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5 Ways to Save Money and Still Support the Arts

5 Ways to Save Money and Still Support the Arts

Yes, truly, the cost of living weighs on everyone; It’s hard enough to keep your body and soul together, let alone participate in activities that require greater financial outlay. But artists of all stripes also suffer greatly in times of economic free fall. So how can you support them without spending too much – or no – money? Here are five ideas.

Performances during off-peak hours

There’s no doubt that live performance tickets are expensive, but if you’re dying to see the latest show everyone’s talking about, there are ways to cut the cost. The larger productions usually have a longer running time and offer many different broadcast slots. Avoid the popular peak evenings on Friday or Saturday. If possible, attend a matinee or attend on a Monday or Tuesday evening. You will notice that ticket prices are tiered depending on the day or time you choose. Check if there are Halftix or similar options where seats are discounted on the actual day of the performance, as theater companies would rather have (cheaper) seats than none at all.

Influence through word of mouth

Don’t underestimate the power of your own opinion. Suppose you saw a show, visited an exhibition or read a book and you liked it. What to do? Get on social media and tell your friends and the general public. Your warm review may help encourage others to attend the event or purchase the novel. People may not necessarily trust critics, but may be influenced by a more personal recommendation.


Borrowing books and other media is a given, but don’t feel guilty if you can’t afford to pay for a book. Sign up for PLR (Public Lending Rights). Authors and publishers receive compensation for loss of income caused by the free multiple use of their books in public and educational lending libraries. This scheme may also apply to e-books and audio books.

To read: 5 tips for debut authors


If you can afford to drop some spending money on a regular basis, consider subscribing to one or two content creators’ Substacks. It is a hybrid blogging/social media platform where participants can share their work. Subscribers pay about $5 per month, or about $50 per year, for the privilege of access to new material. Patreon works similarly: participating artists invite people to make a small, regular monetary contribution to their work. You can donate money to support all types of creatives: writers, artists, podcasters, musicians…

Read: 5 tips to start your book

Gift subscriptions

Christmas is almost upon us, so now is a good time to think about what to ask for when your loved ones need gift ideas. Now is your chance to request a subscription to your favorite literary magazine or arts organization. How about tickets to an upcoming concert, musical or blockbuster exhibition? Consider these options for your birthday too; There are so many artistic gifts you can nominate.