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North Korea orders border troops to prepare to open fire after drone allegations

North Korea orders border troops to prepare to open fire after drone allegations

North Korea After briefly ordering its troops along the South Korean border to stand by, South Korea accused Seoul of sending drones to the capital Pyongyang in what it described as a “war provocation.”

The North Korean army general staff ordered artillery units over the weekend to “fully prepare to open fire” to carry out an immediate attack on enemy targets if a similar infiltration occurs again, the official Korean Central News Agency reported on Sunday.

The order was issued on Saturday and was valid until Sunday, according to the statement. North Korea claims so Seoul sent drones to Pyongyang Three times this month he distributed leaflets condemning the Kim regime.
South KoreaThe Joint Chiefs of Staff said it was monitoring North Korea’s activities and was prepared to counter any provocations.

“Our military is closely monitoring the situation and is fully prepared for the North’s provocations,” Lee Seong-joon, spokesman for the South’s Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS), said at a news conference.


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North Korea wants to “permanently” block border connections with the “hostile” South