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IBPS RRB Clerk Scorecard 2024 released, check the steps to download

IBPS RRB Clerk Scorecard 2024 released, check the steps to download

IBPS RRB Clerk Score Card 2024: The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) has released the Prelims Scorecard for the RRB Clerk Exam. Candidates who have appeared for the preliminary exam can download their scorecards by visiting the official website They must enter their registration number and date of birth to access the scorecard, which will be available until October 5, 2024.

The recruitment drive aims to fill a total of 9,923 vacancies for managerial and assistant positions in Regional Rural Banks (RRBs). The written examination was conducted on August 3, 4, 10, 17 and 18, 2024 at various examination centers across the country. The main exam is scheduled for October 6, 2024.

Earlier, IBPS had announced the results of the preliminary recruitment exam for the post of office assistant.

IBPS RRB Clerk Prelims Scorecard 2024: Steps to Download

  • Step 1. Visit the official IBPS website at
  • Step 2. On the homepage, click on “Online Preliminary Exam Results for CRP-RRBs XIII – Office Assistant (Multipurpose)”.
  • Step 3. A new page appears on the screen
  • Step 4. Enter your login details and click “Submit”.
  • Step 5. Check your result and download
  • Step 6. Make a copy of the result for future reference

IBPS RRB Clerk Recruitment 2024: Selection Process

The selection process includes a preliminary examination, main examinations and interviews. The interviews for Group ‘A’ (Scale I, II and III) officers will be organized by the Nodal Regional Rural Banks with the support of NABARD and IBPS in consultation with the concerned authorities. Interviews are expected to take place in November 2024.

The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) is a leading institute that conducts personnel selection assessments for organizations in the BFSI sector including RBI, SEBI, NABARD, SBI, GIC and others, many of which are regular members of the IBPS Society.

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0patch erklärt: Wie es funktioniert und was es für das Ende von Windows 10 bedeutet

0patch erklärt: Wie es funktioniert und was es für das Ende von Windows 10 bedeutet

Windows 10 hat nicht mehr viel Zeit. Im Oktober 2025, Microsoft wird die Unterstützung einstellen mit kostenlosen Sicherheitsupdates. Du kannst es immer noch bekommen Erweiterte Sicherheitsupdatesaber Sie müssen dafür bezahlen – und die Gebühr wird jedes Jahr steigen. Nach drei Jahren wird Microsoft es sein Erledigt. Aber ein Unternehmen behauptet, es sei so Eine weitere Möglichkeit, Windows 10 gepatcht zu halten.

0patch ist ein Produkt von Acros-Sicherheit. Die Entwickler sagen, dass sie Windows genauso gut patchen können wie Microsoft – vielleicht sogar besser in manchen Situationen – und zu geringeren Kosten. Tatsächlich hat Microsoft Windows 7 zwar bereits hinter sich gelassen, 0patch hat es jedoch „sicherheitsübernommen“ und liefert auch heute noch Sicherheitspatches dafür. Das Gleiche ist für Windows 10 22H2 geplant, wenn Oktober 2025 vor der Tür steht.

Es wurde viel über 0patch geredet, deshalb habe ich mich an Mitja Kolsek, den CEO von Acros Security und Mitbegründer von 0patch, gewandt, um weitere Einzelheiten zu klären. Er erzählte mir, dass das Unternehmen über 40.000 Konten auf der ganzen Welt hat, die 0patch nutzen, von denen einige Tausende von registrierten Agenten haben.

Hier erkläre ich alles, was Sie über 0patch wissen müssen. Ob es eine lohnenswerte oder praktikable Option ist, Ihren Windows 10-Computer zu schützen, hängt letztendlich von Ihrer Situation ab, aber es verdient auf jeden Fall Ihre Überlegung.

Wie kann 0patch Windows sicher aktualisieren?

Ich habe mit mehreren Sicherheitsexperten gesprochen, die 0patch noch nie verwendet hatten, aber inoffiziell Bedenken geäußert hatten, ob ein Unternehmen die Software eines anderen Unternehmens wirklich sicher patchen könnte.

„Wir waren die ersten, die diese Skepsis geäußert haben, als 0patch noch nur eine Idee war, die in Meetings diskutiert wurde. Es scheint also eine natürliche Reaktion für jeden zu sein, der zum ersten Mal von 0patch hört“, sagte mir Kolsek.

Aber wie gut funktioniert es?

„Nachdem wir acht Jahre lang (hauptsächlich) die Sicherheitslücken von Microsoft gepatcht haben, spricht unsere Bilanz für sich. Die meisten unserer älteren Windows-Patches sind logisch identisch mit den Microsoft-eigenen Patches, die sie für noch unterstützte Windows-Versionen herausgegeben haben“, sagte Kolsek.

Kolsek hob auch frühere Situationen hervor, in denen 0patch schlagen Sie Microsoft beim Beheben von Fehlern in Windows Und hat einen funktionierenden Patch ohne Fehler veröffentlichtwährend Microsoft einen fehlerhaften Patch veröffentlichte, der später zurückgezogen werden musste.

Warum werden nicht alle bekannten Fehler behoben?

Erich Kron, Sicherheitsexperte beim Security Awareness Outfit KnowBe4hat ein potenzielles Problem angesprochen. „Eine Sorge besteht darin, dass sie nur eine begrenzte Anzahl von Schwachstellen patchen und die Entscheidung darüber, was gepatcht werden soll, nicht in der Hand des Kunden liegt. Das gilt zwar auch für Microsoft-Patches, aber sie [release] eine beträchtliche Anzahl von Patches unterschiedlicher Kritikalität und nicht nur hochriskante, aktiv ausgenutzte Patches.“

Kron zeigte darauf die offizielle Liste der 0patch-Patches. Auf der Seite heißt es: „Das Ziel von 0patch besteht nicht darin, jede Schwachstelle mit einem Mikropatch zu versehen, sondern nur die wichtigen.“

Kolsek erzählte mir, dass 0patch seit Jahren jeden neuen veröffentlichten Patch auf dieser Seite auflistet. Er sagte, dass sich 0patch auf „wahrscheinlich ausgenutzte Schwachstellen“ mit hohem Schweregrad konzentriere. Dazu gehören Schwachstellen, die eine Remote-Codeausführung oder eine lokale Rechteausweitung ermöglichen.

Er verwies mich auf First’s Exploit-Vorhersage- und Bewertungssystemwas seiner Meinung nach mit der Praxis des Unternehmens übereinstimmt. Kolsek betonte auch die große Anzahl der gefundenen Schwachstellen und betonte, dass sich 0patch auf die wichtigsten und gefährlichsten konzentrieren müsse.

„Dadurch werden wahrscheinlich zahlreiche Schwachstellen ungepatcht bleiben, aber der (immer begrenzte) Aufwand wird in die Maximierung der tatsächlichen Sicherheit fließen“, sagte Kolsek. Wenn ein Fehler ein geringes Risiko zu sein scheint und es unwahrscheinlich ist, dass er ausgenutzt wird, wird 0patch keine technischen Ressourcen darauf konzentrieren.

Wie funktioniert 0patch?

