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Driver distracted by YouTube videos accused of killing man while loading tow truck

Driver distracted by YouTube videos accused of killing man while loading tow truck

A driver is accused of tampering with evidence after allegedly watching YouTube videos in which he struck and killed a tow truck driver with his vehicle.

According to police, 29-year-old Shodmon Yuldashev was watching YouTube videos behind the wheel of his semi-truck on Wednesday, September 25, when he struck and killed a man standing on the side of the road.

The accident occurred on Interstate 64 in Bath County, Kentucky. Officials say the 54-year-old victim, Troy Caldwell, was loading his tow truck with another vehicle when he was killed by the impact.

Yuldashev faces multiple charges, according to police, but he may also have known he was in the wrong when he reportedly tried to manipulate his YouTube history after the accident.

Police allege Yuldashev attempted to turn off and hide his tablet during his arrest, which led to him being charged with tampering with physical evidence.

Troy Caldwell is survived by his father and wife.

After learning of Caldwell’s death, a longtime tow truck employee said he died doing what he “loved,” adding that Caldwell always put safety first.

“He was just a really upstanding guy, he loved what he did,” Bubba Johnson said.

“He was ‘Mr. “Security,” I mean, he kept checking, was always dressed in fluorescent gear, I mean, he was the one you would want to be the front man for the safety meeting.”

Other tow truck drivers also came together as a community to pay their respects to their friend.

“The number of towing companies that came out and showed their support for a fallen veteran of our industry was breathtaking and gave goosebumps to everyone who saw it. “Troy would have been absolutely amazed by this, he was such a great guy he probably never dreamed he would be smiling from ear to ear,” Johnson shared on TikTok.

Morehead Police Chief Derrick Blevins also commented on Caldwell’s death, saying it was a “grievous loss.”

“Troy is just a nice guy, always willing to do anything you ask him to do,” Blevins said. “He did his best at accident scenes, so it’s a tough loss for everyone.”

According to Caldwell’s obituary, he is survived by his father and wife. He also had many hobbies that he pursued passionately. “He loved the work and enjoyed collecting Hot Wheels and baseball cards, woodworking and spending time with his family and friends. We will miss him very much,” the obituary says.

Aside from Caldwell’s sudden death, three other people died in early September when a bus overturned on a narrow highway in Brazil. Although a journalist reported the news from the crime scene, influencer MC Livinho cut her camera time short with a dance routine.

After he went viral, netizens were not happy with the social media influencer acting like nothing happened and called him “disrespectful.”