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Matt Rhule injury update, Rutgers game

Matt Rhule injury update, Rutgers game

Nebraska football coach Matt Rhule gives injury update for defensive back Tommi Hill ahead of Rutgers game

OK, questions for coach. How does 100 degree heat affect the game factor into *** game when you guys are preparing? Uh, you know, it’s the, the time that we’re playing at three o’clock, I’m sure it’ll, it’ll, it’ll drop once it gets to, you know, when the sun is down. But I think early in the game, um you know, depth and tell you how well you take care of yourself hydration, all that matters. So, um, you know, you work all year to get, you know, 12 games, you know, you’d hate to have the storyline of the game afterwards. Be like, man, I wasn’t ready for it because of the heat. So, um, yeah, I think our guys will be ready. We’ll play *** lot of guys and, you know, try to try to make it all about football. Uh, when you look at *** game like this, does it kind of add *** little extra validation to moving that sideline back over to the other side knowing that you’ll get *** little bit more shade and know that, um, I mean, Rutgers brought it up this week that they now get to be on the side with the sun and so you’re kind of thinking about that decision. Does it help kind of validate that move? Yeah. I think in the first game of the year I knew it was the right, you know, I think I knew it last year was the right move. I mean, there’s *** reason why everywhere in the country, the home side lines on the press box side, you know, so that, you know, you, you know, you’re not having to, you’re not having to hide yourself from the opponent and people can’t see your signals and, you know, um all kinds of things. So there’s *** reason why people do it that way you don’t have the change. And we were at Purdue this week, this past week. It was the first time I had the, the chains on our side. I kept running into the poor. I must have apologized to the gentleman like 10. I kept running into the chain officials because we haven’t had that. So, um but then the heat’s obviously another factor and I think we recognize that, you know, right away in the first ball game against up because it was hot and it was not, it was in the 230 game and um it was very clear. So Rutgers likes to use those two deep safeties *** lot of the time. I mean, what do you think of the way that they use those guys to kind of clean up things on the back end and prevent those big plays. I mean, um, I mean, it’s, it’s ***, it’s ***, it’s *** great defense, you know, coach Siano, you know, going way back to when he was *** defensive coordinator at the University of Miami, you know, and DB, Coach of the Chicago Bears, I mean, he’s known for elite DB play, elite defenses. Um, those safeties are versatile, you know, they can, they can, you know, play quarters, play, cover two and then they can, uh come down and play, man when they pressure, they pressure *** lot, you know, they blitz *** lot. So, um, they do *** great job disguised, they’ll put, they’ll utilize them in the run fit. Um, you know, just really, really, really, really, really well coached, uh, defense with *** bunch of really good players, Stefan and Tommy come along and with Turner, what’s his like timetable? You think Corcoran? I, um, you know, I think originally it was like *** 4 to 6 week injury, but I think so much of that depends on how things are going. So, um I, I don’t know that I could even say where that would be. Um I think Stephan will be available to play. I think Tommy believes he’ll be available to play. We’ll probably get him to the game and, um, you know, he’s practiced all week, so we’ll see if he’s able to play at the level that, you know, he’s capable of playing at and I, I appreciate both of them. The work they put in to get back on the field was saying last night on the radio, how Jamari is like the heart and soul of that D line and he’s fought through some something to even play. How is that, how is he impacted guys? Like what Terrence is talking about? But also just by going and playing through some pain maybe or whatever. I mean, he’s, you know, well, I think the biggest thing is, you know, *** lot of our guys will play through pain. What happens to *** lot of guys, uh um in today’s day and age where we have, you know, we have Pff grades and all the pressure on the kids, you know, you might be injured, you might not be able to play to the level you’re capable of, but you can still play to *** winning level and *** lot of guys are afraid to go out and play because they don’t want to look bad. They don’t wanna be criticized, they don’t wanna be, you know, whatever. And so Jamari cares more about his teammates, uh cares more about winning than he does anything else. And so even if he’s 50% against, you know, Illinois, even if he’s 75% you know, last week, he’s still gonna go out there and play because he loves to play. He loves his teammates. I think it’s *** great message for the team, you know, you play football because you’re *** football player, you know, you’re not because