Spulen wir zurück. Wie genau kann 0patch Windows patchen? Es funktioniert nicht wie ein typisches Windows-Update, das die tatsächlichen Dateien auf Ihrer Festplatte mit neuem Code aktualisiert.

Stattdessen patcht 0patch im Speicher. Auf Ihrem Computer wird ein sogenannter 0patch-Agent ausgeführt, der kleine „Mikropatches“ herunterlädt, die er sofort anwendet. Mit anderen Worten: 0patch ändert das Verhalten von Programmen, um zu verhindern, dass Fehler ausgenutzt werden. Sie müssen nicht einmal einen Neustart durchführen, damit diese wirksam werden.

(Quelle: Acros Security/PCMag)

Kolsek erklärte, wie das Unternehmen seine Patches erstellt: „Wir sammeln Schwachstelleninformationen aus öffentlichen und privaten Quellen, und sobald wir genug wissen, um eine Schwachstelle zu reproduzieren, analysieren wir sie und erstellen einen Patch.“ Das ist wirklich das, was jeder auf beiden Seiten hat [the] Auf der Verteidigungs- und Angriffsseite geht es … Angreifer versuchen, die Schwachstelle zu einer Waffe zu machen und sie auszunutzen, und Verteidiger versuchen, Verteidigungsanlagen zu schaffen, um diese Angriffe abzuwehren. Was 0patch von anderen Verteidigungslösungen unterscheidet, ist, dass wir Schwachstellen tatsächlich aus dem Code entfernen.“

Kolsek sagte, der Agent von 0patch sei so konzipiert, dass er leichtgewichtig ist und nur minimale Änderungen vornimmt, um Probleme zu vermeiden. Das Unternehmen unterzieht jeden Patch zwei Arten von Tests: Sicherheitstests, die bestätigen, dass der Patch das betreffende Problem behoben hat, und Funktionstests, die sicherstellen, dass er nichts kaputt gemacht hat. „Diese Tests werden immer von einer anderen Person durchgeführt als der Person, die den Patch geschrieben hat“, sagte er mir und wies darauf hin, dass 0patch den Quellcode einiger seiner Mikropatches in seinem veröffentlicht Blogbeiträge.

Kron bezeichnete die Funktionsweise von 0patch als potenzielles Problem. „Der 0patch-Agent wird verwendet, um den Patch direkt in den mit den Prozessen verbundenen Speicher einzuschleusen, anstatt eine ausführbare Datei zu patchen. Das ist sehr praktisch, da kein Neustart erforderlich ist. Die gleiche Taktik wird jedoch von vielen Arten dateiloser Malware verwendet … die Technik selbst ist nicht schlecht … wenn der Agent jedoch von einem Angreifer gekapert werden könnte, könnte er böswillig eingesetzt werden.“ Kolsek erzählte mir, dass Acros Security als Sicherheitsunternehmen Penetrationstests für seine Software durchführt, um die Sicherheit zu gewährleisten.

Eines ist klar: Es handelt sich hierbei nicht um eine Plug-and-Play-Lösung, die sich nicht von Sicherheitsupdates von Microsoft unterscheiden lässt. Es ist nicht so, dass ein Unternehmen seinen Schreibwarenlieferanten gegen ein Unternehmen tauscht, das günstigeres Druckerpapier verkauft. Nein, 0patch ist ein völlig anderes Produkt. Dies ist (wahrscheinlich) eine Möglichkeit, die Sicherheit eines Windows-PCs zu erhöhen, indem verhindert wird, dass potenzielle Schwachstellen ausgenutzt werden. Aber Sie vertrauen auch der Sicherheitssoftware eines anderen Anbieters.

Nicht nur für End-of-Life-Systeme

Für Kolsek ist 0patch mehr als nur eine Lösung für Altsysteme; Sie können es auch als allgemeine Sicherheitslösung betrachten.

„Während unsere Patches für Legacy-Systeme heutzutage angesichts des bevorstehenden Windows 10-Absturzes ein beliebtes Thema sind, stellen wir auch „0day“-Patches für noch unterstützte Windows-Systeme bereit. Dabei handelt es sich um Patches für Schwachstellen, die entdeckt und offengelegt wurden, für die es aber noch keinen offiziellen Fix des Herstellers gibt.“ Er sagte, dass das Unternehmen häufig schneller als Microsoft vorgeht, um Korrekturen zu veröffentlichen, wenn kritische Probleme gefunden werden.

Tatsächlich erzählte mir Kolsek, dass 40 % der Kunden von 0patch es auf noch unterstützten Windows-Versionen verwenden.

Von unseren Redakteuren empfohlen

0patch wird Windows 10 nicht weiterhin kostenlos patchen

0patch wird für Windows 10 nicht mehr kostenlos sein, sobald Microsoft das Betriebssystem eingestellt hat. Aber es wird günstiger sein als die offiziellen Updates von Microsoft, der Preis wird nicht jedes Jahr steigen und es sollte länger als der dreijährige Bonuszeitraum von Microsoft eine Option sein. 0patch verlangt derzeit etwa 28 US-Dollar pro Jahr und Gerät für seinen Pro-Service, der End-of-Service-Updates für Windows 10 22H2 abdeckt.

Du dürfen Holen Sie sich einige Sicherheitspatches von 0patch kostenlos, aber nicht für Altprodukte. Ich habe online einige Verwirrung darüber gesehen, aber 0patch wird keine kostenlose Möglichkeit sein, weiterhin Sicherheitsupdates für Windows 10 zu erhalten, nachdem der offizielle Support endet.

Kolsek machte deutlich, dass das Unternehmen erkennt, dass es nicht nur preislich mit Microsoft konkurrieren kann. „Wenn beispielsweise der Compliance-Prüfer Ihrer Organisation einen Standard als erforderlich interpretiert offizieller Anbieter Patches müssen Sie sich für ESU entscheiden oder ein Upgrade durchführen. (Obwohl viele darüber hinaus noch 0 Tage lang 0 Patch verwenden.)“

Wie lange wird 0patch Windows 10 unterstützen?

Wie bereits erwähnt ist 0patch insbesondere für End-of-Life-Systeme interessant. Ab Oktober 2028, nach drei Jahren, könnte dies die einzige Möglichkeit sein, weiterhin Sicherheitspatches für Windows 10 zu erhalten.

So war es bei Windows 7. „Im Januar 2023 liefen die dreijährigen erweiterten Sicherheitsupdates für Windows 7 ab, aber wir haben uns entschieden, diese Windows-Version weiterhin mit kritischen Sicherheitspatches zu unterstützen – und unterstützen sie weiterhin“, sagte Kolcek . „Wir haben heute noch Tausende von Windows 7-Benutzern und planen, unseren Support dafür mindestens bis Januar 2026 zu verlängern, bei Bedarf sogar noch länger.“

Kolcek sagt, dass das Unternehmen plant, Windows 10 fünf Jahre lang zu patchen – länger als die drei Jahre von Microsoft –, aber es wird dieses Engagement wahrscheinlich auch verlängern, da es eine noch höhere Nachfrage als für Windows 7 erwartet. Das Unternehmen sieht das nicht irgendetwas am Horizont, das ein Problem beim Patchen von Windows 10 verursachen würde.

