced it is launching its second “Away day“ of the year. The sales event begins on Saturday, October 5th at midnight ET and lasts 72 hours.

“The return of the three-day sales event offers Wayfair customers the perfect opportunity to get ahead of holiday shopping with discounts on over a million items and free shipping sitewide.” Wayfair representatives said in a press release. “Way Day runs online and in-store across specialty retail brands Wayfair, AllModern, Birch Lane and Joss & Main, with additional professional exclusives for Wayfair professional members.”

Related video above: Rossen Reports: Hidden Benefits of Amazon Prime, Target and Walmart+

Wayfair officials say popular brands like Sealy, Shark, iRobot and Martha Stewart will see “incredible savings” over the three days. Additionally, new flash deals are released every 24 hours.

“As the holidays approach, we know our customers value creating a warm and inviting atmosphere for gatherings with family and friends,” said Jon Blotner, Wayfair’s chief commercial officer. “Whether you’re looking to refresh your living room, stock up on kitchen essentials or add some festive touches, we’ve got unbeatable savings on the best-selling items for every room in your home.”

How can Wayfair customers save on Way Day? Officials said these will be some of the following options:

  • Offers of the day: Daily deals you won’t want to miss begin ahead of Way Day on September 30th.
  • App-exclusive savings: Download the Wayfair app to take advantage of the 24-hour Early Access Sale and receive an additional 20% off eligible products on October 4th.
  • 24-Hour Flash Offers: Thousands of 24-hour offers will be launched across all three days of Way Day. Don’t wait too long or these offers will be sold out.
  • Door Opener: These standout Way Day deals offer stunning savings on everything you need to get your home ready for the holiday season.
  • Free and Easy Delivery: Wayfair is offering free shipping sitewide on all three days of Way Day, with many items available for free white glove delivery – fully assembled and delivered to the room of your choice.

Since these “Deals of the Day” have already begun, here’s what we’ve found so far perusing Wayfair’s digital shelves.

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2024 NBA Media Day live updates: Jimmy Butler, Lakers and more highlights

2024 NBA Media Day live updates: Jimmy Butler, Lakers and more highlights

The 2024 edition of NBA Media Day has arrived. It’s like the first day of school, picture day and homecoming all wrapped up in one. And it’s a beautiful start to the preseason schedule.

Players, coaches, and executives will dole out pleasantries and sports platitudes, giving us their best first outlook on the season to come. And, of course, Jimmy Butler will make a cameo, stealing the spotlight with whatever he decides to do showing up for another season.

This year, 28 NBA teams will hold their media days over the course of Monday. The Celtics and Nuggets already kicked off the festivities with their own media days last week in preparation for the NBA Abu Dhabi games on Oct. 5. This marks the 2024-2025 debut for the rest of the association.

Sep 30, 2024; Miami, FL, USA; Miami Heat forward Jimmy Butler (22) poses for a photo during media day at Kaseya Center Mandatory Credit: Sam Navarro-Imagn Images

Sep 30, 2024; Miami, FL, USA; Miami Heat forward Jimmy Butler (22) poses for a photo during media day at Kaseya Center Mandatory Credit: Sam Navarro-Imagn Images

We’re keeping tabs on everything that’s being said around the NBA. Here are the latest news and nuggets from the 2024 NBA media day.

Kawhi is hoping for opening night return

Kawhi Leonard is still coming along after an offseason knee procedure. In speaking with reporters on Monday, he said that he is hoping to not miss any games to start the season but is cautious.

“That’s the plan,” Leonard said. “I never plan to miss games. … It all depends on how my body is feeling, but I think it’s a positive thing to think I will play, but we are taking it day-by-day.”

Pacers star Tyrese Haliburton on Indiana Fever’s Caitlin Clark

The Indiana Pacers are hardly the only game in town. And Tyrese Haliburton is far from the only star. He was asked on Monday about the tight bond he shares with Fever phenom Caitlin Clark. After discussing his passion for the WNBA, he delved into his growing friendship.

