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Charlotte teen arrested after threatening to kill girl and live-streaming with gun on social media

Charlotte teen arrested after threatening to kill girl and live-streaming with gun on social media

CHARLOTTE, NC (WBTV) – Two “dangerous” teen repeat offenders were arrested in Charlotte after threatening to kill girls and live-streaming a gun on social media in September, officials announced Wednesday, Oct. 23 .

The duo, who cannot be identified due to their ages, were taken into custody by the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department’s Juvenile Accountability and Diversion Empowerment (JADE) team.

As the police announced in mid-September, a 16-year-old is said to have threatened to kill two girls. Two days later, a 17-year-old displayed a gun during a live broadcast on social media.

Authorities quickly located and surrounded the suspects’ location, executed a search warrant, seized two stolen guns and arrested both teens.

Police did not name any charges but advised the JADE team to “provide youth and their families with resources to prevent recidivism and steer them on the right path while holding them accountable for their actions.”