Eine weitere Sicherheitsebene, aber keine dauerhafte Lösung

0patch ist nicht nur eine kostengünstigere Drop-in-Alternative zu Windows Update. Und es ist kein Wundermittel, das vor allen Problemen schützt. Selbst offizielle Windows-Patches sind kein Allheilmittel: Aus diesem Grund verwenden Unternehmen häufig Endpoint-Sicherheitssoftware und Heimanwender installieren Antiviren-Tools. Aber sein Versprechen, Ihr System vor den gefährlichsten Exploits zu schützen, scheint zu funktionieren. Und das macht es möglicherweise nicht nur für End-of-Life-Systeme nützlich.

Dennoch ist 0patch nicht die einzige Option für solche Windows 10-Computer. Kron von KnowBe4 schlug vor, Maschinen zu isolieren, die gezwungen sind, auf nicht unterstützten Windows-Versionen zu bleiben: „Zum Beispiel könnte die Verwendung von Mikrosegmentierung zur Isolierung einer Maschine vom größten Teil des Netzwerks in Situationen nützlich sein, in denen Dateien auf einer Maschine generiert werden und nur dorthin kopiert werden müssen.“ ein Netzwerkstandort, zum Beispiel ein MRT-Gerät.“

Wenn Sie einen PC mit Windows 10 (oder Windows 7) an ein Netzwerk anschließen, nachdem er keine Patches mehr erhält, sollten Sie einige Sicherheitsvorkehrungen treffen. Stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie einen Browser verwenden, der noch Updates für Ihr Betriebssystem erhält, und ein Antivirenprogramm, das weiterhin unterstützt wird. Und ja, 0patch könnte auch eine zusätzliche Sicherheitsebene gegen böse Fehler sein.

„Kurzfristig ist es eine gute Option, Zeit zu gewinnen, aber irgendwann sollte das Betriebssystem auf eine regelmäßig unterstützte Version aktualisiert werden“, sagte Kron.

Wenn Sie einen alten PC aufrüsten möchten, gibt es welche Problemumgehungen für die Installation von Windows 11. Es gibt auch andere Möglichkeiten, einen Windows 10-PC am Leben zu halteneinschließlich der Umstellung auf Linux oder ChromeOS.

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Über Chris Hoffman


Chris Hoffmann

Chris Hoffman ist der Autor von Windows Intelligence, einem E-Mail-Newsletter, der jede Woche die neuesten Windows-Neuigkeiten, Tipps und Tricks in die Posteingänge bringt. Er ist außerdem ehemaliger Chefredakteur von How-To Geek und ein erfahrener Technikjournalist, dessen Arbeiten unter anderem in der New York Times, PCWorld und Reader’s Digest erschienen sind.

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Bengals beat Panthers in NFL replay Week 4. Highlights

Bengals beat Panthers in NFL replay Week 4. Highlights

The Cincinnati Bengals (1-3) defeated the Carolina Panthers (1-3) at Bank of America Stadium in Charlotte, North Carolina in Week 4 of the NFL.

The Bengals next face the Baltimore Ravens on Sunday at Paycor Stadium at 1 p.m

Cincinnati was the 4.5-point favorite and covered the lead for the second time this season.

Click or tap here to stream Bengals vs. Panthers on FuboTV (free trial).

Here is the replay of the game:

Everything about Bengals: Latest Cincinnati Bengals news, schedule, roster, stats, injury updates and more.

Bengals beat Panthers | Bengals 34, Panthers 24

The Bengals picked up their first win of the 2024 NFL season after making one final stop against Andy Dalton and the Panthers’ offense.

Bengals score against Panthers and extend late lead | Bengals 34, Panthers 24

The Bengals made it a two-score game with a 46-yard field goal from kicker Evan McPherson. Andy Dalton and the Panthers need two points to tie or win the game and there are no timeouts left.

Bengals force punt, can end game | Bengals 31, Panthers 24

The Bengals forced a three-and-out from the Panthers and took over at their own 37-yard line with 4:23 to play.

Bengals punt, Panthers can draw or take lead | Bengals 31, Panthers 24

The Bengals were once up 31-14, but now Andy Dalton has a chance to tie the game or take the lead with less than 5 minutes to play.

Panthers score against Bengals | Bengals 31, Panthers 24

Kicker Eddy Pineiro hit a 48-yard field goal to cap an eight-play drive to convert Joe Burrow’s interception into points and make it a one-score game in the fourth quarter.

Trey Hendrickson injured in Bengals vs. Panthers | Bengals 31, Panthers 21

Trey Hendrickson left the game as the Panthers played the Bengals in the fourth quarter.

Joe Burrow throws interception | Bengals 31, Panthers 21

The Bengals were within field goal range, but Joe Burrow threw an interception on third down and the Panthers had the ball at their own 41-yard line. It’s Burrow’s first interception of the season.

Bengals vs. Panthers enter the fourth quarter | Bengals 31, Panthers 21

The Bengals converted a crucial third down to end the third quarter when Joe Burrow dodged a pass rush and found Zack Moss in the flat. The Bengals lead by 10 and have the ball at midfield.

Panthers score against Bengals and close the gap | Bengals 31, Panthers 21

The Panthers scored late in the third quarter when Andy Dalton threw a 21-yard touchdown pass to Diontae Johnson. Kicker Eddy Pineiro converted the point-after-touchdown attempt.

Bengals score against Panthers and extend lead | Bengals 31, Panthers 14

The Bengals forced a punt, which was faked and took over Panthers territory. The offense stalled, but kicker Evan McPherson hit a 56-yard field goal to extend the lead to three points.

Bengals punt after three-and-out | Bengals 28, Panthers 14

The Bengals were forced to punt and punter Ryan Rehkow turned field and pinned the Panthers inside their own 20-yard line.

Bengals for Panthers punt | Bengals 28, Panthers 14

The Bengals have a chance to score three points after forcing a Panthers punt in the third quarter.

Bengals score against Panthers and extend lead | Bengals 28, Panthers 14

The Bengals offense marched down the field on the first possession of the second half and scored a touchdown on a 2-yard run by Chase Brown. Kicker Evan McPherson converted the point-after-touchdown attempt.

Bengals score against Panthers before halftime | Bengals 21, Panthers 14

The Bengals scored a critical score just before halftime. The Panthers had back-to-back pass interference penalties against wide receiver Tee Higgins, and running back Zack Moss scored from the 1-yard line after catching a pass from Joe Burrow. Kicker Evan McPherson converted the point-after-touchdown attempt. The Bengals get the kickoff for the second half.

Andy Dalton stats vs. Bengals

Dalton is 16-for-21 passing for 134 yards, one touchdown and one interception.

Panthers score against Bengals, tie before halftime | Bengals 14, Panthers 14

Andy Dalton and the Panthers once again pushed down the field against the Bengals defense. Dalton completed an 8-yard touchdown pass to wide receiver Xavier Ligette and kicker Eddy Pineiro converted the point-after touchdown attempt.