“I’ve grown to be pretty close with Caitlin and (Connor),” Haliburton said, via Sports Illustrated. “Me, her, him and my girlfriend Jade all have a group chat that we talk in pretty often about everything. So it’s been cool to just grow my friendship with her. Everybody just wants to get more from her, take more from her, get more answers to things, and I don’t want to be that. We’re friends… If she wants to talk basketball, we’ll talk basketball, and if not, I’m totally fine with that as well. But I think we’ve built a pretty cool friendship, and it’s been really cool to see her grow this last year.”

Bronny will drive solo

No need to fight over the Spotify as Bronny would prefer not to ride shotgun on his way into work.

Clippers’ Kawhi Leonard on life after Paul George

The Clippers are the new-look Clippers just by transom of losing star Paul George this offseason. Leonard was asked about his former teammate, who now suits up for the Philadelphia 76ers.

Bronny James jokes around with dad LeBron on Media Day

Media Day is a laidback affair. And that was especially true for the Lakers and the father-son duo when talking about a recent scrimmage.

Bronny contends that LeBron was out after scoring on his son. The exchange has led to early jokes.

Bronny kept it going when talking about last week’s practice.

LeBron prepared to do it all

EL SEGUNDO, CALIF. — LeBron James is not a man consumed with his own limitations.

He conveyed as much at the Lakers Media Day when he was asked about first-year Lakers coach J.J. Redick wanting James to take more 3-pointers and play more off the ball than he has in the past.

“I can literally do whatever on the basketball floor, so it’s not hard to plug me into whatever that game, whatever that moment needs to entail,’’ James said. “So it’s me playing off the ball and JJ wanting me to shoot more threes or if it’s me playing on the ball and getting guys the ball, I can literally do everything on the basketball floor.’’

-Josh Peter

Lakers debut starting lineup:

The Los Angeles Lakers will bring back largely the same contingent as last year, making this a season predicated on the health of the squad. Monday was an opportunity to show off the starters.

Jimmy Butler’s Miami Heat media day look was … normal

The Miami Heat star has made a habit out of showing up for NBA media day with an outlandish outfit or look in recent years, memorialized in league and team photos that are then used on broadcasts throughout the season. Alas, Butler appears to have taken a more traditional approach this year and showed up looking, well, completely normal. Perhaps it’s because of the not-so-subtle jabs he took from Pat Riley after last season.

MORE: Miami Heat star Jimmy Butler shocks with traditional look on NBA Media Day

Zach LaVine addresses ‘rumors’ about his Bulls’ future

Rumors about Zach LaVine’s long term future with the Chicago Bulls have been circulating for awhile now, with reports this offseason suggesting the Bulls want to trade LaVine but can’t find another team willing to take on the commitment of his max contract. LaVine appeared in just 25 games for the Bulls last season, which was also the first time since 2016-17 that he averaged fewer than 20 points.

But LaVine tried to head off the storylines at the pass this time, using his opening statement during a session with reporters at Bulls media day to try and clear the air about the relationship between him and the organization.

“There was a lot of thoughts and rumors, opinions about me, about the organization … I think we’ve talked one time and this is my first time talking to you,” LaVine said about the Bulls front office, “so everything else you can take with a grain of salt, with false narratives or whatever it may be. I think going forward the best way to handle a lot of this stuff is I’m in a great situation, a great headspace. I’m fully healthy right now, which I don’t take for granted. Anything negative that’ll try to pin me and the organization, the rumors, drama, whatever it is, I leave that in the past.”

Anthony Edwards, Timberwolves react to KAT trade

The Karl-Anthony Towns trade to the New York Knicks caught a lot of people by surprise, none more so than his former teammates with the Minnesota Timberwolves. Their first public reactions are coming out now thanks to NBA media day. Here’s a sampling of what was said thus far:

Kawhi Leonard injury update

A cautious Kawhi Leonard focused on being healthy enough to finish a playoff series showed up to Los Angeles Clippers media day.

