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Telegram as a new target for US authorities – New details

Telegram as a new target for US authorities – New details

According to CNN, US intelligence agencies have opened an investigation into the leak of secret documents about possible Israeli attack plans on Iran. The leak caused widespread concern in Washington, particularly because top-secret information was made widely available on Telegram. This incident has once again drawn attention to the platform and its role in the global information landscape, News.Az reports.

In recent months, US authorities’ interest in Telegram has increased, despite it previously being seen as a hub for conspiracy theorists and dark web enthusiasts. The platform had developed a negative reputation in the mainstream media and was criticized and pressured by the FBI and other government agencies. These efforts were aimed at marginalizing Telegram, especially after supporters of Donald Trump and American conservatives began migrating to the platform from other social networks such as Twitter.

However, recent leaks of classified information have shown that Telegram has become an information battleground where data that poses a threat to U.S. national security circulates freely. This could be seen as recognition that Telegram is becoming a legitimate global information platform that resists censorship and restrictions more effectively than platforms such as Meta (formerly Facebook) and X (formerly Twitter).

It is clear that the data leak situation in the United States will not go unnoticed. On the contrary, it could serve as a catalyst for a rapid increase in Telegram’s audience. The platform’s appeal lies in its relative freedom from censorship and restrictions, making it a haven for those seeking alternatives to more tightly regulated social networks. We can expect that in the near future Telegram will become not only a space for personal communication and exchange of opinions, but also a platform for organizations and political movements that want to avoid control and pressure.

In view of these developments, it is clear that Telegram has become significantly more important as a platform that can influence the information landscape. Once marginalized, the platform is now viewed as a serious threat and is being closely scrutinized by U.S. intelligence agencies.