Ja’Marr Chase breaks tackles and scores against Panthers | Bengals 14, Panthers 7

Joe Burrow hit Ja’Marr Chase on third-and-3 with a 63-yard touchdown pass to retake the lead in the second quarter. Chase broke three tackles en route to his third touchdown of the season. Kicker Evan McPherson converted the point-after-touchdown attempt.

Panthers score against Bengals | Bengals 7, Panthers 7

Andy Dalton and the Panthers’ offense marched down the field on an 11-play drive that included a fourth-down conversion and tied the game. Running back Chuba Hubbard scored on a 3-yard run and kicker Eddy Pineiro converted the point-after-touchdown attempt to tie the game. It is the first touchdown the Panthers have scored at home since Christmas Eve 2023.

Results of the Bengals against the Panthers | Bengals 7, Panthers 0

The Bengals took advantage after Vonn Bell intercepted Andy Dalton. Running back Chase Brown scored the game’s first touchdown with a 4-yard run. Kicker Evan McPherson converted the point-after-touchdown attempt.

Bengals intercept Andy Dalton | Bengals 0, Panthers 0

The Bengals intercepted Andy Dalton for the first time when defensive end Trey Hendrickson hit Dalton’s arm and cornerback Vonn Bell intercepted the pass. Bell returned the ball to the Panthers’ 15-yard line and the Bengals were in the red zone.

Bengals punt on first offensive attack against Panthers | Bengals 0, Panthers 0

The Bengals began their drive inside the 1-yard line, but reached the 35-yard line before punting. The Panthers take over at their own 20-yard line.

The Bengals are stopped at the goal line on the first defensive attack | Bengals 0, Panthers 0

The Panthers’ offense pushed its way down the field and Andy Dalton was 4-for-5 passing for 59 yards, but the Bengals’ defense made a big stop on fourth-and-goal inside the 1-yard line to avoid the turnover to force on downs.

Bengals vs Panthers live score updates, highlights

The Bengals are looking for their first win of the 2024 NFL season, while the Panthers are coming off their first win with Andy Dalton rushing for 319 yards and three touchdowns against the Las Vegas Raiders. Follow the entire game for live updates and highlights.

Bengals vs. Panthers, how to watch and stream

The Bengals vs. Panthers game will be broadcast locally on Fox19 (WXIX-TV). Streaming options include FuboTV (free trial) and NFL+ (mobile only).

Bengals vs Panthers odds, spread

The Bengals are the 4.5-point favorite, according to BetMGM, and the over/under is 47.

Cincinnati Bengals injury report

Defensive tackles Sheldon Rankins and BJ Hill are inactive for Bengals vs. Panthers today, as are tight ends Tanner Hudson and Tanner McLachlan.

Cincinnati vs Carolina Predictions

Our team of experts all picked the Bengals to win against the Panthers today. The Bengals are now the second-highest bet team in the NFL to cover the spread.

Joe Burrow passes yards on final play

Burrow threw for 324 yards and three touchdowns against the Washington Commanders in Week 3.

What time is the Bengals game today?

The Bengals vs. Panthers game is scheduled to kick off at 1 p.m. at Bank of America Stadium in Charlotte, North Carolina.

Bengals vs. Panthers distribution, odds

According to BetMGM, the Bengals are 4.5-point favorites and the over/under is 47. Both Cincinnati and Carolina are 1-2 against the slate this season.

Bengals 2024 schedule

Week 1: September 8, Bengals vs. New England Patriots, 1 p.m. ET, CBS Patriots 16, Bengals 10

Week 2: September 15, Bengals at Kansas City Chiefs, 4:25 p.m. ET, CBS Bengals 25, Chiefs 26

Week 3: September 23, Bengals vs. Washington Commanders, 8 p.m. ET | *Monday Night Football on ABC/ESPN Commanders 38, Bengals 33

Week 4: September 29, Bengals at Carolina Panthers, 1 p.m. ET, Fox

Week 5: October 6, Bengals vs. Baltimore Ravens, 1 p.m. ET, CBS

Week 6: October 13, Bengals at New York Giants, 8 p.m. ET | *Sunday Night Football on NBC

Week 7: October 20, Bengals at Cleveland Browns, 1 p.m. ET, CBS

Week 8: October 27, Bengals vs. Philadelphia Eagles, 4:25 p.m. ET, CBS

Week 9: November 3, Bengals vs. Las Vegas Raiders, 1 p.m. ET, Fox

Week 10: November 7, Bengals at Baltimore Ravens, 8 p.m. ET | *Thursday Night Football on Amazon Prime

Week 11: November 17, Bengals at Los Angeles Chargers, 4 p.m. ET, CBS

Week 12: Bye week

Week 13: December 1, Bengals vs. Pittsburgh Steelers, 1 p.m. ET, CBS

Week 14: December 9, Bengals at Dallas Cowboys, 8 p.m. ET | *Monday Night Football on ESPN

Week 15: December 15, Bengals at Tennessee Titans, 1 p.m. ET, Fox

Week 16: December 19, Bengals vs. Cleveland Browns | *Thursday Night Football on Amazon Prime

Week 17: Bengals vs. Denver Broncos, date and network to be announced

Week 18: Bengals at Pittsburgh Steelers, date and network to be announced

*There are no game times during the final two weeks of the season as the NFL reserves the right to move games to prime time based on playoff scenarios.

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Who will replace John Rogers? Polling stations for House of Representatives seats in the Birmingham area will be open on Tuesday

Who will replace John Rogers? Polling stations for House of Representatives seats in the Birmingham area will be open on Tuesday file. (Anna Beahm)

Voters in parts of Birmingham will decide Tuesday in the final election race to decide who will claim the Alabama House of Representatives seat that John Rogers has held for more than 40 years.

Alabama District 52 Kelvin Datcher, a senior adviser to Birmingham Mayor Randall Woodin, faces Erskine Brown Jr., a lesser-known Republican in the race to represent the heavily Democratic district.

The district, which includes parts of Birmingham, Fairfield, Homewood and Mountain Brook, will have a new representative for the first time since 1982. Longtime Rep. Rogers resigned in March after pleading guilty to federal corruption charges in a kickback scheme.

Brown, who does not have a campaign website or social media page, said he knows it will be difficult for him to convince the district’s voters that the GOP best fits their interests and needs.

“I am a voice you can hear, not an image you can see,” he said, declining to provide a photo for publication with this article. “I’m not just there to promote my face. I want my voice to be heard.”

Brown, a retiree who works as a caregiver, is the son of Erskine Brown Sr., the late Democratic political activist and member of the Birmingham Jefferson Civic Center Authority Board.

Brown said he wants to increase benefits for seniors and strengthen support for health care and education. He said he also supports tightening Birmingham’s curfew for children under 17 to prevent violent crime.

“I’m not saying it would completely solve the problem, but it would help reduce it,” he said. “If they are under 16, they need to be in someone’s home.”

Datcher, 54, is supported by Woodfin. Citing his long resume working with local political officials, Datcher said he brings the experience needed to build a stronger relationship between Birmingham and state government.

Datcher’s platform includes supporting public education, increasing affordable housing and community development, and expanding access to health care.

Tuesday’s general election will be the third time voters will go to the polls to fill the seat, following a Democratic primary with no Republican opposition and a subsequent runoff.

