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A British priest warns Americans not to let the left “degrade” U.S. values

A British priest warns Americans not to let the left “degrade” U.S. values

British Anglican Catholic priest and conservative commentator Calvin Robinson issued a stark warning to Americans about the direction he believes the U.S. could be heading.

“Please don’t do what we did,” he warned Americans in an interview with The Christian Post. “Please don’t just sit back and let liberals ruin the rest of everything you know and love.”

Robinson, who recently moved to the United States to lead a full-time pastorate in Michigan, argued that spiritual and political forces have undermined British and Christian values ​​in his home country, and he sees the same trends in the United States.

“Be careful. American culture is a fantastic culture. Hold them, nurture them, encourage them. If you want to become multicultural and let other cultures in, you have to think about it. But don’t give it up to the detriment of yourself,” he pleaded in an interview with The Christian Post.

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Anti-immigrant riots broke out in England after the murder of three girls in Southport. (Drik/Getty Images)

In the summer, unrest rocked England after three children were murdered by a 17-year-old suspect, born in Wales to Rwandan parents, who was wrongly identified as an illegal immigrant.

Robinson criticized the government for threatening to jail citizens it found guilty of sharing inflammatory social media posts about the unrest, while reportedly releasing criminals from facilities to deal with the problem to solve overcrowding.

The UK “seems to have imploded and completely lost its common sense,” he said.

The priest previously told The Christian Post he felt Britain was on the brink of “civil war” as tensions grew over the country’s commitment to “diversity” and multiculturalism.


Keir Starmer

British Prime Minister Keir Starmer previously condemned the summer unrest in the United Kingdom as a “far-right brawl.” (AP Photo/Jon Super)

Robinson also believes that far-left ideologies seeping into the Church of England have helped to undermine the influence of Christianity in England.

“The Church of England has become very liberal on divorce, extramarital sex, same-sex relationships and transgenderism,” Robinson told the medium. “And every time the church tries to be more inclusive, it actually becomes more exclusive to Christianity and Christian values ​​and more inclusive to secular values ​​and just pushes that downward trend further.”

“It’s a great shame,” he said.

Robinson told The Christian Post he believes America is following these trends down the same path, but no matter what happens, he trusts God is in control.


Stock images of praying priests and US flag

Fr. Calvin Robinson urged Christians not to sit back in the face of these problems, but also not to despair. (iStock)

“I don’t despair at all,” he said. “Despair is a sin. There’s no point in despairing. Like I said, empires rise and fall. When this empire – the British Empire or Western civilization – falls, it is our duty to think about the bigger picture and remember that God has a plan, and He only allows things to happen for a reason .”

In an interview with Fox News Digital last year, Robinson said that liberalism was “the biggest threat to.” [Christianity]” at the moment.

“[L]Iberalism is even more distorted [than Islam]”,” he said, “in the sense of something that sounds compassionate, sounds empathetic, but isn’t actually true, to get people to believe in it, like trans-queer theory, gender theory, the critical race.” theory.”

Each of these radical liberal ideas “comes from a place,” he continued. “And it really is, I mean, we call it ‘Neo-Marxism“, but it is really communism that we know is incompatible with the Christian faith because it is the work of the enemy… And therefore we should not relax our vigilance against communism. We should definitely not allow it to be neo-Marxism, and therefore we should not give up on liberalism either.”

Fox News’ Gabriel Hays contributed to this report.