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IAM Strategy 300: Nominations for 2025 now open

IAM Strategy 300: Nominations for 2025 now open

Nominations for the 2025 edition are now open IAM Strategy 300 and we want you to join us. Let us know who you think is a leading global IP strategist by visiting our research website and filling out the available nomination form Here.

We strive to identify candidates across the IP strategy spectrum – from private practice lawyers and management consultants to aggregators and NPE executives, to economists, consultants and research institution professionals.

To ensure that the Directory continues to provide reliable and up-to-date guidance, we are once again asking the IP community to participate in the nomination process. If you know someone who has proven experience using intellectual property to increase profits or create value in other ways, we want to hear from them.

To be considered for inclusion in the guide, a candidate must receive at least three nominations from outside the organization in which they work. Anyone who reaches this threshold will be included in our longlist. Shortlisted individuals will then be contacted and asked to provide background information that they believe supports their nomination.

After reviewing this information and the results of our own research, the IAM team selects people to include in the study IAM Strategy 300 2025.

It has been since 2009 IAM Strategy 300 has served as an essential tool for those seeking to identify IP professionals – whether in the corporate, legal or consulting industries – who excel at developing and implementing strategies to maximize the value of intellectual property.

Self-nominations and nominations from individuals working in the same organization as the nominee will not be accepted.

The nomination process ends on December 31, 2024. We welcome your suggestions. In the meantime, if you have any questions about research, please contact us at [email protected].

Please note that the guide does not automatically list all the specialists included in the previous year.