There was no Republican challenger at the time Datcher won the July 16 Democratic primary. Brown’s late entry into the race in late July came as a surprise to political observers, who initially called the election for Datcher.

Datcher said he was strategic in the final weeks of his campaign, reaching out to former voters who were most likely to vote again.

“We’ve been working in this final phase just to make sure we stay in touch with the people who voted in the primary and the runoff,” he said. “We are much more targeted.”

Brown first ran for office as a Democrat four decades ago in an unsuccessful race for state Senate. He said the party did not support him at the time.

Brown noted that the Republican Party was historically the party that championed black rights after the Civil War. District 52 is a majority black district.

“I’m trying to push through it and see what I can do,” Brown said.

Datcher noted the odd timing of the special election, coming just before a presidential election and during a season full of other distractions, including college football.

“These things deprived the room of oxygen,” he said.

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Port strike strains supply chain as Hurricane Helene victims wait for help

Port strike strains supply chain as Hurricane Helene victims wait for help

The looming massive port strike, expected to begin at midnight on Tuesday, could have serious consequences for the delivery of emergency aid to victims of Hurricane Helene.

“We have the southeastern United States, half of North Carolina, parts of Georgia and southern Virginia that are under water or digging out from mud,” Chris Spear, president and CEO of the American Trucking Associations, told FOX Business. “These people need help. And now we’re going to close 36 ports, all trade in and out of this eastern half of the country, 46% of all agriculture exported from our East Coast ports. That’s not the case.” It’s time for a strike. This government must bring these parties to the table and reach an agreement.”

Spear, whose organization moves more than 72% of the nation’s freight per ton, criticized President Biden for saying he would not intervene to prevent the strike and said there had been no collective bargaining since June. The International Longshoremen’s Association, the union that represents U.S. longshoremen, warned that 45,000 members could walk off work at midnight, triggering a massive work stoppage that would effectively close about 36 ports on the East and Gulf Coasts could handle about half of the goods shipped in and out of the country.

Hurricane Helene’s devastation could cost up to $34 billion, MOODY’s says

Heavy rains from Hurricane Helene caused record flooding and damage in Asheville, North Carolina on September 28, 2024. (Melissa Sue Gerrits/Getty Images / Getty Images)

The union has criticized the United States Maritime Alliance for failing to reach an agreement on a pay package before the contract deadline. But the attack comes days after Hurricane Helene hit the southeastern United States with strong winds and heavy rains, causing massive flooding and killing up to 120 people. Hundreds remain missing as communications are disrupted.

“This is consistent with what I said, which is that these are people who need to buy new goods, remodel, remodel and buy new cars. And there’s also the question of employment opportunities,” Chloe Demrovsky, executive in residence at the NYU SPS Center for Global Affairs and member of the FEMA National Advisory Council, told Fox News Digital.

“So if this results in people being furloughed or laid off or businesses being closed, that’s going to create a problem where people are already financially stressed in a lot of ways,” she said of the strike. “If they’re not able to make money, recover their lives, rebuild their lives, that creates a big problem, especially when we have problems with American exports that could impact the labor market in agriculture and other key sectors .” And that certainly includes our ability to recover effectively.”

“That would put us in polycrisis mode,” Demrovsky said of the looming strike. “We are already in the active activation phase. It’s going to be a very busy hurricane season. Helene will be very expensive as there will be major reports in several states. And this would severely impact the ability to recover as this is all but complete.”

She expected potentially higher prices for hurricane victims who need to rebuild their homes or buy new essential goods or even vehicles, noting that the companies that import the most into the ports expected to be affected by the strike are Walmart, IKEA, Home Depot, Dollar General, among many others in the automotive space including Hyundai.

Florida business devastated by Hurricane Helene

Employees and relatives of the owner of the Jiffy Food and Liquor Store clean up after Hurricane Helene made landfall in Cedar Key, Florida, September 28, 2024. (CHANDAN KHANNA/AFP via Getty Images / Getty Images)

Port strike doesn’t come at the right time and endangers the economy: Joe Lavorgna

“If you evacuated with just a toothbrush, you will have to buy all these goods again. So if you go there, you know all these places that I just mentioned, and everyone leaves, then we’ll probably find empty.” “As time goes on, the prices on the shelves go up,” Demrovsky said. “We have only just begun to get inflation under control. In the event of a port strike, it is likely to rise again, in addition to the active response of so many states over such a large area.”

She noted that residents in areas of North Carolina and Tennessee that experienced more inland flooding from Hurricane Helene are likely not as accustomed to stockpiling for a hurricane as affected people in Florida or other coastal areas, so these victims You are more likely to have to go out and purchase goods immediately, which puts additional strain on supply chains.

Asheville damage

Storm damage near Biltmore Village following Hurricane Helene on September 28, 2024 in Asheville, North Carolina. (Sean Rayford/Getty Images / Getty Images)

While Walmart already takes a leading role in hurricane response and has to redirect shipments away from flooded stores, Demrovsky said the strike is making their operations even more difficult. “The companies I mentioned have very strong operational resilience plans and training in place, but when you’re in some sort of polycrisis or sustained crisis, it becomes much harder to stay on top of things and something somewhere has to give,” said them. “They already do a lot of that in hurricane season, but when that comes on top of that, it becomes even more difficult, so they have to do some really interesting dances to make sure they keep going at least somewhat well.” to keep filled.”

The collapse of Baltimore’s Francis Scott Key Bridge has already caused significant strain on the automotive industry’s supply chain, as the Port of Baltimore is a key import area for the automotive industry due to its “roll-on-roll-off port,” she said. This port has not yet fully recovered from the COVID-19 pandemic and is facing further changes with the demand for electric vehicles.


“It’s just a very complex time for supply chains in the automotive industry in general. So this is just another nail that makes it very difficult,” Demrovsky said.

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Get a free scary t-shirt when you donate blood this October

Get a free scary t-shirt when you donate blood this October

Get in the Halloween spirit by donating your blood to a good cause at South Texas Blood and Tissue

Get a free t-shirt when you donate by October 31st. (Copyright South Texas Blood and Tissue)

SAN ANTONIO – South Texas Blood and Tissue is bringing the Halloween spirit and asking for your donation to save lives this October.

STBTC is offering every blood donor a free limited edition Halloween t-shirt through October 31st.

The shirt features spooky crawlies that are perfect for the Halloween season.

The South Texas Blood and Tissue requires all types of blood and platelets, especially Type O.

While South Texans donate 350 to 400 times a day, the goal is to reach 500 to 600 donations per day in October. The organization provides blood to more than 100 hospitals in 48 counties in South Texas.

If you would like to donate, you can make an appointment through the South Texas Blood and Tissue website or call (210) 731-5590. There are nine donation centers throughout South Texas.

About the author
Avery Meurer

Avery Meurer is a Content Gatherer for KSAT 12. She graduated from the University of Texas at Austin with a Bachelor of Science in Communications/Radio, Television and Film and a Certificate in Creative Writing. Avery is a San Anton native and attended Northeast School of the Arts (NESA), majoring in musical theater and creative writing.

