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Do you need to save more for retirement? Study says you’re not alone

Do you need to save more for retirement? Study says you’re not alone

For most workers, a comfortable retirement is the end goal. Unfortunately, 57% of workers are unsure about their ability to retire comfortably, according to Bankrate’s latest retirement planning survey. Part of that doubt may stem from uncertainty about when Social Security will run out of money. However, the study revealed interesting generational differences. Younger workers tend to be more optimistic, probably because they have more time to save. In some cases they take action; Gen Z workers are the most likely to say they are saving “a lot more” or “a little more” than they did last year.

And you? Are you taking action? No matter your age, you can take steps now to ensure a financially healthy retirement.

The main results of the survey

  • More than half, or 57%, of American workers feel they are behind on their retirement savings.
  • More than 30% feel significantly behind.
  • Over 60% of employees are paying more or about the same amount into their retirement savings as they did a year ago.
  • But 37% are paying less than they were a year ago.
  • Nearly half (48%) of American workers with a retirement goal don’t think they’re likely to save that much.

Retirement provision according to age