Leonard’s health is again a concern going into another season after he couldn’t complete the Clippers’ postseason loss to the Dallas Mavericks, abruptly left Team USA training camp this summer because of wariness about a knee injury and a report last week that he subsequently underwent a medical procedure on his knee this offseason.

The Clippers’ star conceded the inflammation in his knee that surfaced last season could be an issue the rest of his career, but emphasized that he and the team’s training staff have a better handle on how to deal with it moving forward.

Chicago Bulls give Lonzo Ball injury update

Lonzo Ball’s once-promising NBA career came to a screeching halt because of persistent knee problems with the Chicago Bulls. He has only appeared in 35 games since signing a 4-year, $85-million contract with Chicago in 2021 and did not play at all the past two seasons. But that could soon be changing. Ball’s return could come as soon as this year’s season opener.

“That’s the plan,” Bulls executive vice president of basketball operations Artūras Karnišovas said when asked if Ball could be available for the team’s season opener this year.

Ja Morant ready for ‘scary’ NBA comeback

Ja Morant wanted it known Monday that he’s not out to prove his doubters wrong after the past two seasons veered so off course for him. But the Memphis Grizzlies are aiming to be a playoff team again this year, so he did offer a preview of how the recent turmoil and health issues that limited him to nine games last season could impact the rest of the league.

“I feel like a happy Ja is a scary Ja for a lot of people,” Morant said.

Luka Doncic, Jason Kidd welcome Klay Thompson

Klay Thompson is among the most intriguing offseason additions this year, if only because it will be weird initially to see him wearing a Dallas Mavericks uniform instead of one belonging to the Golden State Warriors. But Mavericks star Luka Doncic and coach Jason Kidd see Thompson as potentially the piece Dallas was missing during its run to the NBA Finals last year.

“We haven’t had a Jason Terry or a Klay Thompson here for a long time,” Kidd said, alluding to his former teammate in Dallas when the Mavericks won an NBA championship in 2011. “You’re talking about rare air here when it comes to shooting,”

“I can’t wait to play with him,” Doncic said.

Houston Rockets are thinking NBA playoffs

The Houston Rockets made some big offseason moves a year ago to shore up their roster and bring in coach Ime Udoka only to fall short of the play-in tournament in the deep Western Conference. Well, they’ve got designs on making the postseason this time around even though the west looks even deeper this year. And they’re vocalizing them on media day.

Knicks open up about Karl-Anthony Towns trade

Josh Hart had a memorable reaction to the news.

Karl-Anthony Towns picture makes the rounds for Knicks fans

The ink on the Karl-Anthony Towns trade that would send the star from the Minnesota Timberwloves to the Knicks for Julius Randle and Donte DiVincenzo has not yet hit paper. But the big man was spotted on Monday morning in the area, according to Athletic hockey writer Peter Baugh.

Here is a snap of the Knicks newest addition.

The rumored trade is not yet official, which should make things interesting on Monday.

Joel Embiid weight update

NBA reacts to Dikembe Mutombo’s death

This NBA Media Day will be tinged with sadness after the NBA announced Monday morning that Hall of Fame center and beloved humanitarian Dikembe Mutombo died from brain cancer. He was 58 years old.

Philadelphia 76ers happy to have Paul George in the fold

Tyrese Maxey and Paul George were smiling and Joel Embiid wouldn’t. Not until Maxey playfully knocked the ball from his hands during a photoshoot Monday and they all laughed together in a clip released by the team’s social media account. The vibes are understandably better with the Philadelphia 76ers than a year ago when they returned for training camp in the midst of the franchise’s James Harden stand-off.

Philadelphia has a new big three now after signing George this offseason and General Manager Daryl Morey and coach Nick Nurse are relieved the storyline is about fitting George into the mix with Maxey and Embiid instead of off-court drama.

“What I like this year,” Morey said, “is the challenges are more traditional.”

“I think we’ve got a better team than we had with all that going on,” 76ers coach Nick Nurse said.

Victor Wembanyama weight update

What does year two in the NBA with Victor Wembanyama look like? It’s a question that will determine if the San Antonio Spurs are a playoff contender in the Western Conference this season.

