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Prosecutor demands Karen Read’s father’s phone records and Boston 25 interview video

Prosecutor demands Karen Read’s father’s phone records and Boston 25 interview video

The new prosecutor in the Karen Read case appears to have been quite enthusiastic about a television program aired last year in which the accused murderer’s family was interviewed – and believes it could bring even more success.

Special prosecutor Hank Brennan requested two pieces of material Friday that he said could be useful in the prosecution of the Mansfield woman accused of hitting her boyfriend, Boston Police Officer John O’Keefe, with her car and killing him in January to let the cold die 29.2022.

The motions come from an August 7, 2023 Boston 25 News segment in which Read’s father, William Read, her mother, Janet Read, and her brother, Nathan Read, were interviewed by reporter Ted Daniel.

Read, 44, of Mansfield, was charged June 9, 2022, in Norfolk Superior Court with second-degree murder, negligent motor vehicle manslaughter and leaving the scene of a collision involving death.

The first is a motion to compel Verizon to turn over all of Read’s father’s phone records for the day of O’Keefe’s death to the next day, as well as the call detail records for the period from December 30, 2021 to January 30, 2022.

The second is to force the recording manager of WFXT-TV, known as Boston 25, to release all video of interviews for information not included in the five-minute, 40-second news segment.

“During the evening and morning of the victim’s death, the defendant made numerous calls to various individuals and made varying and sometimes contradictory statements regarding the victim’s whereabouts,” Brennan writes in the Verizon filing. “The defendant’s call records include calls to both William Read and Janet Read, as well as text messages between William Read and Karen Read.”

Brennan says he plans to call William Read to the stand in Karen Read’s second trial, scheduled for January. William Read, along with his wife and son, were a fixture in the courtroom during his daughter’s first trial, which ended with a hung jury earlier this year.

“His phone records must be made available to be used as possible evidence in impeachment proceedings, depending on his testimony,” Brennan wrote. He added: “A review of William Read’s media statements, his statements and behavior at court hearings and other public appearances relating to this case shows that William Read is hostile to the Commonwealth in relation to his daughter.”

Elsewhere, he adds that he is requesting the data-rich request for a smaller time frame with the call detail records for the longer time frame “to compare the timing and frequency of Karen Read’s calls to her father on the night of the victim’s death with the frequency.” “or lack thereof, of data unrelated to this alleged crime.”

“The recordings almost certainly reveal a pattern or common occurrence between the defendant…she regularly calls her parents in the middle of the night after consuming large amounts of alcohol and having a domestic dispute with her boyfriend,” Brennan wrote.

This is a developing story.