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Rebalancing Act: Eva Chen from Trend Micro on industry topics

Rebalancing Act: Eva Chen from Trend Micro on industry topics

Eva’s urgency is not unfounded. Trend Micro’s latest Cyber ​​Risk Report paints a worrying picture, particularly for Southeast Asia. With a risk score of 43.2, the region has the second highest average risk in the world. The telecommunications, agriculture and education sectors in the region proved to be particularly at risk.

The need for a new approach

Eva’s call for reorientation is rooted in the changing nature of cyber risks.

“The future of our industry depends on our ability to balance these priorities,” explains Eva. “Organizations must proactively manage their cyber risks, starting with building comprehensive visibility and understanding of their attack surfaces.”

This emphasis on visibility and understanding is crucial, particularly in light of recent findings.

A 2024 hybrid cloud security survey by Gigamon, a comprehensive monitoring company, shows a 20% increase in undetected security breaches compared to last year, with cloud environments emerging as the leading culprit. As organizations distribute their data across on-premises, public cloud and private cloud platforms, maintaining comprehensive visibility and control becomes increasingly difficult.