Coming off a strong end to his Rookie of the Year campaign, and then a run to the gold medal game with France at the 2024 Paris Olympics, Wembanyama seems poised for a lot. He’s also likely packed on some muscle to his skinny 7-foot-3 frame. Seems like a welcome development for the Spurs.

NBA Media Day 2024 begins with Quin Snyder, Atlanta Hawks

It appears Atlanta Hawks coach Quin Snyder will go down as the first of probably hundreds of NBA coaches and players to speak with reporters on Monday. And right off the bat, some interesting thoughts on Dejounte Murray and a roster that features now features both Trae Young and No. 1 pick Zaccharie Rissacher.

How to watch NBA Media Day: Time, TV and streaming

While some teams get the party started early in the day, live coverage begins at 1 p.m. ET on NBA TV, followed by coverage on Below times ET.

  • NBA TV Media Day Presented by AT&T | 1-5 p.m. | NBA TV

  • NBA Media Day Live | 4-7 p.m. |, NBA App

What is NBA Media Day?

NBA Media Day is fans’ first look at their beloved squads as organizations hold an open session for media access to players and personnel.

Aside from interviews, it’s also a moment when players take their season photos, which has led to a tradition of the more memorable images making their way to social media. Jimmy Butler has been one player who has owned this tradition with his own flare for the opportunity.

When does the NBA season start?

NBA action starts on Oct. 22 with the Knicks taking on the Celtics in Boston and the Lakers hosting the Timberwolves. The rest of the association gets in on the fun on Oct. 23.

NBA media day schedule:

All times ET.

This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: NBA Media Day live: Updates, news and more highlights

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When does the Titans-Dolphins game start today?

When does the Titans-Dolphins game start today?

Week 4 of the 2024 NFL season concludes with a Monday Night Football doubleheader, beginning when the Tennessee Titans travel to Hard Rock Stadium to take on the Miami Dolphins.

Here’s everything you need to know about how to watch the Dolphins vs. Titans games, the NFL’s Week 5 schedule and more.

Dolphins-Titans NFL Predictions:NFL Game of the Week 4 Tips and Odds

The Tennessee Titans and Miami Dolphins play on Monday, September 30, 2024 at 7:30 p.m. ET.

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‘Poison-obsessed’ blogger admits poisoning her husband

‘Poison-obsessed’ blogger admits poisoning her husband

An Iowa woman who previously blogged about harmful chemicals and other toxins has pleaded guilty to poisoning her husband.

Daisy Zantjer, 39, of Pleasantville, admitted to “administering a harmful substance called tetrahydrozoline hydrochloride to her husband, Allan Zantjer, on two separate occasions in July 2023,” according to charging documents obtained by Law&Crime.

According to Marion County court records, she was charged in August with two counts of administering a harmful substance and two counts of domestic violence causing bodily harm. On Thursday, Zantjer pleaded guilty to all counts.

Authorities said Zantjer committed “domestic violence” against her husband “by putting tetrahydrozoline in his drink without his knowledge,” the documents said.

Her husband was hospitalized due to the alleged poisonings but survived.

According to Poison Control, taking tetrahydrozoline hydrochloride can cause drowsiness, low blood pressure, and a dangerously slow heart rate.

Charging documents revealed that Zantjer had previously blogged on LinkedIn about the dangers of chemicals and toxins in everyday household products.

The blogger “appears” to be the same woman who was arrested for poisoning her husband, Pleasantville Police Chief Joe Mrstik previously told Law&Crime.

Charging documents revealed that Zantjer had previously blogged on LinkedIn about the dangers of chemicals and toxins in everyday household products (Law&Crime).

Charging documents revealed that Zantjer had previously blogged on LinkedIn about the dangers of chemicals and toxins in everyday household products (Law&Crime).

In one of the October 30, 2018 blog posts, Zantjer wrote, “I am a Christian who wants to do good for her family, and that includes keeping them free from harmful chemicals and other toxins that could destroy their bodies.”