of all the things you can get. You know, and, uh, Jamar is *** football player. How’s the field goal operation? Look this week and just what’s been the message to those guys as they prepare? Yeah, I think, um, I think it’s looked great in practice but I think the, the deal is, it’s one of those deals, like, let me see what it looks like in the game, right? Um And, uh, you know, sometimes, you know, sometimes you walk through the valley of the shadow of death, you know, and you’re going through these hard times and it’s like *** great, great thing about where I am in my life. You know, I can share with the guys like I went through the hardest time I could have ever imagined in Carolina and all it was doing at the time. I’m saying, why am I going through this? But it was preparing me for this amazing part of my life here and the empathy I have for players. And so, you know, that feeling where like, you know, you have *** bad game and you walk in and you, you almost feel embarrassed to see people and I’m like, no, none of that. I’m not doing that, you know, maybe that’s how it was because I know what that feels like when you’re like, hey, can I even go into the grocery store, you know, or someone gonna say something to me in front of my kids, you know, like that’s so I understand that. And so um as I’ve told John and I’ve told all those guys as you’re going through this period, this journey going from, you know, uh it’s *** player with potential to being *** player who’s potent, you know, you have to go through these things and parts of you have to die off and you have to really embrace it. You can’t just get through, you have to embrace it and say, hey, what am I supposed to be learning? And so John Holl is, is *** talent to the field, book kickers we could ever hope to have here. He um he just has to go out and do it in the game and then he needs everyone else to help him. He needs the protection guys to protect, he needs *** great snap. He needs *** great hold. So um how it looks in the game. I don’t know, but I just, I just uh I believe in him and I believe that at some point it’s all gonna come together. I sure hope it’s this Saturday. Um but uh but uh I do appreciate what he’s going through and what, you know, Camden’s going through and Busin Buschini was going through *** little bit this last year. All right. And Buschini now is he’s uh he’s just *** flat dude. On the team. He’s just making, you know, he’s making plays as *** punter and holder and kickoff guy. So they’ll get there. Um It would be great if it’s Saturday, you have another big recruiting weekend. How have you seen recruits in general? Respond to you guys and how you stress development of high school players in the portal era. And also you’re playing *** lot of young guys. I would think that uh is appealing to them. Yeah, we’re, we’re gonna play whoever we think is the best player and then we play *** lot of guys. So I think that that resonates with players. Um We also don’t promise anything, you know, I don’t promise the thing like other than the opportunity to compete. So I think that that excites guys when you turn on Carter Nelson catching *** touchdown or Dr Corey catching *** touchdown or, you know, whomever uh Dylan making *** big throw or, you know, they see that opportunity. Um in terms of, I think, you know, the the games have been great for us. We know, I think we do *** really good job of, of bringing people here in the off season, bringing people here in the spring summer. Official visits were great, really get the chance to show off Lincoln and the state of Nebraska coming to game days. You can’t have as much personal interaction. So you have to have done that ahead of time because to still to this to me is about *** personal thing, but I’ve talked to players that were at the, you know, some of the biggest games in college football this year and they still say like, hey, coming to Colorado was the best experience they’ve had this year. So credit to our crowd and our game atmosphere, game operations and everything that uh that uh we were able to put out such *** good product. Um It was the second part of your question. I didn’t answer just seeing those young guys kind, that’s *** big deal with it. And then also, um, you know, as we will start to put out some pros, we’ll get some guys drafted this year, we’ll have guys drafted every year. And as, as guys come in, however they come in, whether they come in as like *** two star, whether they come as *** five star, they come as *** walk on the mark of *** good program is that they reach their potential. You know, if players are reaching their potential, then that’s where you should go. Uh, you wanna go somewhere, you know, if you’re, you know, if you’re *** big time five star recruit, you’re probably gonna be an NFL player no matter where you go. But did you max maximize your potential? Are you going for fourth round money? Are you going for first round money? And, um, you know, getting developed and getting coached and, and, uh, because of, because of the new era we’re in, there’s *** lot less football coaches and *** lot more recruiters and you need to have football coaches to develop players and that’s the pull that, that’s what makes the University of Nebraska great. Going back to coach Devanney, coach Osborne all the way through. So we’re just trying to do our part to maintain, you know, that tradition, I’m talking about development. Is there *** position group that you feel like has made? Maybe some of the biggest strides from training camp to where they are now. Um That probably better, probably better and all, probably *** better question for me next week. I, I’m so not, I’m so micro right now. Like, I’m so like, how in the world are we gonna, you know, get off the field on third down. How are we gonna score touchdowns in the red? I think next week is *** great time for me. I do *** lot of self reflection. Learned that from coach Kin in the bi we should talk about going from movies, try to go from good to great or from worst to first, depending what we were in. You know, it was always about improvement right now. It’s just been complete and total focus on Rutgers and trying to go one another this week and improve the team this week. Well, what I will say is I think you see *** team that has, um, really improved this week and tried to really improve the things that we, we, we’re not doing well. The number one thing being penalties, I mean, the, the number one problem with us, like we’re 100 and 24 out of 100 and 34 teams and penalties. The Rutgers is 11th out of 100 and 34. And, uh, we did *** presentation for the guys today. You know, we’re giving up *** score. I think we had 55 drives. I think we’ve given up six touchdowns and 10 field goals. I think it’s like 18% of people score, maybe percent score touchdowns. Four of the six touchdown drives are aided by *** penalty. So three of those are rated by 15 yard penalties and two of the four field drives are rated by *** penalty. So again, defensive pass interference, those things happen. I’m not here to talk offensive, holding that, that’s part of the game, but pre snap penalties and 15 yard penalties. Um, they have to be eliminated whether we, whether we agree with every call don’t agree with any call. The reality is Rutgers is 11th and we’re 124 and so we have to get that corrected. So that’s been *** big point of emphasis this week for us is getting the penalties corrected one more. Go back to Mission Buschini and kind of the, the work he’s done this year. I mean, kind of what you went through last year. How is his presence, just kind of helping that group kind of come along because he’s, he seems like *** pretty mature kid and always been through it very, very, very mature player. And I think he takes great ownership of that group. Like, hey, this is my group but you know, I can get up there and give all the teams speeches in the world, you know, um there’s nothing like there’s nothing like older players, mentoring younger players and saying, hey, I know what you’re going through right now. Let me tell you what I went through. It’s the most powerful, it’s the most powerful tonic there is for *** team. And so, you know, Brian has had these highs and lows and, you know, and he’s come out the other side. And so, um you know, I think sometimes players think improvement looks like this, but improvement really looks up down, up down and your highs become higher and your lows become higher, but you just go up and down, up and down. And so, um when they put the pressure of the world on their shoulders to not fail, which we all do um having someone there when they fail, pick them up, like Brian’s doing like, you know, M Marquis Buford’s doing, they, they’re able to bring those young guys along and say, hey, I got you. And that’s uh you know, if I do anything, well, I’m not the greatest play color but like I, we try to foster that environment here of, of development and growth and part of development is being there for people in their tough times. And I think Brian’s, we try to be there for him and now he’s there for those guys and so he’ll bring them through the other side, you know, Tristan is going through his injury and he goes red shirting, they’re all going through something different. But having *** guy like that, um, you know, and seeing the way he’s playing right now is really, really good and, you know, Rutgers, there’s no better team at blocking punts than Rutgers and so tremendous challenge for Brian this week to, you know, try to get the ball off before they get there. All right. Thank you. Good super man.

Nebraska football coach Matt Rhule gives injury update for defensive back Tommi Hill ahead of Rutgers game

The Huskers are seeking their second straight Big Ten win this season Saturday against Rutgers.Coach Matt Rhule previewed the game and gave an injury update for the Nebraska football team.See his full press conference in the video player above.

The Huskers are seeking their second straight Big Ten win this season Saturday against Rutgers.

Coach Matt Rhule previewed the game and gave an injury update for the Nebraska football team.

See his full press conference in the video player above.