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Bengals beat Panthers in NFL replay Week 4. Highlights

Bengals beat Panthers in NFL replay Week 4. Highlights

The Cincinnati Bengals (1-3) defeated the Carolina Panthers (1-3) at Bank of America Stadium in Charlotte, North Carolina in Week 4 of the NFL.

The Bengals next face the Baltimore Ravens on Sunday at Paycor Stadium at 1 p.m

Cincinnati was the 4.5-point favorite and covered the lead for the second time this season.

Click or tap here to stream Bengals vs. Panthers on FuboTV (free trial).

Here is the replay of the game:

Everything about Bengals: Latest Cincinnati Bengals news, schedule, roster, stats, injury updates and more.

Bengals beat Panthers | Bengals 34, Panthers 24

The Bengals picked up their first win of the 2024 NFL season after making one final stop against Andy Dalton and the Panthers’ offense.

Bengals score against Panthers and extend late lead | Bengals 34, Panthers 24

The Bengals made it a two-score game with a 46-yard field goal from kicker Evan McPherson. Andy Dalton and the Panthers need two points to tie or win the game and there are no timeouts left.

Bengals force punt, can end game | Bengals 31, Panthers 24

The Bengals forced a three-and-out from the Panthers and took over at their own 37-yard line with 4:23 to play.

Bengals punt, Panthers can draw or take lead | Bengals 31, Panthers 24

The Bengals were once up 31-14, but now Andy Dalton has a chance to tie the game or take the lead with less than 5 minutes to play.

Panthers score against Bengals | Bengals 31, Panthers 24

Kicker Eddy Pineiro hit a 48-yard field goal to cap an eight-play drive to convert Joe Burrow’s interception into points and make it a one-score game in the fourth quarter.

Trey Hendrickson injured in Bengals vs. Panthers | Bengals 31, Panthers 21

Trey Hendrickson left the game as the Panthers played the Bengals in the fourth quarter.

Joe Burrow throws interception | Bengals 31, Panthers 21

The Bengals were within field goal range, but Joe Burrow threw an interception on third down and the Panthers had the ball at their own 41-yard line. It’s Burrow’s first interception of the season.

Bengals vs. Panthers enter the fourth quarter | Bengals 31, Panthers 21

The Bengals converted a crucial third down to end the third quarter when Joe Burrow dodged a pass rush and found Zack Moss in the flat. The Bengals lead by 10 and have the ball at midfield.

Panthers score against Bengals and close the gap | Bengals 31, Panthers 21

The Panthers scored late in the third quarter when Andy Dalton threw a 21-yard touchdown pass to Diontae Johnson. Kicker Eddy Pineiro converted the point-after-touchdown attempt.

Bengals score against Panthers and extend lead | Bengals 31, Panthers 14

The Bengals forced a punt, which was faked and took over Panthers territory. The offense stalled, but kicker Evan McPherson hit a 56-yard field goal to extend the lead to three points.

Bengals punt after three-and-out | Bengals 28, Panthers 14

The Bengals were forced to punt and punter Ryan Rehkow turned field and pinned the Panthers inside their own 20-yard line.

Bengals for Panthers punt | Bengals 28, Panthers 14

The Bengals have a chance to score three points after forcing a Panthers punt in the third quarter.

Bengals score against Panthers and extend lead | Bengals 28, Panthers 14

The Bengals offense marched down the field on the first possession of the second half and scored a touchdown on a 2-yard run by Chase Brown. Kicker Evan McPherson converted the point-after-touchdown attempt.

Bengals score against Panthers before halftime | Bengals 21, Panthers 14

The Bengals scored a critical score just before halftime. The Panthers had back-to-back pass interference penalties against wide receiver Tee Higgins, and running back Zack Moss scored from the 1-yard line after catching a pass from Joe Burrow. Kicker Evan McPherson converted the point-after-touchdown attempt. The Bengals get the kickoff for the second half.

Andy Dalton stats vs. Bengals

Dalton is 16-for-21 passing for 134 yards, one touchdown and one interception.

Panthers score against Bengals, tie before halftime | Bengals 14, Panthers 14

Andy Dalton and the Panthers once again pushed down the field against the Bengals defense. Dalton completed an 8-yard touchdown pass to wide receiver Xavier Ligette and kicker Eddy Pineiro converted the point-after touchdown attempt.

Ja’Marr Chase breaks tackles and scores against Panthers | Bengals 14, Panthers 7

Joe Burrow hit Ja’Marr Chase on third-and-3 with a 63-yard touchdown pass to retake the lead in the second quarter. Chase broke three tackles en route to his third touchdown of the season. Kicker Evan McPherson converted the point-after-touchdown attempt.

Panthers score against Bengals | Bengals 7, Panthers 7

Andy Dalton and the Panthers’ offense marched down the field on an 11-play drive that included a fourth-down conversion and tied the game. Running back Chuba Hubbard scored on a 3-yard run and kicker Eddy Pineiro converted the point-after-touchdown attempt to tie the game. It is the first touchdown the Panthers have scored at home since Christmas Eve 2023.

Results of the Bengals against the Panthers | Bengals 7, Panthers 0

The Bengals took advantage after Vonn Bell intercepted Andy Dalton. Running back Chase Brown scored the game’s first touchdown with a 4-yard run. Kicker Evan McPherson converted the point-after-touchdown attempt.

Bengals intercept Andy Dalton | Bengals 0, Panthers 0

The Bengals intercepted Andy Dalton for the first time when defensive end Trey Hendrickson hit Dalton’s arm and cornerback Vonn Bell intercepted the pass. Bell returned the ball to the Panthers’ 15-yard line and the Bengals were in the red zone.

Bengals punt on first offensive attack against Panthers | Bengals 0, Panthers 0

The Bengals began their drive inside the 1-yard line, but reached the 35-yard line before punting. The Panthers take over at their own 20-yard line.

The Bengals are stopped at the goal line on the first defensive attack | Bengals 0, Panthers 0

The Panthers’ offense pushed its way down the field and Andy Dalton was 4-for-5 passing for 59 yards, but the Bengals’ defense made a big stop on fourth-and-goal inside the 1-yard line to avoid the turnover to force on downs.

Bengals vs Panthers live score updates, highlights

The Bengals are looking for their first win of the 2024 NFL season, while the Panthers are coming off their first win with Andy Dalton rushing for 319 yards and three touchdowns against the Las Vegas Raiders. Follow the entire game for live updates and highlights.

Bengals vs. Panthers, how to watch and stream

The Bengals vs. Panthers game will be broadcast locally on Fox19 (WXIX-TV). Streaming options include FuboTV (free trial) and NFL+ (mobile only).

Bengals vs Panthers odds, spread

The Bengals are the 4.5-point favorite, according to BetMGM, and the over/under is 47.

Cincinnati Bengals injury report

Defensive tackles Sheldon Rankins and BJ Hill are inactive for Bengals vs. Panthers today, as are tight ends Tanner Hudson and Tanner McLachlan.

Cincinnati vs Carolina Predictions

Our team of experts all picked the Bengals to win against the Panthers today. The Bengals are now the second-highest bet team in the NFL to cover the spread.