In another November 2018 post, she wrote, “It’s like giving someone arsenic.” It won’t kill that person immediately. It’s slowly killing them.”

“I want others who care about themselves to join me in being toxin free and financially free,” another post reads. “If you decide to switch to a non-toxic organic store, feel free to message me and I’ll give you my website.”

Zantjer was arrested on July 20th.

Following her guilty plea on Thursday, her bail was reduced from $12,000 to $6,000. Her sentencing is scheduled for November 7.

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Newsom signs law delaying oil industry leak detection in communities

Newsom signs law delaying oil industry leak detection in communities

Gov. Gavin Newsom today signed legislation giving oil and gas companies several additional years before they begin identifying and repairing wells near homes and schools that leak into the air and water.

Companies won’t be required to monitor their oil and gas wells within 3,200 feet of California residential areas for leaks until July 2030 – three and a half years later than the deadline Newsom and lawmakers legislated two years ago.

The slowdown in protecting communities near wells comes as Newsom praises his administration’s agenda of cracking down on the oil industry and phasing out fossil fuels.

The request for a delay came not from oil companies, but from the Newsom administration. State air and water regulators said they needed more time to hire staff, test leak detection techniques and develop specific guidelines.

“The delay is extremely concerning and will force frontline communities to wait longer for much-needed pollution protection,” said Hollin Kretzmann, an attorney at the group’s Climate Law Institute. “We celebrate the groundbreaking achievements (that other) bills represent, but we will not rest until all Californians have the oil and gas pollution-free future they deserve.”

More than 2.5 million Californians – including many in Long Beach, Los Angeles and Kern County – live within 3,200 feet of an oil or gas well, predominantly in low-income communities of color. Oil wells can release dangerous pollutants into the air and groundwater, and research has linked a number of health effects, including a higher incidence of premature and low birth weight babies, to people’s proximity to wells.

In August, the Newsom administration unveiled a plan to extend the law’s various deadlines, including for leak detection, by more than four years, saying state officials needed more time to implement it. Environmentalists supported a two-year delay.

In the end, lawmakers agreed on three and a half years and set a new deadline: July 2029 for companies to submit leak detection and response plans and July 2030 for their implementation. Originally, companies were supposed to detect and fix leaks by January 2027. The Assembly passed the bill by a vote of 45 to 14; The Senate voted 30-9.

“After careful consideration and negotiations, I am pleased that consensus has been reached to implement this important legislation to protect California families from the dangers of oil pollution from oil drilling,” said State Senator Lena A. Gonzalez, a Democrat from Long Beach, who sponsored the bill wrote the original law, it said in an emailed statement at the time.

Oil company executives say the law will cut jobs, drive up gasoline prices and increase California’s dependence on oil imports. Industry estimates compliance will cost about $40 million in the first two years.

The industry had tried to completely repeal the two-year-old law through a vote, but decided in June to abandon that effort.

Rock Zierman, CEO of the California Independent Petroleum Association, said the delays make sense because the ballot proposal process has interrupted implementation and therefore a new starting point is needed. He said a key focus of the law, the ban on new wells or work on existing wells within the buffer zone, remains in place.

Under three other laws signed by Newsom last week, California will speed up the cleanup of the state’s abandoned oil wells, close a low-producing oil field in Los Angeles County and allow cities and counties to restrict oil drilling.

Newsom also called the Legislature into a special session to address gas prices, giving him more time to persuade lawmakers to act on a package of energy bills that he was unable to push through in the final weeks of the regular session .

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Lindor’s home run sends the Mets into the playoffs with an 8-7 win over the Braves, who need a win in Game 2 of the Twin-Bills

Lindor’s home run sends the Mets into the playoffs with an 8-7 win over the Braves, who need a win in Game 2 of the Twin-Bills

ATLANTA– The Mets are headed to the postseason after Francisco Lindor’s two-run homer in the ninth inning capped a wild back-and-forth final two innings to give New York an 8-7 victory over the Atlanta Braves in their opener on Monday Makeup doubleheader squeezed in before playoffs begin.

