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Kamala Harris responds to a listener’s question about sending money abroad

Kamala Harris responds to a listener’s question about sending money abroad

On Tuesday (October 15) Vice President Kamala Harris sat down with Charlamagne, the god for an hour-long discussion in Detroit.

During the “We the People: An Audio Town Hall with Kamala Harris” broadcast, the vice president answered questions from listeners who submitted them via the Talkback feature on the iHeartRadio app. An audience member asked Harris to explain why the United States continues to send money to other countries while people in America continue to struggle.

Before Harris could respond, Charlamagne added, “That’s one of the reasons America First rhetoric resonates,” referring to the former president Donald TrumpCampaign rhetoric.

“No one in America would complain about where the money goes if the everyday needs of American citizens were met,” he added.

Harris responded to the question by saying, “We can do anything, and we do.”

“First and foremost, I strongly assert that America should never shirk its responsibilities as a world leader. This is in the best interest of our national security and of each of us as Americans and our standing in the world.” Harris stated.

“That being said, of course, we also have an obligation to the American citizens and the people who are here to meet their everyday needs and challenges, which is why, for example, we have done the work over the last four years to reduce costs for prescription drugs, be it $35 per month for seniors for insulin or $2,000 per year for prescription drugs. We put $17 billion into our costs [historically black colleges (HBCU)]. I am proud to be the first HBCU Vice President in the United States and I plan to be the first HBCU President in the United States. These resources are about sending them to what I know are centers of academic excellence.”

“The work I continue to do is about improving access to capital for our small businesses. It’s about increasing opportunities for homeownership, knowing that black people in America are 40% less likely to be homeowners. There are procedural barriers to that homeownership, starting with the fact that no one got 40 acres and a mule, to issues that this area of ​​Detroit and people across the country know are real.”

“So part of my plan is to give people a $25,000 down payment so that first-time buyers can purchase a home. The work I will do to increase housing supply.” I know this is one of the reasons rents and home prices are rising in America. And I’m working with the private sector to cut red tape and work to build an additional three million homes before the end of my first term.

“I give these examples, and there are many more that I will offer, for example the work I will do to expand the child tax credit for young families to $6,000 in the first year of their child’s life, because, like you and I both know that our families all have a natural desire to raise their children well, but don’t always have the resources. Expanding the child tax credit to $6,000 for the first year of a child’s life will give this young family the opportunity to purchase a car seat, crib or clothing, the things that are so important during this critical period of child development are so that it can get going and actually have a chance of success.

If you missed the interview, you can listen to it on-demand via the Breakfast Club podcast or watch it below.