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What is wisdom? | Psychology today

What is wisdom? | Psychology today

“Shared Wisdom: 8 Scientific Elements of a Meaningful Life” by Dr. Laura Gabayan

Source: Redwood Publishing, LLC/Used with permission

What is wisdom? Can it be scientifically defined? People have defined wisdom in different ways for thousands of years, but many think, “I know it when I see it.” Can something so important be left to intuition, or can wisdom actually be quantified?

As a scientist, I was dissatisfied with the anecdotal and subjective definitions of wisdom I found, so I created the Wisdom Research Project and based on my findings wrote a book titled Shared Wisdom: 8 Scientific Elements of a Meaningful Life.

For the project, I interviewed 60 wise adults ages 50 to 79 across North America and scientifically defined wisdom as eight interconnected elements: resilience, kindness, positivity, spirituality, humility, tolerance, creativity, curiosity (in that order). To provide you with insight, let’s take a quick look at each of these eight elements.

1. Resilience

The most important element of wisdom identified was resilience, which is the idea that we continue to move forward regardless of the obstacle; we don’t give up. We are warriors, not victims.

With every obstacle come lessons that lead to greater wisdom. Things don’t happen To you, but for You. Obstacles help build our mental muscles and prove that a difficulty can be overcome.

2. Kindness

For those surveyed, friendliness was the second most important element. It wasn’t just about how they interacted with the world, but also about how they treated themselves. They also surrounded themselves with kindness.

While kindness was important to respondents, there are some cultures that view kindness as a weakness when in reality it is a sign of strength and confidence. It’s easy to be kind, and acts of kindness will be remembered by others forever.

3. Positivity

When it comes to positivity, perspective matters. While we cannot control our environment, we can control our thoughts. Positivity attracts positivity and can often counteract negativity. It’s also about the strong belief that we deserve to be happy. Not only does it feel good to be positive, but it can also improve your health and well-being.

Source: Redwood Publishing, LLC/Used with permission

8 life skills taught by Dr. Laura Gabayan was scientifically identified in the book “Common Wisdom”.

Source: Redwood Publishing, LLC/Used with permission

4. Spirituality

Spirituality is the belief that a higher power exists. This higher power is not visible in our physical world, but that does not mean it does not exist. This higher power can be referred to by various names, such as the universe, the divine, the great spirit or God.

The key is that we don’t see this higher power, we feel it. It is the feeling that an invisible force is watching over us or guiding us through our lives. This faith brings us comfort and peace.

5. Humility

Humility is a virtue that has been recognized over time, but now, in the age of social media, it has taken a back seat to an almost pathological need to show off. Humility allows for better social connections and an increased sense of emotional intelligence. A humble person is down to earth. Making others feel small does not make them feel big.

6. Tolerance

Tolerance also enables better social connections. A tolerant person is open-minded and considers other perspectives. Through our tolerance, we respect other opinions and are neither judgmental nor prejudiced. A tolerant person recognizes that we are all important and deserve respect.

7. Creativity

Creativity is an innate quality that we all possess since childhood. It allows for an imagination that goes beyond possibilities. It enables thoughts that go beyond ideas. When we are creative we can question what Is and then think about what could be.

8. Curiosity

According to my research, curiosity is the driving force of all elements of wisdom. It allows for change, growth and discovery. Similar to creativity, curiosity is an innate talent that we all possess since childhood.

Being curious means never taking things at face value and questioning the most obvious and simple concepts. This push for different perspectives is even more important today as we see a rise in misinformation.

Photo provided by Dr. Laura Gabayan

To help others increase their joy, happiness, and success, Dr. Laura Gabayan in her new book Insights into “Common Wisdom.”

Source: Photo by Dr. Laura Gabayan

The interesting thing is that even though I scientifically defined wisdom as eight elements, what I’ve really found is that these qualities are the key ingredients to living not just a good life, but a great life.

Applying these eight elements of “common wisdom” is difficult and will take time. Therefore, it is important to be patient and kind to yourself. These elements are all interconnected. Approach obstacles with resilience, positivity and creativity. Approach situations with curiosity. Treat people with kindness, humility and tolerance.

The most important thing in life is to maintain spirituality and live in faith, not in fear. Use these core life skills as a guide to mastering life and it will increase your joy, happiness and success.