Atlanta would also secure a wild card spot by winning Game 2, eliminating Arizona. If the Mets win, the Diamondbacks would get in at the expense of the Braves.

The Braves led 3-0 in the eighth behind rookie starter Spencer Rumpfenbach, but that was long forgotten by the end of this thriller.

New York took a six-run eighth lead, capped by Brandon Nimmo’s two-run home run. The Braves regained the lead with four runs in the bottom half when Ozzie Albies delivered a bases-loaded double with two outs for a 7-6 lead.

The Mets weren’t done yet. Starling Marte hit a single with one out against Pierce Johnson (7-5) and Lindor delivered his 33rd home run, a drive into the Braves bullpen in right-center.

“I got the pitch I wanted and you never know if the ball is going to go out of bounds or not,” Lindor said. “But I feel like I got it 100 percent, and I just kept saying, ‘Thank you, Jesus.’ We’re one step closer, we have to finish it. End, end, end, end.

Edwin Díaz (6-4) secured the win with a season-high 40 pitches despite giving up Albies’ go-ahead run, which came after the Mets failed to cover first, allowing Jarred Kelenic a two-out infield Hit.

Díaz demanded to return to the mound for the ninth time.

“I don’t care what you say, I’m going back out there,” he recalled telling manager Carlos Mendoza.

The Braves had the potential tying score at second in the ninth, but Díaz struck out Ramón Laureano and retired Travis d’Arnaud with a grounder to shortstop.

New York had lost 77 consecutive games by three runs in the eighth inning or later since May 17, 2023. Díaz slammed his glove to the ground and the Mets celebrated briefly behind the mound after becoming baseball’s newest playoff team.

“It’s not the end of the road for us, but my goodness, does it feel good,” Nimmo said.

New York had to hold off on celebrating its 11th postseason berth in 63 seasons, its first since 2022. There was one last game in the 2024 regular season.

“Have you ever seen a game like this?” Mets owner Steve Cohen tweeted.

Albies, a switch-hitter who can only hit with his right hand while dealing with ongoing pain from a wrist injury, hit a two-run home run in the third and a bases-clearing double in the eighth Base of the wall. Laureano also hit a home run for the Braves.

After managing just three singles in the first seven innings against Wechselbach, the Mets’ offense came to life in the eighth inning.

Schlafenbach was sent off after Tyrone Taylor’s leadoff double. Joe Jiménez didn’t strike out anyone and allowed three straight hits, allowing the Mets to make it 3-2.

Atlanta then turned to closer Raisel Iglesias, but he gave up a game-tying single to Jose Iglesias, a sacrifice throw to Mark Vientos and Nimmo’s 23rd home run to the seats in right field.

The unusual twin design became necessary after two games were canceled last week as Hurricane Helene wreaked havoc across the southeastern United States

The Braves could have won their seventh straight postseason appearance on Sunday, but a loss to the Kansas City Royals left them tied with the Mets, 88-72. Arizona finished the regular season 89-73.


For a brief moment at the end of the sixth round it looked as if the season would be extended a bit. Rain began to fall in Truist Park, forcing crowds to seek cover. But it was never hard enough to stop play, unlike the torrential downpour that hit the Atlanta area last week. An inning later, the sky brightened as fans returned to their seats.


Atlanta had held back Chris Sale because his scheduled start last week was rained out. However, he was unable to take part in the second game due to back problems. The favorite for the NL Cy Young Award was replaced by journeyman Grant Holmes (2-1, 3.78).

“It’s not an IL thing,” Braves general manager Alex Tnthopoulos said. “It’s an everyday thing. If we could let him pitch and it was safe to do that, we would. No matter, we need him if he knows where we want to go.”

New York had provisionally named Luis Severino to start the second game of the doubleheader, but he was pushed back to the Wild Card Series and Joey Lucchesi (0-1, 10.38) was called up from the minors for his second start of the season.



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NYT headline asks why Trump attended Alabama-Georgia game when he ‘says he’s in danger’

NYT headline asks why Trump attended Alabama-Georgia game when he ‘says he’s in danger’

A New York Times headline asked why former President Trump sought “the embrace of 100,000 fans” while claiming on the campaign trail that “he was in danger.”