Joe Burrow passes yards on final play

Burrow threw for 324 yards and three touchdowns against the Washington Commanders in Week 3.

What time is the Bengals game today?

The Bengals vs. Panthers game is scheduled to kick off at 1 p.m. at Bank of America Stadium in Charlotte, North Carolina.

Bengals vs. Panthers distribution, odds

According to BetMGM, the Bengals are 4.5-point favorites and the over/under is 47. Both Cincinnati and Carolina are 1-2 against the slate this season.

Bengals 2024 schedule

Week 1: September 8, Bengals vs. New England Patriots, 1 p.m. ET, CBS Patriots 16, Bengals 10

Week 2: September 15, Bengals at Kansas City Chiefs, 4:25 p.m. ET, CBS Bengals 25, Chiefs 26

Week 3: September 23, Bengals vs. Washington Commanders, 8 p.m. ET | *Monday Night Football on ABC/ESPN Commanders 38, Bengals 33

Week 4: September 29, Bengals at Carolina Panthers, 1 p.m. ET, Fox

Week 5: October 6, Bengals vs. Baltimore Ravens, 1 p.m. ET, CBS

Week 6: October 13, Bengals at New York Giants, 8 p.m. ET | *Sunday Night Football on NBC

Week 7: October 20, Bengals at Cleveland Browns, 1 p.m. ET, CBS

Week 8: October 27, Bengals vs. Philadelphia Eagles, 4:25 p.m. ET, CBS

Week 9: November 3, Bengals vs. Las Vegas Raiders, 1 p.m. ET, Fox

Week 10: November 7, Bengals at Baltimore Ravens, 8 p.m. ET | *Thursday Night Football on Amazon Prime

Week 11: November 17, Bengals at Los Angeles Chargers, 4 p.m. ET, CBS

Week 12: Bye week

Week 13: December 1, Bengals vs. Pittsburgh Steelers, 1 p.m. ET, CBS

Week 14: December 9, Bengals at Dallas Cowboys, 8 p.m. ET | *Monday Night Football on ESPN

Week 15: December 15, Bengals at Tennessee Titans, 1 p.m. ET, Fox

Week 16: December 19, Bengals vs. Cleveland Browns | *Thursday Night Football on Amazon Prime

Week 17: Bengals vs. Denver Broncos, date and network to be announced

Week 18: Bengals at Pittsburgh Steelers, date and network to be announced

*There are no game times during the final two weeks of the season as the NFL reserves the right to move games to prime time based on playoff scenarios.

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Playoff implications for Mets, Braves and D-Backs in MLB doubleheader

Playoff implications for Mets, Braves and D-Backs in MLB doubleheader

Yes, we still have one more day of regular season baseball ahead of us. Sunday’s results weren’t enough to decide the National League wild-card race, so the New York Mets boarded a plane to Atlanta to face the Atlanta Braves on Monday (1 p.m. ET on ESPN2). . The Arizona Diamondbacks will be watching – they need one of these teams to pull off a win to get themselves into the playoffs.

Let’s break down some of the biggest questions of the doubleheader:

OK, why are we even here?

These are catch-up games from the two rainouts related to Hurricane Helene in last week’s Mets-Braves series. Without them, the Braves, Mets and Diamondbacks are in a virtual tie for the last two wild card spots in the current table, so the two games have to be played:

Diamondbacks: 89-73
Mets: 88-72
Braves: 88-72

The important thing to know here: Both the Mets and Braves hold the tiebreaker over the Diamondbacks by virtue of winning their season series. That’s why the Diamondbacks need a sweep to get in; If the Mets and Braves split the doubleheader and all three teams finish 89-73, the Diamondbacks will stay home.

Another thing to know: The Braves lead the season series over the Mets 6-5, so if they split, they would still have the higher seed.

What scenarios are there for each team to secure a playoff spot?

Let’s go through these:

1. The Mets win the first game, the Braves win the second game. The Braves are the No. 5 seed and will face the No. 4 seed San Diego Padres in a best-of-three wild-card series starting Tuesday. The Mets are the No. 6 seed and will play the No. 3 Milwaukee Brewers. Yes, that means the Mets would have flown from Milwaukee on Sunday to Atlanta on Monday and then back to Milwaukee on Tuesday. (The Braves would have to fly cross-country, but at least they were already in Atlanta.)

2. If the Braves win the first game and the Mets win the second, the result is the same. The Braves are No. 5 and the Mets are No. 6.

3. The Mets win both games. New York is No. 5 and plays the Padres. The Diamondbacks are the No. 6 seed and will play the Brewers in a rematch of last year’s wild-card series. The Mets travel from Milwaukee to Atlanta to San Diego. (You won’t complain.)

4. The Braves win both games. Atlanta is No. 5 and plays the Padres; The Diamondbacks are No. 6 and will play the Brewers.

Remember, any team that wins the first game of the doubleheader will secure a spot in the playoffs. That will offer fewer incentives – or rather: NO Incentive – for this team to use their best substitutes in the second game. Not with the first wild card game on Tuesday.

Who are the starting pitchers?

First, remember: The projected starter will likely change for the team that wins the first game.

The Mets are using right-hander Tylor Megill in the first game. Megill last pitched on September 22 against the Phillies, allowing one run in four innings (but threw 93 pitches). He has allowed just two runs in his last three starts. Right-hander Luis Severino is on the schedule for the second game. His last start was Game 1 of the Atlanta Series last Tuesday, and he suffered the loss by allowing seven hits and four runs in four innings. He has a 3.17 ERA in his last eight starts.

While the Mets used arguably their top three starters – Sean Manaea, Jose Quintana and David Peterson – against the Brewers over the weekend, they are all left-handed. These two righties might actually be a better matchup against the Braves’ right-heavy lineup, which had an OPS of .778 against lefties but .706 against righties.

It’s worth noting here that if both scheduled starters are used and the Mets advance – if they lose the first game and win the second – they would have to use Manaea on three days of rest to start the wild card series.

The Braves announced that rookie Spencer Schwanzenbach will start Game 1. He faced Severino last week and pitched a gem, allowing just three hits and one run over seven innings. He faced the Mets again in July and had the best game of his career, striking out 11 in seven scoreless innings.

Atlanta’s starter for Game 2 – for now – is Chris Sale.

Wait, yeah, what’s going on with Sale?

Good question. Sale, who leads the NL in wins, ERA and strikeouts, has not pitched since Sept. 19, when he went five innings against the Cincinnati Reds. He was scheduled to start in one of the rained-out games, but earlier in the weekend the Braves said they were now saving Sale for an “emergency situation” — meaning a must-win game. This only comes into play now if they lose the first game.

It’s certainly an interesting strategic decision – if they had won on Sunday with Sale pitching, they would have secured a playoff spot. Instead, they can use him in the second game if necessary, and if they win the first game, Sale will be ready to start the first game of the Wild Card Series.

Of course, the question also arises: Is it now at 100 percent?

His four-seam fastball averaged 92.7 mph against the Reds – his lowest average of the season, less than 95.9 mph the start before and less than his overall season average of 94.8 mph . Maybe it was just a little season-ending fatigue: He started on four days’ rest and his previous start was against the Los Angeles Dodgers, when he had his second-highest average velocity. However, a drop of 2 miles per hour is considered significant and is definitely worth paying attention to.

