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Everything about the new moon in October and what it means for your zodiac sign

Everything about the new moon in October and what it means for your zodiac sign

A ring of fire will light up the sky!

Stay tuned because this month’s new moon is also an annular solar eclipse beginning at 8:43 a.m. PT and ending at 2:47 p.m. PT on October 2nd. It peaks at 11:45 a.m. PT.

While all lunar phases have astrological significance, PEOPLE’s resident astrologer Kyle Thomas points out that solar eclipses are “three times more powerful than a normal new moon” and will “open a door for us as we embrace new opportunities, projects, plans and horizons.” . .”

The best thing about the eclipse’s cosmic effects? They have the potential to impact our lives both on the day of the eclipse and in the weeks surrounding the extraterrestrial event. Thomas therefore recommends “keeping your antennae up” to maximize the potential of the universe.

This solar eclipse takes place in Libra, the seventh zodiac sign on the wheel, which is focused on partnerships and commitments. “These stages put relationships front and center and often trigger significant partnerships or breakups,” he explains.

Among the many astrological aspects influencing October’s new moon is its conjunction with Mercury, which, according to Thomas, “will allow us to find a strong balance between our minds and our emotions” – but at the same time it is in harmony with Mars and can also “ignite emotions.” Minds.”

Venus, the planetary ruler of this lunar phase, is in a “perfect trine” to Mars and Saturn, meaning it is at an angle of harmony. “This means that if we build for the long term, we can achieve our personal and professional goals,” says Thomas.

Read on to find out what October’s new moon, which doubles with the solar eclipse, means for your zodiac sign!

Aries (March 21 – April 19)


Do you feel the urge to merge, Aries?

“A fateful new era in your relationships is upon us,” explains Thomas. “You may decide to grow closer by moving in soon, getting engaged, or tying the knot.”

If you’re single, Thomas says, you could “find a soulmate who offers long-term potential” now or in the coming months. “If you break up soon, you’ll be passed on to someone better.”

Aside from relationships, you can also benefit from this energy in your professional world! Perhaps you will “make plans with an agent, assistant, lawyer, or accountant” in your business ventures.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)


Prioritize yourself now, Taurus.

“New beginnings around health, productivity and employment call you out,” says Thomas. “You may be starting a new job, a milestone project, or a new routine. When you leave a job, you are pushed to find a place that values ​​you.”

Thomas considers this particular new moon “an excellent time” to start a new physical health endeavor, be it a new fitness or diet plan. Regardless, he says if you’re looking for a pet, “the universe might as well provide it at that time”!

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)


Life is great now, Gemini.

A planned new beginning around matters of the heart has arrived. The solar eclipse brings you a rush of passion around romance, true love, hobbies, fertility or creativity. Singles could find a soulmate connection. If you have children or want to have children, exciting news awaits you. Finally, if you are an artist, prepare to channel the muse or imagine a masterpiece of art.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

Cancer horoscope.

Home is where the heart is, Cancer!

“The universe brings extensive news about your domestic life, your home and your family,” says Thomas. “A breath of fresh air might make you want to move, renovate, relocate or redecorate.”

This madness can also draw your attention to “family matters.” Perhaps you will be called upon to “step in and help them,” he says.

Leo (July 23rd – August 22nd)


Don’t be afraid to think big, Leo!

“Be prepared for a flood of new ideas and activities,” says Thomas. “The eclipse invigorates your communication and intellect,” he explains, noting that “now you may launch a major writing, speaking, or advertising initiative, or secure a major contractual venture.”

However, Thomas says this craziness might instead “encourage you to get out of town and travel.” Maybe it makes you “visit nearby destinations” or “decide it’s time to meet up with a sibling.”

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

Horoscope Virgo.

Watch your money, Virgo!

“A big change is coming to your finances,” says Thomas. “You may suddenly be able to make more money with a raise, a part-time job, or a new job offer.”

If a job or source of income ends at this point, he advises you to “use this as an opportunity to assess your assets and find a better employer.”

Libra (September 23rd – October 22nd)


Reach for the stars, Libra!

“You grow and it’s completely clear,” says Thomas. “The solar eclipse illuminates your zodiac sign and begins a whole new era of your life.”

According to Thomas, this is “one of the most important points in your life for knowing what you want and forging the next chapter in your destiny.” Sudden new beginnings, new beginnings and opportunities will come your way, so go for it!

Scorpio (October 23rd – November 21st)


Listen to what your body and mind are telling you, Scorpio.

“You will feel the need to rest and recharge because of the solar eclipse,” explains Thomas. “This gives you the chance to make a fresh start when it comes to your mental health.”

Also, don’t be afraid to ask for advice or professional advice. Take the right steps to “streamline your life” so you can live a “happier and more efficient” life.

Sagittarius (November 22nd – December 21st)

Enjoy everything life has to offer, Sagittarius!

“A wonderful new beginning awaits you,” says Thomas. “This solar eclipse could open the door to one of the hopes and dreams of your heart.”

Additionally, Thomas says, “You may be able to expand your network, join communities that support you, or even meet a platonic soulmate.” He adds, “Know what fills you with joy and pursue it!”

Capricorn (December 22nd – January 19th)

You’re a boss, Capricorn!

“Get ready for a whole new era in your professional life,” says Thomas. “The eclipse will open a door for your career, your ambitions and your public recognition.”

“A great opportunity to climb the career ladder could arise,” he predicts, adding, “particularly in the form of an award, a promotion, a new job offer or an advertisement.” No matter what happens, reach for the stars!

Aquarius (January 20th – February 18th)


Take risks, Aquarius!

“Get ready for a new beginning and new horizons,” says Thomas. “The eclipse will help you get out of your comfort zone and see what else is out there.”

Whether it’s embarking on a long-distance trip, deciding to go back to school, or achieving something in a media-related endeavor, Thomas predicts that “something new is waiting” around this particularly powerful craze.

Pisces (February 19th – March 20th)


Evaluate your life in all areas, Pisces.

“You have a new beginning in the way you share, give and receive with a partner,” says Thomas. “If you’re on solid ground, you’ll probably discuss deepening your relationship. They will be magnetically drawn to each other.”

“You may hear news about a large severance package, payout, scholarship or inheritance,” he explains. “Think about getting more involved in stocks and investments because you could make big gains.”

Kyle Thomas — known for his cosmic guidance for celebrities, executives and celebrity influencers — is a celebrity astrologer who writes PEOPLE’s weekly horoscopes. Find out more about him here!