NYT writer Shawn McCreesh wrote that Trump appeared to “enjoy the dangers of his job” as he attended the Alabama-Georgia college football game Saturday night, despite having “bragged about the mortal danger he was in” after two assassination attempts is located”.

“Should his supporters, his rivals, the press and the public from now on view his every appearance as an act of death-defying bravery, as he and his supporters suspect? And whether he really is the most distinctive man in the world. “Why was he wandering around a football stadium in the Deep South, in a state where he doesn’t have to campaign, throwing away poultry and posing for selfies?” asked McCreesh on Sunday.

September 28, 2024: Tuscaloosa, Alabama. Former President and current Republican presidential candidate Donald J. Trump waves to the crowd as he speaks with Republican Senator Katie Britt (right) of Alabama at Bryant-Denny Stadium for a football game between the Alabama Crimson Tide and the Georgia Bulldogs. (Gary Cosby Jr.-Imagn Images)

McCreesh added that “some” at the game expressed “cynicism” about Trump’s performance, referencing an anonymous grounds and facilities worker about safety measures.


“I don’t think it’s a smart move for him to come,” the worker said. “I would say about half the people are probably upset.”

McCreesh reported: “Security was tight, traffic was gridlocked, bomb-sniffing dogs roamed the grounds and hundreds of thousands of people were told to arrive early to pass the magnetometers in time for kick-off.”

He also spoke with Thomas Radney, a 53-year-old attorney from Alabama who McCreesh described as “a rare Democrat among the red-clad, red-voting crowds there that day.”

“He’s as safe here as he is in his mother’s arms – 95 percent of the people here think he’s second,” Radney said.


New York Times writer Shawn McCreesh suggested that some gamegoers were frustrated by Trump’s performance. (ANGELA WEISS/AFP via Getty Images)

Radney said Trump’s performance primarily served his ego.

“Alabama is going to vote for him by a large margin,” he said, “so the fact that he’s here just proves that he wants awards and people waving, that’s his whole thing. ‘I want people to cheer for me.’ “

The New York Times published a scathing op-ed about former President Trump two days after the assassination

Trump supporter Ben Wilson acknowledged that the former president probably shouldn’t have attended the game because of the tight security measures.

“I’m with him, but I would have preferred if he had just stayed away today,” Wilson said, “for logistical reasons.”

In a statement to Fox News Digital, Trump campaign spokesman Steven Cheung said: “Leave it to The New York Times to vilely label everyone a threat to democracy. They’re just angry that Kamala Harris would be booed out of the stadium if she did it.” The fact is that Kamala Harris, the Democrats and their media activists are the ones encouraging those who threaten President Trump’s safety. There have been two heinous assassination attempts on President Trump. Their violent rhetoric is directly to blame.”

Trump in suite

The Trump campaign attacked The New York Times for publishing the article about questioning Trump at the football game. (Kevin C Cox/Getty Images)

He continued: “Their outright lies and weaponization of the justice system to perpetuate countless witch hunts against President Trump were nothing short of vile and despicable. “If the Democrats and Kamala Harris don’t come out and apologize for their hateful rhetoric and tone.” While striking down their attacks that have fanned the flames of violence, they are explicitly advocating for and inciting more bloodshed against President Trump.”

This was the first time this year that Trump attended a college football game.


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The infamous High Ground scene in Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith was Steven Spielberg’s idea

The infamous High Ground scene in Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith was Steven Spielberg’s idea

Stunt coordinator Nick Gillard says the infamous “High Ground” scene in Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith was Steven Spielberg’s idea.

“I think Spielberg… I think so [was] Spielberg’s idea, this scene. “I may be saying too much, but I’m pretty sure,” Gillard told the Chris and Company podcast. “It just is, George.” [Lucas] hung on it. We hated it, it’s common knowledge that we hated it. We had a different version for it. We fought as hard as we could to change it, but George wouldn’t have any of it.”