Maybe there’s nothing here. Perhaps the Braves were just holding Sale back in hopes that he wouldn’t be needed and thus would be rested for the start of the postseason. We’ll find out if the Braves lose Game 1.

What about the bullpens?

Mets manager Carlos Mendoza capitalized on Edwin Diaz to cap Sunday’s 5-0 win over the Milwaukee Brewers. That’s understandable – you don’t want to mess around in this situation. But it was a comfortable five-run lead and Diaz ended up throwing 26 pitches. Now there’s a scenario in which the Mets need him in six games over five days, including Sunday’s finale, Monday’s doubleheader and the wild-card series.

The Braves are in better shape; None of their best substitutes – closer Raisel Iglesias, Joe Jimenez or Pierce Johnson – were used in Sunday’s 4-2 loss to Kansas City. They also have one of the deepest and best bullpens in the league, putting them in good shape to withstand the rigors of a doubleheader.

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Grisly triple murderer was sentenced to 189 years in prison

Grisly triple murderer was sentenced to 189 years in prison

An Indianapolis man was sentenced Friday to nearly two centuries in prison after being found guilty about three years ago of shooting and killing three people before leaving their bodies on a grassy path.

Caden Smith, 19, was sentenced to 189 years in prison after being convicted last month of the October 2021 murders of Joseph Thomas, Michael James and Abdulla Mubarak, the Marion County District Attorney’s Office said in a statement Friday.

Mubarak was 17, Thomas 18 and James 22 when they died. Smith was 16 years old when the incident occurred.

“Once again, the sale of unregulated firearms resulted in the tragic deaths of three innocent people,” Marion County Prosecutor Ryan Mears said in a statement shared on the office’s Facebook page. “This significant verdict is a testament to our commitment to holding violent individuals accountable for their actions. We are grateful for today’s announcement and thanks to the dedication of our deputy prosecutors and investigators, justice has been achieved for Abdullah, Joseph, Michael and their families.”

Smith had communicated with his victims before the killings, which eventually led investigators to his home, where they found the gun used in the murders, according to the statement The Indianapolis StarAssociated Press and local station Fox 59. According to the networks, Smith lured his victims to the remote area where they were shot by promising to show them a “Glock switch,” a modification that allows semi-automatic shooting can The rifle fires faster than a machine gun.

The 2021 murders had led to rumors that a serial killer was on the loose in the Indianapolis area at the time The Indianapolis Star.

Prosecutors’ efforts to convict Smith have faced some obstacles in recent years, local news outlet WTHR reported, including a judge’s 2022 decision to allow Smith’s release because the judge said his arresting officers had his Fourth Amendment rights violated.

Key evidence was thrown out as a result of the verdict, the media said, but Smith was soon arrested again for violating his probation when he posted photos of himself next to a gun and drugs on Snapchat.

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Smith’s trial last month lasted five days before he was finally convicted Indianapolis StarWTHR, Associated Press and Fox 59.

“It has been a long and challenging journey for these families, but thanks to the unwavering commitment of investigators, deputy prosecutors and the multitude of agencies, justice was achieved for Abdullah, Joseph, Michael and their families,” Mears said after the trial, according to the Indianapolis Star.

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The victorious fight against climate change lies at the interface between environmental protection and economics

The victorious fight against climate change lies at the interface between environmental protection and economics

There is a heated debate between those who call for “climate pragmatism” and others who see it as a corporate excuse to avoid fundamental change. It’s an argument that misses the point.

After waiting so long to get serious about climate action, we need to set ambitious goals. But we’ll never get there if we don’t focus on the difficult, pragmatic decisions that move us forward in the real world. To solve the climate crisis, we must delve into the “chaotic middle.”

The “middle” does not mean half-compromise measures. It’s far too late for that. The messy middle refers to the difficult decisions that must be made, guided by science and hard-nosed economics. It requires bridging the gap between scientific facts and human needs – and understanding the priorities of the people affected by this crisis and their solutions.

This approach to environmental action tends to produce results that can be sustained over time because it is aligned with real economic incentives. We are not going to change human nature, so lasting progress requires meeting people where they are and finding a path that works for them. It’s a change that builds up year after year, like compound interest.

Methane is important

A decade ago, we were in the middle of a heated debate about fracking. There were serious concerns about human health and water pollution – but little discussion about the climate impact of the methane leaking from these wells and pipelines.

Researchers have now discovered that much more has been released into the atmosphere than previously thought. And it turns out that solving this problem is one of the quickest and most cost-effective ways to limit global warming in the short term.

Making progress required giving policymakers and companies the data, developing new technologies, and working with oil and gas companies willing to reduce methane leaks—even if we environmentalists disagreed on other issues . Fifty major fossil fuel companies have now committed to reducing their pollution, which could result in an 80% to 90% reduction by 2030. They will be supported (and held accountable) by a new methane detection satellite that will provide open data. Make source data accessible to everyone

The same messy middle ground is being pursued in climate change and agriculture, which accounts for about 40% of human-caused methane emissions. Milk helps support the livelihoods and food needs of billions of people, including many of the most vulnerable. Therefore, today’s answer cannot simply be to say no to this global food source. Long-lasting solutions require engaging with science and working with dairy farmers and industry in both low- and high-income countries to limit emissions from their farms. We must help farmers increase their income, provide food and support the climate. And today we have the solutions to achieve this.

The next big “chaotic middle” challenges

Hydrogen, a potentially clean energy solution, is receiving billions of dollars in government and private support. Although hydrogen is promising, its impact on the climate depends heavily on how it is produced, managed and used – and whether it is phased out. To reduce emissions associated with the use of hydrogen, we need to develop sensors, reduce leaks and only use hydrogen when direct electrification is not suitable.

There is a similar debate about carbon markets – a tool that allows companies to allocate money to climate solutions such as tropical forests. While supporters point to the billions that could be generated to help developing countries finance clean economic growth, critics want to close these markets because of questions about the climate impacts, integrity and transparency of past projects. . The smart way forward for those who want faster climate action is to get the markets right so the money can flow. This requires rigorous science to identify green investments, rigorous accounting and a commitment that companies do not use carbon markets as a substitute for reducing their own pollution.

I know this messy middle approach works because I’ve seen it in action. I have spent much of my career working to save our fisheries. When we started, U.S. fish stocks were declining rapidly and boat crews were facing shorter and more dangerous seasons. The debate was so heated that when I spoke about my research at meetings with fishermen, the police stood nearby with their hands in their holsters.

Today, after much work in the chaotic middle, the United States has some of the best-managed fisheries in the world. This shift came about because we began to speak honestly about the trade-offs of different solutions, to prioritize improving people’s lives and environmental performance, and to work with those who made their living on the water.

While solving the overfishing problem is not as complex as mitigating climate change, it showed the way forward: embracing the difficult middle ground, building a bridge from science to people, and working together to achieve results. This is the truly ambitious and practical path that this crisis demands.

More must-read comments published by Assets:

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This story was originally published on