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Top 5 Videos: Watch Lattice Medical 3D Print Implants

Top 5 Videos: Watch Lattice Medical 3D Print Implants

Published on October 20, 2024 by Julia S.

This week we have five more videos about innovations in 3D printing. First, we present you an exclusive interview with the French company Lattice Medical, which 3D prints implants for tissue regeneration. Then we have a video about how a Dutch company is aiming for closed construction by 3D printing interior elements. The third video explores how Formlab’s 3D printers are revolutionizing dental lab work, and the fourth is about 3D printing for aerospace. Finally, watch a video about how Aibuild developed a software upgrade to enable large-scale additive manufacturing for composite tooling for aerospace applications.

Top 1: 3D printed implants for soft tissue regeneration with Lattice Medical

The 3Dnatives team visited Lattice Medical’s headquarters during Breast Cancer Awareness Month to learn more about their 3D printed soft tissue regeneration implants. We interviewed Julien Payen, CEO and co-founder of Lattice Medical, to understand how their products work and what their mission is. MATTISSE, one of their main products, is a breast bioprosthesis made through a combination of biomaterials, tissue engineering and 3D printing. Watch our exclusive interview to find out more:

Top 2: 3D printing turns waste into something beautiful

Dutch company Aectual, an architecture and interior design company, focuses on 3D printing sustainable interior designs. They use a closed-loop cycle for their processes, meaning that any filament waste generated from one print is recycled in another. Learn more about the company’s work, the challenges it faces and its future prospects in this video:

Top 3: Formlabs Dental Application transforms workflow

Kreimer Dentallabor is a full-service dental laboratory that specializes in digital workflows. Since investing in its first 3D printer in 2016, the lab has become dependent on the technology. With the production of around 300 treatment units per month, the laboratory is extremely productive with twelve technicians. Watch this video from Formlabs to learn more about how 3D printing changed the game for this company:

Top 4: Additive manufacturing for aerospace with laser lines

As Stratasys’ oldest partner in the UK, Laser Lines understands that 3D printing will be a mainstay in the aerospace industry. Check out this video to see what parts they make for aerospace applications, take a look at their facilities, and more.

Top 5: Aibuild’s aerospace-grade LFAM composite tooling solution

In this video, London-based software company Aibuild looks at its solution for producing aerospace composite tools using large-scale additive manufacturing. Due to the challenges of thermal expansion in autoclave environments, LFAM production of such tools has been limited. So Aibuild developed software to address the problem as part of its ZETTAS (Zero Expansion Thermoplastic Tooling at Scale) project. The software enables the creation of aerospace-grade parts using LFAM “Surface conformal layers in all areas allowing the application of a single expansion factor.”

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