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IDOT Public Meeting on Perrysville Road Bridge – Texas Avenue, Proposed Changes; Scheduled for Tuesday, Oct. 22, at the Church of God

IDOT Public Meeting on Perrysville Road Bridge – Texas Avenue, Proposed Changes; Scheduled for Tuesday, Oct. 22, at the Church of God

ABOVE: Perrysville Road Bridge over I-74, approaching from the north side.

The Illinois Department of Transportation will host a public event. Come by whenever it suits you. Tuesday, October 22ndnd from 4 to 6 p.m. at the Church of God, 535 South Bowman.

The issue is proposed changes to Perrysville Road and Texas Avenue around I-74. Just northwest of the Bowman–Perrysville T-junction south of I-74 is the old Perrysville Road bridge over the interstate. IDOT proposes demolishing the bridge rather than replacing it. Perrysville Road would then end directly at the bridge from both directions.

(1st image) Exit to Texas Avenue from Perrysville Road, where southbound traffic would go after the bridge over I-74 is closed. (2nd picture) Current passage of Texas Avenue under Bowman Avenue, which is to be expanded into an intersection, currently planned as a roundabout.

Alternatively: Texas Avenue; currently an underpass under Bowman, will be renovated to form an intersection with Bowman and provide motorists coming southeast on Perrysville a new route to I-74 and back to Perrysville Road. Eric Childers, Danville’s deputy city engineer, gives us a look at what type of intersection IDOT has in mind.

AUDIO: They will be updating Texas Avenue to match Bowman Avenue. And the latest plan is; They plan to build a roundabout there at the Bowman-Texas Avenue intersection.

Childers says there will be a public information meeting where plaques on easels will explain the project and IDOT staff will answer questions; on Tuesday, October 22nd, from 4 p.m. to 6 p.mnd Meeting in the Church of God.